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OEM pack - Master Thread - MegaBraap! (v0.15.1)

Started by Asdrael, November 05, 2017, 09:16:34 PM

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    16.06.2020 OEM v0.14.3 – Ride Red (and stiff)


    Thanks to Giorgio, we now have a pretty rad looking CR 250R 1997 in the pack! Be thankful that he decided to try his hand at modelling bikes... Also, I need to apologize: after spending unhealthy amount of hours tuning the behaviour of the suspensions for the last pack, I made a big mistake. Long story short: the forks were definitely not working properly so I fixed that. Should be better all around now, significantly. Sorry again!

    This pack is not just an update of the bikes that were already released but a massive change in over half the pack. As this was a large undertaking, with a massive move toward 2020 line-up and custom suspensions amongst other things let me get this out of the way: I didn't do it alone and you have to thank:
    • philiaN for organizing everything and enabling many model updates
    • iNsane for importing, animating and covering in mud the new bikes
    • Vortex_Damien for the new Husky and KTM models
    • Ruubs for the KX model
    • Giorgio for the CR 1997 model
    • LC Création on Discord for the TM model
    • Stonerider for his work on (re)skinning most of the bikes.
    • Tjark on Discord for the Gas gas and the Husky paints
    • Shack on Discord for amazing input on suspensions and discussions on the topic! We own that guy a big one when it comes to bike handling.
    • All the other modders who made, imported, worked on some magic for the previous models we still use like TFC, RC, as well as ExtremeManiac and Benji on the MXS forums
    • And of course, all the people who gave feedback, helped, and even donated to the OEM project!

    Please take your time to read the whole post! It's a 2 gigs DL, so don't tell me you don't have time...

    Installation instruction

    If you can read:
    Unzip into your mods folder. That's it.
    Download this pack from MEGA.nz or MediaFire . 2Gb so take your time. DELETE ALL PREVIOUS OEM BIKES if coming from beta 13. If you had v0.14.1, no need to delete, just overwrite.. Unzip and put in your /bikes folder in your mods directory, which you can find in C:\Users\UserName\Documents\PiBoSo\MX Bikes\mods. It contains all the OEM bikes released so far, updated for Beta14. The bikes can then be found in game in their own category: MX1 OEM and MX2 OEM for four strokes, MX1-2t OEM and MX2-2t OEM for 2 strokes. (server hosts: don't forget to enable those categories or put the server to Open if you want to allow those bikes).

    If you cannot read and have the attention span of a dead octopus:
    YouTube tutorial

    What's inside?
    The pack currently contains 30 bikes, all original models that received the OEM treatment. This means that every single bike uses values and specs in accordance to their real life equivalent, as far as I could find them or extract them from pictures and reviews. This is valid for the geometry (wheelbase, rake angle...) and the engine (gear ratios, HP curve...). So each bike is unique – try them all!

    • Alta MX and MXR 2018
    • Honda CR 125 and 250 1996, CR250R 1997, CRF 250 and 450 2020
    • Husqvarna TC 125 and 250 2020, FC 250, 350 and 450 2020
    • Kawasaki KX(F) 250 and 450
    • KTM 125, 150 and 250 SX 2020, 250, 350 and 450 SX-F 2020
    • Suzuki RM 125 and 250 2003, RMZ 250 and 450 2020
    • TM 250 and 450 MX Fi 2020
    • Yamaha: YZ 125 and YZ 250 2017, YZF 250 and 450

    Significant changes this version
    • Added CR250R 1997, model by Giorgio
    • Fork fixed. I messed up when transferring my work from my test bike to the OEM bikes, so it was disregarding a dampening stage. Rebound and compression should behave better
    • Added the option to add gas above the MX specs in prevision of Krakenberg (just add gas in the garage). Max spec based on Acerbis / IMS plastic tanks.

    All bikes come with stock sounds (+no pop mod). I would strongly recommend looking at our friend lBEYERl's sound mods database if you want something custom.

    Random setup advice
    • Four strokes have 3 engine maps each. Stock, low meaning more hp in the low end, and high, the opposite.
    • Stock suspensions are tuned with "MXA race test" values. In game, a good starting point is 30/60 sag front and 35/105-110 sag rear.
    • Fork offset and rear axle position can make a huge difference in handling.
    • Some bikes wash out more easily than others when braking. This is due to geometry and suspension difference. Try making the fork softer and/or increasing front brake travel to 20mm.
    • Some bikes are very "soft" stock (cough KTM), some are very "stiff" (cough Kawi). This is a by-product of manufacturer specs, and the fact that I frankly couldn't be arsed to custom build suspension dampening curves for all bikes. So play with the setup.
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    CBM Racing


    hi all... great job guys with the new OEM PACK...i have some problem for understand somethings, for example....why exist a lot of difference btw 450 4t and 250 2t...im talking about power of their engines... theres not a big difference in real life, both engines are similar HP, so the power btw these bikes are unreal...
    in some tracks theres several jumps that you can do it on a 450cc 4t in 2nd gear and you cant do it on a 250cc 2t in full throttle.. by the way i tested the new 250cc honda 97´ and this bike is more weak than a 250 cc 4t too, like all 250 cc 2t... the equal power in real life is 125cc 2t btw 250cc 4t, and 250cc 2t btw 450cc 4t.. you know what i mean??  ;)  ;)  ;) 


    Quote from: MXJOTA on June 15, 2020, 09:55:18 PMhi all... great job guys with the new OEM PACK...i have some problem for understand somethings, for example....why exist a lot of difference btw 450 4t and 250 2t...im talking about power of their engines... theres not a big difference in real life, both engines are similar HP, so the power btw these bikes are unreal...
    in some tracks theres several jumps that you can do it on a 450cc 4t in 2nd gear and you cant do it on a 250cc 2t in full throttle.. by the way i tested the new 250cc honda 97´ and this bike is more weak than a 250 cc 4t too, like all 250 cc 2t... the equal power in real life is 125cc 2t btw 250cc 4t, and 250cc 2t btw 450cc 4t.. you know what i mean??  ;)  ;)  ;) 

    A modern 450f makes close to 60 hp. A 250 2 strokes makes 45hp or so. The real issue is, the 450f can maintain over 50hp over a range of 4000 rpm, while 4000rpm is basically what a 250 2 strokes needs to go from 0 to top hp and back to 0.

    A 250f peaks at around 45hp, and can maintain over 35 hp over more than 4000 rpm range.

    So yeah, a 450f destroys a 250 2 stroke, and a modern 250 2 stroke is comparable to a modern 250 4 strokes. Blame 15 years of development and a shitty FIM rulebook :p
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    YUP BUDDY 450F destroy 250 2strokes... but for example crf 450 2020 makes on dyno 53hp not close to 60hp, and kxf 250 2020 (most powerfull 250F) makes 39hp, ktm 250sx makes 49,50 hp on dyno... this is just info bro,...im talking about the game of course.. i understand perfectly the issue with rpm but from my point of view the 250 2 strokes in the game can be a lil bit faster or give it some more power at the final of the curve...because in 4th gear the engine start to die...
    It is just an appreciation, not for you to take it wrong ... I love the work you have done man, congratulation for that... but believe me I have run in motocross 10 years, the 450f is more powerful than the 250 2-stroke, but on a track the things are not so different...take it as a tip... king regards asdrael!


    Quote from Dirt Bike shoot out

    HONDA CRF450R Peak HP: 57.51, Peak Torque: 35.13

    Quote from Motocross Action Mag YZ250 vs YZ250f


    These specs seem pretty close to what Asdrael has said. Also you're saying there is no difference, but now the 450 destroys the 250 2t on track? I'm lost  ;D

    Gearing is different too though. I ride the 250 2t in game a lot and there aren't many tracks where I run out of gear.. I can get the uphill triple on Ironman on the 150 clean and laroccos on the 250, just don't let them bog!


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    Quote from: Asdrael on June 16, 2020, 10:42:35 PMFIRST POST UPDATED: NINJA UPDATE FOR BETA 14E - REDOWNLOAD THE PACK!

    appreciate the quick update :]


    absolutely love the 97 honda250 great job. are you making any other icons?


    Quote from: RandyBunn on July 28, 2020, 08:24:50 PMabsolutely love the 97 honda250 great job. are you making any other icons?

    So fun to rip around on eh? some old N->style graphics would be sweet too...


    is there any way we can get the template for the 97 cr250? I would love to make some custom graphics for it


    Quote from: jtrs_61 on July 28, 2020, 10:44:38 PM
    Quote from: RandyBunn on July 28, 2020, 08:24:50 PMabsolutely love the 97 honda250 great job. are you making any other icons?


    So fun to rip around on eh? some old N->style graphics would be sweet too...
    my fav even after the 2021 honda 450


    Hello and thanks you so much for this update! I just love the new 1997 CR250! Do you planed to release it as a 125cc? and supermoto version?
    By the way, i have another question: I wish to change the sound of the 1997 CR250, but the folder is empty! Is this normal? How do i do to change the sound?
    €dit: it's ok i just found the new sound mods, thanks :)


    November 11, 2020, 09:25:21 PM #313 Last Edit: January 06, 2021, 11:08:14 AM by Asdrael
    11.11.2020 OEM v0.15.1 – MegaBraap

    Here we are! Updated OEM pack to introduce a new fantastic CR500AF, thanks to GioPanda, and update the entire KTM range to 2021 models, the YZF to 2020 and the CRF450 to 2021 - and obviously all bikes are now updated to the new possibilities offered by b15 and tuned by me to hopefully give you great fun (and realistic values). This means suspensions values and bike inertia are specific to this new batch of OEMs, as well as the engines. And last but not least, all bikes come with the best of Beyer's sound mods stock.

    As this is more and more a team effort. Major thanks go to:
    • philiaN for organizing everything and enabling many model updates
    • iNsane for importing, animating and covering in mud the majority of the bikes
    • Vortex_Damien for the Husky, RMZ and CRF 250 models
    • Ruubs for the KX model
    • Giorgio for the CR250 1997, CR500AF and KTM 2021 models
    • LC Création on Discord for the TM model and the CRF450 2021
    • mx965 on the MXS forums for letting us use the YZF 2020 models and skins.
    • Stonerider for his work on (re)skinning some of the bikes.
    • GreenLenux on Discord for the YZF paints
    • Shack on Discord for amazing input on suspensions and discussions on the topic! We own that guy a big one when it comes to bike handling.
    • All the other modders who made, imported, worked on some magic for the previous models we still use like TFC, RC, as well as ExtremeManiac and Benji on the MXS forums
    • Beyer on Discord for his amazing sounds (I can't play without them, and from now on, neither will you ;) )
    • And of course, all the people who gave feedback, helped, and even donated to the OEM project!

    Please take your time to read the whole post!
    It's a 2 gigs DL, so don't tell me you don't have time...

    Installation instructions
    If you can read:
    • Delete all your previous OEM bikes .pkz and folders.
    • Download the full OEM v0.15.1 pack from either MEGA.nz or Mediafire. 2Gb so take your time.
    • Unzip into your C:\Users\UserName\Documents\PiBoSo\MX Bikes\mods\bikes folder
    • Done
    The bikes can then be found in game in their own category: MX1 OEM and MX2 OEM for four strokes, MX1-2t OEM and MX2-2t OEM for 2 strokes, MX3 for the forum big cc bikes (currently only CR500AF). (server hosts: don't forget to enable those categories or put the server to Open if you want to allow those bikes).

    If you cannot read and have the attention span of a dead octopus:
    YouTube tutorial.

    Note on "modded mods":
    If you have custom skins and/or custom sounds installed in your OEM bikes folder, I trust you know a bit more about modding than the average user. As a reminder: back them up and don't blindly delete the skins. List of compatible bikes from v0.14 to v0.15 further down.

    What's inside?
    The pack currently contains 31 bikes, all original models that received the OEM treatment. This means that every single bike uses values and specs in accordance to their real life equivalent, as far as I could find them or extract them from pictures and reviews. This is valid for the geometry (wheelbase, rake angle...) and the engine (gear ratios, HP curve...). So each bike is unique – try them all!

    • Alta MX and MXR 2018
    • Honda CR 125 and 250 1996, CR250R 1997, CRF 250 2020, CRF 450 2021 and CR500AF
    • Husqvarna TC 125 and 250 2020, FC 250, 350 and 450 2020
    • Kawasaki KX(F) 250 and 450
    • KTM 125, 150 and 250 SX 2021, 250, 350 and 450 SX-F 2021
    • Suzuki RM 125 and 250 2003, RMZ 250 and 450 2020
    • TM 250 and 450 MX Fi 2020
    • Yamaha: YZ 125 and YZ 250 2017, YZF 250 and 450 2020

    This means all the KTM 2020, the CRF450F 2020, the YZF250 and YZF450 2016 are OUT and no longer supported - their respective paints are not compatible with the newer models.

    Significant changes this version
    • Added CR500AF, model by Giorgio. There is a surprise there, make sure to check the garage!
    • Added the KTM 2021 range to replace the 2020, thanks to Giorgio as well!
    • Added the YZF250 and YZF450 2020 to replace the 2016 model, thanks to mx965 for letting us use it and iNsane for importing.
    • All b15 improvements and tuning has been implemented - discover all the new settings in the garage.
    • Suspensions have been tuned to be stiffer than MSM but more plush than previous OEMs. Let me know your feedback please!
    • Changes to bike inertia have been fine tuned and are specific to each bike and vastly different from both MSM and previous OEMs.

    All bikes have been registered so the races using them will count for ranking, even if the "Records" page might be slightly bugged currently
    Donate to me -> feed my coffee addiction -> get more mods!
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