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February 16, 2025, 02:55:47 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - AZDesertRat

General Discussion / Re: Sorry to say
January 16, 2023, 03:56:16 PM
I also want to point out that the Pre Season SX Track is extremely unforgiving, this coming from someone with over 1K hours.  I would recommend trying some easier SX tracks because as Teeds mentioned, SX is hard IRL and that much more in MXB. However, after investing some serious grind time into SX it personally has become very addicting.  You will improve at the game much quicker because SX requires much more precise bike and rider lean control, along with learning how to recover when you slightly case or OJ sections.  My all-time favorite SX track that I still load up at least once a week is the 2020 race edition of St. Louis by Ruubs. Just an outstanding track that offers everything you'll ever find on an SX layout.  Get to the point where you can run consistent laps on this track and then you'll be ready to move up to slightly more difficult tracks.
2020 St. Louis Race Edition
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: MAKE IT LESS BOUNCY!! :)
November 09, 2022, 03:42:53 PM
If you are using the B17 OEM bikes this will be the case because they don't have the new fork changes.  Try the stock 250 4 stroke and you'll instantly feel the difference.  Unfortunately, the stock bikes are really underpowered and in dire need of better engine sounds, but I've always found that you're better off riding these after a major version update to experience ALL new changes.  I've heard the B18 OEM's are coming pretty soon though:).
Other / Re: RESHADE for MX BIKES Working!!!
November 08, 2022, 01:32:52 AM
Download the latest version of Reshade and run the installer.  It will give you the option to modify or remove your existing installation.
Tracks / Re: Widowmaker
October 24, 2022, 04:16:46 PM
Far west valley here, about 30 min from AZ Cycle Park.
Tracks / Re: Glen Helen 2015
October 04, 2022, 04:50:01 PM
74med has a bunch of tracks shared at the Google Drive link below, including Glen Helen 2015.

74med Circuits/Tracks
Tracks / Widowmaker
September 30, 2022, 05:22:33 PM
Since the MXB Mods website is down for maintenance I wanted to post the direct download link for Widowmaker here in case anyone was looking for it.
*2nd link is ONLY for server hosting purposes.

Track Download 
Server Version Download

This was a co-design with my best friend Heatwave that took us a little over one year to complete.  Mainly because we were busy with real world work and family.  A 3D lidar scan data of a real track in Spain was used but we heavily modified some sections/scaling to make it more fun in Bikes and opted for a wasteland desert theme.

Special thanks to Gdub for play testing and hosting a live stream release on his YouTube channel (PLEASE subscribe for excellent MX Bikes content).
Thanks to SmokinJo & Nike for play testing many versions and the Fast Fridays guys.  Also, shout out to Kraken for his track helper tool, without it the process would be much more complicated.

Preview Screen 1
Preview Screen 2
Preview Screen 3
Preview Screen 4
Track Editing / Re: Track registration
September 11, 2022, 05:11:18 PM
The code.txt file will be created in your track's project folder after you build the track.  If you're not using Kraken's track making helper tool you should, it simplifies everything.
Install the MAX Hud plugin to get vibration, works great and you can fine tune vibration feedback levels.  I've seen a few other request for adaptive trigger support but not sure if PiBoSo ever responded.
General Discussion / Re: Bike Mismatch BETA 17
August 16, 2022, 04:24:02 PM
FYI - Couple buddies had the same issue recently.  They had not played the game for quite a while and installed the OEM bikes that come with tyre mod.  Unfortunately, that still has the V1 tyre mod.  After they both installed the V2 tyre mod patch at link below no mas problemos:).

Although this might seem obvious, offline single player mode is Testing.  Race is online multiplayer.  If you just got the game I would highly recommend trying out the different bikes on the stock tracks.  TBH - This game might just  have the best stock tracks in any racing game.  Start on the classic "Forest" and after you can run consistent, clean laps move on to MXB Club.

*Racing online will require added mods, mainly OEM Bike pack and recently released Tyre pack for the OEM bikes. This is because nearly every online server will be running these and if you don't have them installed you will get bike mismatch error.
You need to swap out ALL existing .png textures that are being used on your model(s) in Blender with .tga's and then re-export to FBX. 

To do so, select a model, then switch to the Shading tab.  Now in the lower window you will see nodes used to define the material (typically Image Texture, Principal BSDF & Material Output).  You can either select the open image icon in the Image Texture node (brown bar on top) and then use that to locate the .tga file.  Or delete the Image Texture node, then drag/drop your .tga from a file browser into the lower shader window.  This will auto-create a new Image Texture node, then simply connect the Color to Base Color in the Principal BSDF.  If you have additional maps such as Normal, Specular, etc they will also need to be swapped.

Hope this helps.   
Make your life easier and use Resolute Kraken's Track Builder Helper. It simplifies the entire process in a wonderful GUI.  I honestly can't imagine doing a track design these days without it.

Tracks / Re: 3D scanned tracks
February 28, 2022, 03:51:58 PM
Blender, Max, Maya, Mudbox, etc. A quick search on YouTube will give you a bunch of results for each of these programs. 
Best advice I can offer is to roll back your Nvidia drivers to the previous version that was working well for you.  Also, unless you are updating graphics drivers for a specific game you're better off staying with the driver set that is known to work well for your card/system.  The ole adage "if it aint broke don't fix it" definitely applies to graphics drivers.
Tracks / Re: Oasis S-MX
February 08, 2022, 11:38:42 PM
Thanks for another banger of a track, wouldn't expect any less from you ;).  Has great flow on a 250 and very cool theme!