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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

Daily development (MXB related)

Started by philiaN, October 19, 2016, 12:43:03 PM

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October 19, 2016, 12:43:03 PM Last Edit: January 18, 2017, 01:50:27 PM by philiaN
* Released MX Bikes beta4 29.02.2016

* MXB: updated the master server

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: support for shared skies models

* MXB: fixed the records stats

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for plugins sprite color

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the track background lighting

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for a dedicated track layout image

* GPB / MXB: fixed a few bugs with stats recording and web pages

* KRP / MXB: some tuning of the websites

* KRP / MXB: revision of the registration web pages

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the primary monitor detect, hence the default resolution

* MXB: added race1 results to the rating calculation

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improvements to the custom profiles support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a sound problem when loading the settings during a replay and when exiting a replay

* GPB / MXB: fixed the bike setup during a replay

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more improvements to the custom profiles support

* MXB: fixed the plugins output in the replay

* KRP / MXB: allowed to assign front and rear brake controls on the same input

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: started update of the Rift SDK to the latest 1.3

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the high-res screenshots track animations

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the track animations timer

* MXB: allowed setting rear brake and clutch on the same input

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed support for spectating / replay cameras control from plugins

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improvements to controller profiles support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed self-lighting emission support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for objects receiving no lighting

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: updated the tyre editor to the latest data format

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for random sky

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed support for controllers profiles

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: integrated the xinput plugin in the installer

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the reflections on skinned meshes

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: some bug fixes and improvements to the controller profiles support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: some minor engine debugging

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to update to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to update to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: code cleanup

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improvements to the joystick calibration

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improvements to the joystick calibration

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improved the input plugins interface

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: updated the XInput plugin

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for controller profiles for the plugin controllers, too

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: more work on the upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: added number of gears, max rpm and "unactive" fields to the SPluginsRaceAddEntry_t plugins structure

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: more work on the upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: more work on the upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: more work on the upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: completed the upgrade to Oculus SDK 1.3

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: added rotation tracking in the user interface for proper Oculus support

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: improved the Oculus rendering of the user interface background

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: work to improve the resolution setting

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: added debug code to try to find the mouse pointer bug

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: misc bug fixing

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: misc bug fixing

* GPB / WRS / MXB / KRP: misc bug fixing and a little change in sprgen

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: a little improvement for mouse and resolution debug

* WRS / MXB: improved terrain rendering: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1118

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: synced them all to the latest codebase

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added the yaw angle to the plugins track position

* GPB / MXB: added the lean angle to the plugins vehicle data

* WRS / MXB: started work to support extra centerlines

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to support extra centerlines, and to have the dynamic track surface in the pitlane, start area and joker lap route, too

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to support extra centerlines, specifically on the TrackEd

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed the work on TrackEd to support extra centerlines

* WRS / MXB: started support for checkpoints for the start area and joker route

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added support for the dynamic track surface in the pitlane, start area and joker route, too: http://forum.piboso.com/index.php?topic=2991.msg58626

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: debugging of 3D grass generation with x64 export plugin

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the 3D grass generation with x64 export plugin

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: integrated the multiple centerlines in the trackside cameras code, too

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: support for open centerlines

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: started work on OpenVR / Vive support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work on OpenVR / Vive support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work on OpenVR / Vive support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: a few optimizations to track collisions code, and fixed a bug with both heightmap and 3d mesh in the same track

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed the OpenVR DLL

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: cleanup of several memory leaks

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: improved Oculus support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added the Oculus mirroring to the window

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a few TrackEd bugs

* WRS / MXB: fixed a TerrainEd bug

* KRP / MXB: added the start centerline and surface to Holjes

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the rendering path with dynamic track surface and dual texture with alpha blending

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the rendering path with dynamic track surface and dual texture with alpha blending with rain reflections, too

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug in the Oculus mirroring to window

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug in the race classification gap calculation

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed some bugs in TrackED and updated the track tools: http://forum.piboso.com/index.php?topic=2331.msg60602#msg60602

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: debugging of normals conversion in FBX2EDF

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: updated the track tools to improve the FBX2EDF normals generation for models exported from Blender: http://forum.piboso.com/index.php?topic=3565.msg60923#msg60923

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug limiting the categories in the vehicle selection page after joining a server with restricted categories

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: updated the track tools to fix a bug introduced in the latest version of FBX2EDF

* GPB / WRS / MXB: added code to calculate the damping ratio at the wheel

* GPB / MXB / WRS: added the suspension natural frequency calculation

* GPB / MXB: tuning of the dampers

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: tuning of the 3d grass and marbles draw distance

* GPB / MXB: changed the plugins interface to switch the suspension normalized length with the actual travel, and added the shock velocity to the telemetry, too

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug with joystick calibration ( KRP Beta15b coming soon... )

* GPB / MXB: started work to improve the reset functionality

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug in the xinput plugin

* GPB / MXB: more work to improve the reset functionality

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: now the dedicated server saves the replay after each session, instead of a single save at the end

* GPB / WRS / MXB: started work on shape blend support, mainly for spring animation ( but in the future it could be useful for KRP, too, to show the chassis deformation )

* GPB / WRS / MXB: completed work on shape blend support, and modified FBX2EDF to convert it ( integration in the 3dsmax export plugins coming later )

* GPB / MXB: brand new bike reset system

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added normals re-calculation support for the FBX shape blend

* GPB / WRS / MXB: added start area and joker lap checkpoints support in TrackEd

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: updated TrackEd to generate the bestline loading the latest replays

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: assembled and set up the new PC for Vive debug

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: debug of the OpenVR ( Vive ) interface

* MXB: fixed the onboard view model parts animations

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more debug of the OpenVR ( Vive ) interface

* GPB / MXB: finally found a way to reliably replicate the ODE crash. Started debugging.

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: synced all to the latest, updated, plugins interface, and fixed some bugs

* GPB / MXB: ported the latest version of the controller profiles support

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: general bug fixing

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB:  more debug of the OpenVR ( Vive ) interface

* MXB: increased the max FOV setting to 110

* MXB: increased the number of tearoffs to 15

* MXB: ported the latest improvements from KRP and WRS

* MXB: added the track category selection in the user interface

* MXB: added a quick reset

* MXB: added the possibility to offset the chase view laterally

* MXB: added a new control that allows to place a track marker, and reset the bike to it

* GPB / MXB: suspensions' tuning

* GPB / MXB: added the generation of the checkpoints lines in TrackEd

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the testing plugins classification data

* GPB / MXB: more work on the new reset

* GPB / MXB: more work on the new reset functionality, including TrackEd data generation

* GPB / MXB: more work on the bike reset

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: some debugging of TrackEd

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added a little hack to the 3dsmax export plugins

* GPB / MXB: more work on the bike reset

* GPB / MXB: fixed the setup html export

* GPB / MXB: added a delay to the tearoff

* MXB: started integration of the secret control

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: work on the track tools

* GPB / MXB: fixed a bug in the rocker - chassis linkage geometry

* GPB / MXB: fixed a bug in the rear suspension simulation

* GPB / MXB: tuning of the rear suspension physics data because unfortunately the bug affected the simulation

* MXB: work on the rider's animations

* GPB / MXB: more work on physics data tuning

* MXB: more work on the rider's animations

* GPB / MXB: fixed a couple bugs in the rocker - chassis linkage geometry support, when the shock link is higher than the rocker link to the chassis ( example: Panigale )

* GPB / MXB: fixed some bugs that prevented rear suspensions geometries not aligned with the bike's central axis ( example: Panigale )

* MXB: more work on the rider's animations

* GPB / MXB: more work on the rear suspension simulation

* GPB / MXB: some fixes to the new reset functionality

* GPB / MXB: work on BikeEd

* MXB: tuning of the physics data

* GPB / MXB: added a graph to the physics debug mode to show the effect of the forks oil level on the spring strength

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: installed Windows 10 on a test PC and found the bug that makes the image bigger than the screen when in fullscreen

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a bug in the resolution setting

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the bug that caused the screen to be bigger than the monitor in fullscreen

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a few bugs in the settings page

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a few more bugs in the settings page

* GPB / MXB: work on BikeEd

* GPB / MXB: work to improve the suspensions's simulation

* MXB: exported the latest, revised, rider animations

* GPB / MXB: work on the rear suspension geometry simulation

* GPB / MXB: work on BikeEd

* GPB / MXB: fixed a bug in the rear suspension simulation

* GPB / MXB: fixed a bug the quick reset

* MXB: work on the rider's physics simulation

* MXB: tuning of the suspensions' physics data

* MXB: work on the tyres simulation on dirt

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a VR bug when forced to pits after a session ends

* GPB / WRS / MXB: fixed the race length when reconnecting to a server

* MXB: work on the tyres simulation on dirt

* MXB: added the lean heading option

* MXB: added the option for an on-screen sign to show when the rider is standing, in the cockpit views

* MXB: more work on the tyres simulation on dirt

* GPB / MXB: work to improve BikeEd

* MXB: more work on the tyres simulation on dirt

* MXB: integrated new rider animations

* MXB: more work on the tyres simulation on dirt

* MXB: work on the rider animations

* MXB: a little bit of work on rider animations

* GPB / MXB: work on BikeEd

* GPB / MXB: released updated BikeEd: http://forum.piboso.com/index.php?topic=1458.msg64828#msg64828

* MXB: tuning of the bikes' suspensions

* MXB: completed the suspensions' tuning

* MXB: fixed a bug with too many paints

* GPB / MXB: fixed a setup compare bug

* MXB: more work on the tyres simulation on dirt

Beta 5 updates so far - postponed


October 19, 2016, 06:24:51 PM #1 Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 01:00:25 AM by philiaN
Netcode Updates

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: started adding more logs and statistics to multiplayer


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: work to add more logs and statistics to multiplayer

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: started adding debug code to the master server to understand why it doesn't log servers after about a month


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to add logs and statistics to multiplayer

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to add debug code to the master server


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: completed the logging and display of all the netcode messages

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: debugging of the dynamic track surface


* GPB / MXB: restored the old reset system, when pressing for more than three seconds, as a fallback when the lines are missing

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more debugging of the dynamic track surface


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a few dynamic track surface bugs

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: optimized the dynamic track surface bandwidth usage


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: rewrite of some code for better organization


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB : crashes' debugging

* GPB / MXB: fixed a tyre simulation bug that caused crashes on soft terrains


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: added the shader for surfaces with shadows and specular only ( no bump )


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to log crashes


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: more work to log and fix crashes


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed a very nasty bug in the file system


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: optimized the memory usage

* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: fixed the realtime reflections after a resolution change


* GPB / WRS / KRP / MXB: general multiplayer testing and debugging