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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

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Topics - MotoRogers499

Bug Reports / rider lean greyed out
May 13, 2020, 06:10:23 AM
Haven't played MX-Bikes in awhile, and when I try to play, my rider lean controls are greyed out and I am unable to set them. I've tried with both Xbox one controller and ps4 controller with no luck. Is it a driver problem? both controllers work perfect in other games.
Bug Reports / (BETA 2) Profiles arent saving
November 24, 2014, 11:59:45 PM
Pretty much it. I create a profile, click done, do all of my settings, then come back to the profile menu and its gone. Sometimes it will save, but as soon as I exit MXB and re open it, the profile is gone again.
Suggestions and wishlist / More Realistic Rider Movements
November 10, 2014, 06:23:37 PM
Im sure this will be improved in the future, and there is no rush, but right now the rider lean doesnt feels right. I feel like the wrong things are happening when I lean forward/backward/sideways. Also, the rider feels connected to the bike, and the movements are super sketch. It would be extremely difficult to simulate, but something like this would be a dream come true:
(ignore the tutorial part, first video i found)


As you can see, the body and bike moves seperately, on its own. The rider doesnt get bucked with the bike. In sections like these, I want to make sure im able to dip my back tire and improved rider movements can help. I feel like if I come across a section like this in the current build, the rider will just stay with the bike and get bucked around as you bounce off the tops. In no way am I demanding this, just a suggestion for the future. :D

Off Topic / Computer/Tech Q&A
June 12, 2014, 06:04:18 PM
Hey guys, today I have a few questions about PC monitors. First let me just say sorry for the new topic, I didnt really know where to ask this, but now whenever somebody has a questiom they can just come here instead of making new topics every time. Plus this community seems really knowledgable and willing to help. Anyways...

My question is what exactly am I looking for in a PC monitor? Looking for something game-able here. And would a smaller HDTV work like a monitor? I knoe the pixel density is much lower and not made for close up viewing, but what would i be missing out on if I didn't have a monitor? Also, whats the limit for response time here? Avg im seeing is 5ms on pc monitors and my TV has like 8ms and doesnt visibly have any blur or pixel lag. Ive never compared, but still. If I got a monitor, is there any point in going lower than 5ms? I see them going down to 2ms response time all the way to 1ms. Could you actually notice a difference? I want my moneys worth and im not paying extra for anything unless there is a significant benefit from it. Ive just never really realized how much of a difference a quality display could make until now so just wondering what to look for and how to get the most out of my money. Sorry for question raid, my knowledge is limited and ive made 1 too many bad buys in the past.


Off Topic / PSN/Steam/Origin/Live Accounts
April 09, 2014, 05:25:59 PM
Hey all! Here you can post your gamertags and accounts if you wish to pass some time with the MXB community. Thought it would be cool :)

Xbox Live - SummiX
Steam - Summix5

I have Origin, but never online. Same with PSN.

Ok, those who have played MXS know the one major physics flaw - the only way to turn is by counter steer. There is no rider lean for side to side. If we had this, I think it would add a certain realism that few games have - as long as the rider lean actually does something (not just animation, but a way to shift weight).

Rider weight shift/lean would be a great advantage in technical sections, enduro tracks, tight forested tracks, etc, which is something MXS had a hard time with. Counter steer and a static rider when it comes to s/s movement doesn't cut it. And  I dont want rider lean back/forward and side/side. I want complete weight shift. Wherever i put the stick, is the direction i want the rider to lean to.

It would give each player a chance to develop their own technique. In motocross, there is alot of body language and movement. This is all correcting the bike, or keeping your body straight and letting the bike move underneath you, or maneuvering around obstacles etc.

Some examples of weight shift and rider correction:

And if your feeling daring you could even watch these as examples - pay close attention to rider movements:


And you all know how in tight, technical corners you kinda lean into the corner ahead of time, but keep the bike upright until you reach the corner and quickly bring the bike down to your body's leaning angle. Turnin the bike quick an sudden, while standing your body back up from that sexy rut. I wanna be able to do this.

You could kinda counter and correct mistakes like the bike being jerked sideways or being stood up in a rut. In MXS, you have to hit ruts PERFECT, or its a no-go. Perfect lean angle and speed, or you're a duster.
BUT... say you are coming in too fast, and cant slow down in time to hit it perfect. Start leanin in with your body, but keep the bike upright as much as you can (In MXS you would have fallen at this point, because the lean angle you would have to be at to hit the rut would make you slide out) then, once you get close to that rut, yank the bike down to your body lean angle. Uh-Oh, hit it too hard? No problem, keep that bike in the rut and use the rider weight to squat that seat, counter weight kinda thing. Or have you leaned in to far into the rut and close to falling? Stand the bike up, keep your body where the bike was, and brap. brappp. One of the example images show this.

So I want rider lean, front/back and side/side, but be able to do both at once.. like... lean back and to the left, or lean forward and to the right. Wherever i push that analog stick, is where i want that rider to go.
This is not eliminating the counter steer control. I still want this. Counter steer control PLUS rider weight shift and lean.

I apologize if any of this doesn't make sense, it is very hard to explain. Hopefully you guys understood :P
Suggestions and wishlist / Realistic Risks.
February 20, 2014, 12:31:36 AM
realistic falloff and crashes. If you have to physically run over to your bike/pick it up, etc, i think it would be awesome! Plus its eliminating all the goons who take stupid risks just because they can. In a video game, you respawn and all is well. In real life you dont see people doing these crazy 5-5-6-5 rythem sections like on most MX games. You have fear in real life, fear that if you take the chance, you might fail. Hurt yourself, or hurt the bike! :( We dont have fear in games, So i think adding a realistic falloff would be cool, because the possibility of loosing 15+ seconds because of a crash can really make people back off. Also maybe we can have a health bar, Also giving that fear simulation. You fall, you lose health, making rider reactions slower. You fall again, lose more health. Even slower rider movements/reactions. Uh-Oh!! lost all your health points? You're out for the race, broken neck! I think these ideas can really help give people a sense of fear. Making them not go too crazy, as you would in most video games.