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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

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Messages - BadStar

Other / Re: 2 & 4 stroke SOUND [WIP]
November 21, 2017, 12:26:09 AM
And gdub.. does it sound like it's your actual bike or does it sound like it's their bike in the distance?

Well, I forgot. I did adjust a line of code in the "sfx" thats on the download. I wonder if changing it back will fix. I won't be able to test til tomorrow.
Other / Re: 2 & 4 stroke SOUND [WIP]
November 21, 2017, 12:24:47 AM
Quote from: GDUBMX on November 20, 2017, 09:18:19 PM
not sure whats happened with my game but i noticed since installing this mod and playing online, if someone is using a 2 stroke the sound sounds like im riding it although im not and the bike is no wehre near me.. weird

That's odd.. I didn't mess with anything other than the .wav files

When I can, I'll get back at it and see if something is causing that
Other / Re: Rev Limiter Fix & Sound Mod!!
November 21, 2017, 12:23:04 AM
Every bike I believe

Make sure you like the sound though lol

We can make many rev limiter sounds and just pick one that u prefer (asdrael made one too) they are easy to make.

And if u don't like how often it hits the limiter play with the numbers mentions above.
**if u have a fav(s), just do those so it's less hassle.
Tracks / Re: Paleta Raceway v2!
November 20, 2017, 08:28:50 PM
Quote from: john_710 on November 20, 2017, 08:27:24 PM
Quote from: nickuzick on November 20, 2017, 09:30:42 AM
Sorry to bump an old topic but does anyone have a download link that isn't through mxbc? Central downloads at 10 kb/s and stops mid way. Any help is appreciated.


Forgot how crazy you can whip on this track lol

Yep, its the best.  I learned to whip on v1 and v2 is even better.
Other / Re: Rev Limiter Fix & Sound Mod!!
November 20, 2017, 08:27:11 PM
by the way..

the limiter.wav is just optional

The mod to fix the limiter hitting while on the ground every 5sec is the main goal here.
Other / Re: Rev Limiter Fix & Sound Mod!!
November 20, 2017, 08:26:25 PM
Quote from: Frolo_Moto on November 20, 2017, 04:25:43 PM
Awesome ;D ;D I totally love it but honestly think that the limiter itself should be the sound of the bike itself- that being said that when you hit the limiter, the bike revs up then has to rev up again to hit that limiter, and the limiter revs up all the way from like 4000rpm or something and that would be a sick 4 stroke sound

The limiter.wav is file is just another sound to add in our options of sounds when hitting the limiter.. it also took me .25 seconds to make the limiter sound and is no way considered great. just an optional sound.

Can you re-word what you are requesting bc I'm not sure I fully understand. Would love to see if I can fix what you.

If you don't add my limiter.wav file, does it work the way you are requesting? (stock limiter)
General Discussion / Re: Bought it!!!
November 20, 2017, 12:22:14 AM
Have a look at sync-back

it may seem a bit much at first but its kind of a "one and done/easy update" way to mod.

Other wise.. mxbikescentral or just scroll through the forum for example tracks are in the track section of the forum

Sync Back: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1993.0


Tracks: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?board=13.0
Bikes: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?board=7.0 (mainly the OEM bikes: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1979.0)

and so on.
Other / Rev Limiter Fix!
November 19, 2017, 11:49:52 PM

(Offline use only for now, so tread lightly)

I stumbled across a fix for the VERY annoying rev limiter. It is WAY too easy to hit the limiter. I have been trying to make sound mods, I quickly got suspicious of the speed at which we hit the limiter while the rear tire is still on the ground. Fixed!

This simple fix will make the bike only hit the limiter while the rear tire is off the ground. It sounds and feels so much better.
This mod requires you to modify one line of code within the file "BikeOfChoice.CFG"

Example Bike: OEM 2016 Suzuki RM-Z250
Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes

1)Unzip: MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.pkz 
2)Open Unzipped Folder:  MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250
3)Open File: MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.cfg
4)Add 1500 RPM to the original RPM Limiter Code (adjust to your liking if need)
example: BEFORE
NumLimiter = 1
Limiter0 = 14000

example: AFTER
NumLimiter = 1
Limiter0 = 15500

5)Make sure to get the paints from the existing MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.folder within C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes and move them into the edited unzipped folder/paints
6)Remove MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.pkz from C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes and replace/overwrite with the MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.folder

EASY MOD OPTIONS (for those who don't like to edit files)
1) Maybe Asdrael can adjust all the files permanently so we always have the fix (his choice)

2) If needed, maybe I can upload all the fixed files at some point.  (if people like this)
General Discussion / Re: Online dead?
November 19, 2017, 08:14:17 PM
Quote from: PiBoSo on November 14, 2017, 11:08:45 PM
Release Notes
- this update is not mandatory, it should be backward-compatible with Beta7
- To minimize join lag, please make sure that the server administrator restricts the allowed bike categories as much as possible

I wonder if anyone is following suite with pibs request to restrict categories..
Support / Re: whips in beta 7b
November 18, 2017, 11:52:30 PM
Quote from: тғc on November 18, 2017, 12:43:16 AM
I find whipping in b7 improved but very different. I had my style in b6 which doesn't work in b7.

What works for me is being gentle. I used to lean bike and rider hard to get a nice whip, now I just gently roll the bike lean over while taking off. Sitting helps, but standing is fine too.

Experiment man, it's different and takes a new approach, but figuring that out should be fun!

Media / Re: Videos
November 18, 2017, 11:18:08 PM
Sweet, I'll have to follow that progression  ;D

Glad to see more utubers!
Other / 2/4 stroke sound - OLD
November 18, 2017, 10:59:19 PM
Updated:11/24/2017 - Switched to MONO in hopes to fix the online sound issue GDUBMX was experiencing.
Updated: 11/19/2017 - Added rev limit fix mod (offline use online for now)
Figured I would move this over here for my 2 projects..

I am sure a good audio guy will actually pull these sound mods off the proper way and much better, but for now I will release my attempts as I update them. Mainly because we really don't have many sound options yet.

I can't seem to run Max's plugin to blend the audio and test it.. HAHA (so, I hope you have high hopes for the future of my mod?! :o)

This is all done kinda backwards but kinda works. It will sound good sometimes and bad sometimes.

It's not "dynamic" and doesn't "flow" in the way the sounds engine wants it to. I cheated by only editing the Idle/Low/Mid/High basically. You will notice that your throttle management will trigger these different sound files and the better you get at playing with that the better the sound is..but enough said.  It's a wip, hope you either enjoy or get inspired to make us some good sounds!
2-Stroke 250cc WIP 

http://www.mediafire.com/file/qz61sbwh0z98i2p/2Stroke250mono.zip (MONO)

Two Options For Install:

1)Strictly New Sounds; remove all .wav files from your 250 of choice, add my .wav files.  & make sure to replace/overwrite the "sfx.cfg" with the one I included.

2) Mixed Sounds: Basically allowing mx-bikes to fill the gaps in audio with stock sounds that I have yet to make. Just copy all files from the download into the bike of choice and allow it to overwrite. (including "sfx.cfg")
          (easiest I would say and sounds fine/maybe best? mixed for now)

^^2-Stroke vid needs updating..more sounds have been added^^
4-Stroke WIP
(no release just yet)

This simple fix will make the bike only hit the limiter while the rear tire is off the ground. It sounds and feels so much better.
This mod requires you to modify one line of code within the file "BikeOfChoice.CFG"

Example Bike: OEM 2016 Suzuki RM-Z250
Location: C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes

1)Unzip: MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.pkz 
2)Open Unzipped Folder:  MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250
3)Open File: MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.cfg
4)Add 1500 RPM to the original RPM Limiter Code (adjust to your liking if need)
example: BEFORE
NumLimiter = 1
Limiter0 = 14000

example: AFTER
NumLimiter = 1
Limiter0 = 15500

5)Make sure to get the paints from the existing MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.folder within C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes and move them into the edited unzipped folder/paints
6)Remove MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.pkz from C:\Program Files (x86)\MX Bikes\bikes and replace/overwrite with the MX2OEM_2016_Suzuki_RM-Z250.folder
Track Editing / Re: Pictures of the tracks!
November 18, 2017, 10:24:03 PM
oh.. they are crossed buddy!   ;)
General Discussion / Re: Bought it!!!
November 18, 2017, 01:23:10 AM
Quote from: Massot713 on November 16, 2017, 11:48:20 PM
Time to play!

Awesome & welcome to the club!
General Discussion / Re: MX Bikes beta7b
November 16, 2017, 12:54:24 AM
Huge Thanks for a quick patch/update!!