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February 10, 2025, 10:38:57 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Topics - iNsane

Bikes / OEM v0.17 Tyre Patch
June 13, 2022, 05:52:41 PM
Hey everyone who's not on the MX Bikes Discord.
In order to continue playing online on the majority of servers and racing series, we just launched the OEM Tyre Patch.

Please download here: https://mxb-mods.com/2022-ultimate-oem-tyre-patch
General Discussion / MX Bikes beta17 - Feedback Thread
February 02, 2022, 02:01:24 PM
I made one for b14 and b15, skipped b16 and now we're here, b17 launched.

Discord is not a good place to gather feedback and opinions, so we use the forum which makes way more sense for the players and PiBoSo.
When giving feedback please think about it beforehand, write constructive criticism, preferably a list like:


or take a look at my feedback back from beta14: http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=3389.msg38521#msg38521

current changelog as of 02/02/22:
MX Bikes beta17 - 2022/2/1

fix: track layout custom objects collisions
fix: support for more than two controllers with the same name
fix: track paint in dedicated servers
fix: user interface lists sorting
fix: wrong missing category shown when trying to connect to a server
fix: missing team sprite
Fix: 3D names in the track screens
fix: missing right boot
new: option to enable only the L/R o F/B rider lean tracking
new: user interface pull-downs search box
new: servers browser name filter
new: number of pits in the track info
new: option to enable the environment sounds in the pit
new: option to show both 2D and 3D flags
new: particles when sliding on the ground
new: support for multiple rider models
new: supermoto rider model
new: wheelie standing animation

When giving feedback, please make sure you did not use OEM bikes or modded tyres, because those use old physics and may interfere with the new general physics changes b17 brought up. Please only give feedback if you've spent some time on the stock MX1/MX2 MSM bikes.

let the hunger games begin
Other / [RELEASE] Bike Selection Menu Mod v2.1 [B16]
January 06, 2022, 07:49:22 PM
Heyho, long time no see here!
Quick UI mod I made because after 3 years the bike selection menu just bored me so much.
Thought about giving it a little 2022 revamp.

This includes the bike logo feature that came some betas ago and where I made a generic UI mod. All OEM bikes or generally bikes imported by me are equipped with a manufacturer logo, so that should work fine.

This will work fine with B16, I am not sure if it breaks things once we get a new update. We shall see. :)

Open the ZIP and move the ui folder into your "Steam/steamapps/common/MX Bikes/" folder or where ever you've installed MX Bikes to.

In v2.1 I swapped boots and protection so the groups are Bike - Head - Torso - Legs. Also modified the Bike Info screen a bit.

The category, paint and font icons are freely accessible made by fontawesome https://fontawesome.com/license/free
Other / [RELEASE] iNsane's 3D Viewer (dmkrtz3DViewer)
October 06, 2021, 11:27:33 PM
Hello everyone.
I think this is the most anticipated thing I've ever done for this community (besides a new OEM update), but I'm proud to share it with you today:

iNsane's 3D Viewer (dmkrtz3DViewer)

Big thanks to @GreenLenux for this awesome teaser video!

please read
What is it?
The 3D Viewer makes it possible for content creators to easily access models that we use in the game (and I have access to) and preview them almost instantly, without the need to pack a new PNT and reload in game each time.

What does it offer?
At the time of this release the viewer is currently equipped with these models:

Alta MX 2015
GasGas EC 2015
GasGas EC 2015 2t
Honda CRF 2020
Honda CRF 2022
Husaberg FE 2014
Husqvarna FC 2022
Husqvarna TC 2022
Suzuki RMZ 2022
TM MX 2021
Yamaha YZF 2022
Yamaha YZ 2015
2021 Bell Moto 10 Spherical
Clothes on ground
Jersey hanging
Jersey on hanger
Pants hanging
Pants on hanger
Pose 1
Pose 2
Pose 3

The above list will be extended from time to time, there's no need for you to update the app in that case besides actual software updates, but the app will tell you then.

But what's up with the name?
Yeah, I say it here it's "iNsane's 3D Viewer" but in reality it's "dmkrtz3DViewer", short answer:
Rebuilding the whole app with a different name would mean some code changes and I don't want to risk messing up all the code I've written for such a small change. "dmkrtz" is my 'serious' name I'm embossing the tool with, but call it whatever.


How to use
Download the app and run it. Normally, if everything works, the app should tell you that a runtime must be installed, and eventually, it installs it automatically.

If the app doesn't do anything after clicking OK, please download and run this manually.

Once everything is working, you should see this window. Congratulations, you made it!
I made it pretty self explaining I think, if not, please watch the trailer from GreenLenux on top to see how he handles and is using the viewer.

Very important
All textures must be loaded as PNG (jpg could work, not sure).
Normal maps are being inverted upon loading, this step takes some time but there was no other way to make it work.
So that being said, it uses the same "wrong" normal map that MX Bikes needs.

Premium features
As I already mentioned couple times on Instagram and my Discord, this app comes with some premium features.
The premium license unlocks:
Background image
Environment image
Normal maps
Texture shortcuts

Unlocking premium needs a donation of atleast 5€. If you find a bug and outplay the system I made, I greatly take the donation. Because otherwise the app wouldn't unlock itself. In case you made a successful donation of atleast 5€ and it doesn't unlock itself, feel free to hit me up here or on my Discord and I unlock your license manually (when I'm awake).

Known bugs
- Sometimes models may not load. There's two ways to reset: soft reload button on bottom right, and hard app-reset button on top left.
- The donation system might fail if not from EU (especially Australia), or when your currency is different to mine.
- Probably some other weird stuff I don't remember

Thanks to all my testers, donators, helpers and friends who joined me on this journey of a really cool project I really enjoyed.
A lot of sweat, time and money was spent during the development of this app and I really hope it's helpful for the community.
It might be "useless" for some - but that's fine. IF you do and know better, I'm happy for you! But others will definitely find this thing very useful.
Also a big thanks in advance for anyone who donates for the app!

- insane
Other / How to import helmets
February 27, 2021, 06:17:57 PM
I streamed how I imported the lego head (https://mxb-mods.com/lego-head) couple days ago.

Maybe this might be helpful if you're interested in importing a helmet.
It's same procedure as anything else, just the naming of the parent pivot is important.

Take a look here:

Following what I do step-by-step is very important, you see more than you need to, though.

Good luck :)
Other / [WIP] TileUI | Complete UI Overhaul Mod
January 27, 2021, 07:00:47 PM

Tile UI - the first complete UI overhaul for MX Bikes

Decided to make a post and show the progress so far. This is basically just screenshots for now because I have to search them everytime, so here they'll stay.

This mod is WIP! There is still a massive way to go.

Current progress (as of 11/24/20):


All screenshots have been taken in 2560x1080 21:9 resolution. The UI will work on 16:9, 21:9 and 32:9. Due to limitations of the UI engine the actual usable interface is locked to 16:9. Depending on your resolution ratio the white borders left and right will just expand.

Yes, a dark mode edition will come too.

- WIP -

decided to post here too ... :)

Welcome to Jaeckels Hillside SX 2019, or in short: MJSX2 Winter Edition.

This track was originally made by MJrace for MX Simulator. Back in 2019 I messaged him on Instagram and he allowed me to port this track into MX Bikes. Actually, I even released this track in late 2019 around christmas time as a total bugfest because I've been rushing the release and the winter theme was a pretty spontaneous idea.

Even that the heightmap was pretty much done and I was happy with how it felt in MX Bikes, I never touched the track again.

Until now.

I loved the idea of a winter themed track as we never had anything similiar (besides the Winter Wonderland freeride track), so I dug the old project files up and started using Resolute Krakens Track Helper which was a blessing. Working on a track never felt as great as with this handy tool. Definitely check it out!

Back to topic: I started adapting my old project files to RKTH and realized how much fun it actually does. So I kept going and now we're here. Pictures say more than words so take a look:

Massive thanks to Resolute Kraken for his help and his track helper app. This tool really kept me going!

Thanks to Ruubs (Ruben Kuilder) for the awesome looking bales!

Thanks to Niko Mouk for his object placement tutorials!

Last but not least: thanks to MJRace for the permission to do this!


I hope you all like it, if anything feels weird or you have weird performance issues, I'm happy to take a look at it!

Don't eat the yellow snow.


Something I've had laying around on my disk for quite long, decided to convert the .BAT to an .EXE and release it in its current state as I got asked quite frequently if there's something similiar.

This little .EXE is a launcher for MX Bikes which works as a little background watcher.

By running the randomizer a console window will pop up and return some lines which are the first initial setup. This setup does following steps:
- create UI folder if not existing
- create loading_screens folder inside UI folder if not existing
- copies the example.tga (which gets extracted on every startup, but removed after initial setup) into the loading_screens folder
- start MX Bikes

The tool fires up the mxbikes.exe and waits 15 seconds before going into the loop. If MX Bikes has been closed (the process has been killed) the tool will detect that and close itself, too.

After the first run the only thing that the tool does is starting mxbikes.exe, waiting for it to load, and then picking a random image from the loading_screens folder each 5s. The tool copies the random image to the ui folder as "bkgrnd.tga" (piboso background image) and "bg.tga" (for the UI I'm currently working on). The splash screen stays untouched.

This tool does NOT change the appearance in the bike selection screen. That thing is whole 3d scene.

The .EXE must be placed where your MX Bikes is installed to. E.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes\

Add own backgrounds:
Open an image you like in GIMP or Photoshop and make sure the image is 16:9, otherwise it'll be stretched.
Save it as 24bit (truecolor) TGA to the ui\loading_screens\ folder.
The filename is not important, it can be whatever as the tool just scans for .TGA files inside said folder.

An example of my folder:

EXE Hosted on MXB-Mods.com FTP (Windows defender might see it as Trojan ... it is not.)
How to exclude files from Windows Defender (should work similiar with other Antivirus tools).

Alternative Download:
BAT Hosted on MXB-Mods.com FTP
Unpack the .BAT and the .TGA into your MX Bikes installation directory.

Source code below.
Bikes / SM OEM pack - Master Thread - Release! (v0.15.1)
November 17, 2020, 11:34:03 AM

Back then in 2018 on september 13th I've released the original SM OEM pack, which was basically my start into all the modding stuff.

So, 2 years later we've reached a point where an update was absolutely due.

The Official Supermoto OEM Bike Pack

Skip to Download

All current MX OEMs have been converted to supermotos, the gearing has been changed a tiny bit and nearly each model got a nice pair of handguards and axle sliders, made by @giopanda.

The pack contains all 31 OEMs from the Alta to the Yamaha Bikes, covering all classes.

2018 Alta Redshift MXR
2020 Husqvarna FC350
2020 Husqvarna FC450
2020 Kawasaki KX450F
2020 Suzuki RM-Z450
2020 TM MX450Fi
2020 Yamaha YZ450F
2021 Honda CRF450R
2021 KTM 350 SXF
2021 KTM 450 SXF
1996 Honda CR250
1997 Honda CR250
2003 Suzuki RM250
2017 Yamaha YZ250
2020 Husqvarna TC250
2021 KTM 150 SX
2021 KTM 250 SX
2018 Alta Redshift MX
2020 Honda CRF450R
2020 Husqvarna FC250
2020 Kawasaki KX250F
2020 Suzuki RM-Z250
2020 TM MX250Fi
2020 Yamaha YZ250F
2021 KTM 250 SXF
1996 Honda CR125
2003 Suzuki RM125
2017 Yamaha YZ125
2020 Husqvarna TC125
2021 KTM 125 SX
Service Honda CR500AF

I can't say thank you enough, so here's the copy pasted list from Asdrael's OEM thread which covers it all up:

  • philiaN for organizing everything and enabling many model updates
  • iNsane for importing, animating and covering in mud the majority of the bikes
  • Vortex_Damien for the Husky, RMZ and CRF 250 models
  • Ruubs for the KX model
  • Giorgio for the CR250 1997, CR500AF and KTM 2021 models
  • LC Création on Discord for the TM model and the CRF450 2021
  • mx965 on the MXS forums for letting us use the YZF 2020 models and skins.
  • Stonerider for his work on (re)skinning some of the bikes.
  • GreenLenux on Discord for the YZF paints
  • Shack on Discord for amazing input on suspensions and discussions on the topic! We own that guy a big one when it comes to bike handling.
  • All the other modders who made, imported, worked on some magic for the previous models we still use like TFCRC, as well as ExtremeManiac and Benji on the MXS forums
  • Beyer on Discord for his amazing sounds (I can't play without them, and from now on, neither will you  )
  • And of course, all the people who gave feedback, helped, and even donated to the OEM project!


Make sure to get Gio's high quality supermoto wheels!


This pack has 3 download links. It's splitted into SM1+3, SM2 and Full (contains SM1+2+3).

If you want to do something good, feel free to click on one of these buttons in case you can or want to drop one or two dollars as a pre-christmas gift :)

Donate to giopanda
Donate to Ruben Kuilder
Donate to TFC
Donate to Asdrael
Donate to GreenLenux
Donate to me

Paints / [Template] Extended Armor.PSD
November 10, 2020, 01:42:31 PM

So recently PiBoSo added paint support for protections and people
asked for the armor.psd. Then PiBoSo and Snappe were so kind to share
the armor.psd with the community. Thanks for that!

I stripped it down into all single parts to make it more user-friendly.

Also there was a problem with badly visible paints.
PiBoSo was again so kind to explain to me what it could be, so I quickly
made a custom armor_s.tga which reduces the specular effect on the whole
armor (chest + neck) significantly, by keeping it looking realistically.

How to bring your custom protection into the game:
Save the armor.psd as "armor.tga" into a folder somewhere.
Copy the "armor_s.tga" into the same folder.
Open PaintEd and "Read Dir", navigate to the folder.
"armor" and "armor_s" should be displayed in the list.
Give the paint a name in the bottom text box.
Hit "Pack" and save it into your project folder.

Copy the "rider" folder from this archive into your "mods" folder, or:
Go to your MX Bikes mods\rider\protections\ folder and create the folders
"full" and "neck" (both share the same texture, so your paint will
work on both). Inside both folders create another folder called "paints".

Copy the .PNT from your projects folder (the file you packed with PaintEd)
into the "paints" folder, (re-)start your game and you'll see it.

General Discussion / [b15] Bike/Physics Thoughts
October 26, 2020, 11:51:55 PM
Another big change was the behaviour of the bikes.

Please share your opinions and thoughts by using MSM (stock) bikes only! The OEM Pack has NOT been updated yet and it will take some time. Feedback with OEMs do NOT help.
General Discussion / [b15] Camera Thoughts
October 26, 2020, 11:47:56 PM
as B15 launched just now, a lot changes have been done. A major change was the 3rd person camera.
I personally don't ride in that view, so please collect your thoughts, opinions and possible what-to-change below.

A simple "it just s*ucks" is not helping. Please explain your ideas or opinion helpfully.

Other / [RELEASE] iNsane's PiBoSo Lock Tool
September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PM
Four weeks development later and I finally can say:
Welcome to iNsane's (un)official PiBoSo Lock Tool web service! Short:

an iNsane PiBoSo service (pun)

please read
iNLock makes it possible for PiBoSo content creators to secure their mods and make them unaccessible for others.
The locked files are still usable in-game but the content can't be extracted anymore.
This is a security measure as PiBoSo's games are becoming more and more known.
Due to the easiness of accessing said content there's even more people re-using content creators' designs, data, configurations and general modifications without creditting the original authors.

We, in the MX Bikes community, lost some modders that way.
This led me to give my best to make this a thing.

I had a lot of chats with PiBoSo and tried to convince him to release the lock tool to the public, but there are also a lot reasons for him to not do, which I mostly agreed with and had full understanding.

I still wanted to do something.
And now we're here.

This project was very fun and I learned a bunch new stuff in the last weeks!

The web service makes it possible to be an easy-to-access and user friendly environment for securing your work.
The steps are easy and self-explanatory. The website offers a "?" button with a little explanation.
Nearly all PiBoSo files should be supported, but you most likely want to lock your paints (PNT) or your packed bike, track or model mod (PKZ).

!!! This is now the first "mass" test, so please bear in mind that errors and bugs may or may not happen. !!!

I hope there's people who have some use for it.
Please do not exploit the service, there's one feature missing which will never be included for public use as it could split the modding community (also another reason) and make "paid mods"a thing: the GUID Lock.
Edit 2024/06/03:
Since MXBikes-Shop.com is a thing for quite some time now, my mindset also changed partially. I still am not a fan of paid mods, but iNLock is not made to be an alternative or door opener for unregulated and wild black/grey markets. iNLock will continue to not offer GUID locking publicly due to the amount of leaked/stolen files going around where people could start selling them without being the actual owner/maker of the file/mod. I see myself being responsible for preventing exactly that.
I hope you understand.

I do all this for free and I don't want people to make money that way, this is disgusting and should never happen.
See here if you remember the time when Skyrim introduced paid mods.

Nonetheless, if you like my work and want to support me, the development and the hosting, feel free to donate via PayPal.
Every donation is greatly appreciated. ♥
If you don't want to donate and you use an adblocker, please consider deactivating it for the domain. The 1 to max. 3 ads I run on all my pages really help me.

Enough talking, start with your iNLock project here:

How To:

(no I really didn't have a better idea for the name)
Hello everyone,
for those who've seen it in the MXB Discord, these won't be big news for you.

But anyways: I made something :)

Tought about giving PHP and JS a try and learn on how to parse XML values into something useful. First it was meant to be a workaround for a Discord function I wanted to realize: Join a server by clicking on a hyperlink in an embed.
Sadly Discord doesn't like links that don't start with "http(s)://", so that was the moment I realized I should start on a workaround and it was pretty much quite quickly done.


But somehow I hadn't had enough and thought about expanding it ... 3 weeks later I can proudly present to you:

iNsane's PiBoSo Server Browser
or "PiBoSo Connect" I'm not sure how I should call it. Maybe it'll be different again in some weeks.

basically nothing else than Pibs' stats and server pages merged together and differently organized, modern and easier to use interface.

  • including all available PiBoSo games
  • a landing page which I really like, took me a day to figure out how to make proper transitions between images
  • list of all servers sorted by player count (default for now)
  • direct join servers, disabled on locked servers but might update that soon with a little prompt or something
  • see player count and players
  • see GUIDs of players and copy on click (asked feature, for easier moderating of bad boys)
  • looks nice
  • not responsive
  • will update it regularly, I think, I still have some ideas

I hope anyone has some use for it. I'm always open for feedback as long as it's constructive and helpful.

If there's interest to parse server data to use it in an RSS reader or anything, these are the links which are being refreshed every 60s to prevent a rebuild each time someone connects to the website:


I proudly present to you the first version of the Enduro Bike Pack!


Ever wanted to head out with your friends and roll through the forests somewhere in nowhere? Jump on one of those machines and let the fun begin!

This pack contains the already known Husaberg and GASGAS Enduros, making old downloads obsolete. This update was long due and the Enduros finally got the treatment they deserved. After figuring out some mechanics, I was able to retrieve data of the newest OEMs, so that way the bikes are physics and geometry wise always top notch, big thanks to @Asdrael for all your hard work on those bikes!

The Data on all bikes are taken from OEM Manuals and adapted to work well in MX Bikes. The bikes share the same engines depending on their ccm. The reference engine is from the OEM Husky. Gear Ratio is from the Husaberg manual, so the bikes are competetive against each other.

The 300cc engine was my first engine ever done. So please bare with me!

Together with some helping hands and the GFX skills of @GreenLenux* it was possible to make some more variations available, including a new Bike - the 2014 Husqvarna!

With the first release of the Enduro Bike Pack this version contains

2014 Husaberg
Enduro 1: TC125, FE250
Enduro 2: TC250, TC300, FE350, FE450

2014 Husqvarna*
Enduro 1: TC125, FE250
Enduro 2: TC250, TC300, FE350, FE450

Enduro 1: EC125, EC250F
Enduro 2: EC250, EC300, EC300F, EC450F
+ Sherco and 2016 GASGAS Livery*


Remove ALL old ENDURO... folders in your bikes folder!

This Mod needs the OEM Bike Pack installed, otherwise some bikes won't show up and your game might crash. Please install it beforehand!

If downloaded, move the bikes folder into your mods\ folder. That's it. This pack comes same like the OEMs with PKZ files (don't open, it's not possible. Just, don't!) and pre-made folders for easy sound and skin installation.


Shoutout to the testers who gave me feedback during the whole process, you were great help and it was fun with you!

Also thanks to GreenLenux for his fast work on all these skins, making it a very easy time for me.

Again and as always thanks to Asdrael for all of his hard work on the OEM Bikes! Without you MX Bikes wouldn't be what it is.

And of course TMFR for providing the public with the free models!

Feedback is very welcome and see you in the woods!

I proudly present to you:


The User Created MX Bikes Wiki

You might ask yourself, "why do we need another MX Bikes Wiki"?
The official Wiki is definitely a good first starting point, but due to the massive amount of stuff Pibs has to take care of, a lot of partially important stuff can get lost (everyone knows it!) and no one has a direct answer.
Asking in the discord is helpful, too, but it gets lost very fast, and discord is most of the time very confusing and filled with unimportant stuff, but hey, that's in first place a chat tool.

Here comes my part.
After creating MXB-Mods.com and continously improving it and bringing it to a state where I would say it's on a stable level, I came across the idea to create a database regarding MX Bikes tutorials, tips, tricks, advanced explanation of stuff, and especially:
user created help on one big and growing page.

Hard facts:
MXB-Wiki.com is SSL encrypted to provide the security standards nowadays
The official PiBoSo Wiki is implemented into the page, too! The pages are embedded into single posts and are getting refreshed each day
Login through Discord to skip the hassle with verificating via E-Mail, that's so oldschool!
New posts will automatically be posted into the MX Bikes Discord #mxb-wiki channel
Post your walkthroughs, tutorials, tips or explanations on one easy-to-use page
Comment below posts and start discussions, ask the authors for help if something is not clear enough
Edit your profile, tell us something about you, provide users with your Discord#0000 tag and you might get personal help that way!
Loads of plugins and post-formatting to make your walktrough stand out!
Edit your post after initially posting it if you want to make some changes to it, or remove it permanently. It's up to you!

I hope this page is, once it's getting filled, helpful for someone and I also hope people try to provide the community with some helpful posts, too.
So, if you know something others don't know and it hasn't already been posted, what are you waiting for? :)

Thanks for your time and see you at MXB-Wiki.com!
Hi everyone.
I needed a background and a modified UI for some pictures, so I quickly made this easy booth for you all.

The hrsshots option disables all UI elements in the screenshot, but it doesn't show ReShade effects. So this is a little workaround.

It comes in two color variations, dark gray and white.

In the above pictures I'm in the freeroam mode in the "Bike", "Bike Info" menu to make the logo and author visible.
Both screenshots are taken with ReShade.

!! This version is only compatible with the default UI.

The zip contains 6 folders and has those options:

("Clean Viewer" is the little square in the main menu. This mod disables all UI elements from both, the Viewer and the Bike Info screen. To leave, press ESC.)

How to install:
choose one of the variations
move the content ("misc", "ui" folders) into your MX Bikes installation directory.
(e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes\)

How to uninstall:
remove the "misc" and "ui" folders from your installation directory.1

How to remove the rider:
Copy the folder "rider" from "Remove Rider from Menu" into your MX Bikes installation directory.
(e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes\)

How to uninstall:
remove the folder again.

Other / [UI MOD] Show Bike Logo in Default UI
April 08, 2020, 01:34:10 AM
Hello everyone.
So, beta14 has been released recently and one of my suggestions has been implemented but yet not activated.
I've done that for you.

It may be an unecessary feature but I thought it'll be cool to have it. Also it opens up some more opportunities.

I present to you:

Show Bike Logo in Default UI

Table of content:
What it does
Create Custom/New Logos
Jump to end because the tutorial is unnecessary and I just want to leave a comment

What it does:
It shows a new rounded box in all Bike Selection Menus (Main Menu -> Bike Selection; Before a Session -> Bike Selection; both Selections -> Bike Info) which contains a Logo which can be included in new bike releases.

Download via OneDrive

Extract the content of the .ZIP into your MX Bikes Installation Directory.

Steam Version
C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\MX Bikes\
C:\Program Files\MX Bikes\

!!! This is not a mod that works via the mods folder way. It has to be inserted into the Installation Directory. !!!

Create Custom/New Logos: SKIP SKIP SKIP
If you want to change the logo to your own preferences, feel free to do so.
Grab the template .PSD in this ZIP and follow the next little steps:

The logo needs to be masked in the alpha channel, so it'll actually have transparency.
Try to work with solid colors instead of whole images as this might make the quality really bad.

1. Open up the Template

2. Remove the Example layers (except "work here" folder)

3. Switch over to the "channels" tab and make the alpha channel visible only

4. Click on the alpha channel and CTRL + A to select everything on that layer and hit DEL to remove its content

5. Insert your desired logo into the "work here" folder

6. Scale it so it fits into the "work here" mask

7. For better quality make sure to fill the background with colors instead of using the logo as a whole. Using the logo as direct layer for the alpha channel might have weird borders around.

8. CTRL + Left Mouse Button onto the picture you've inserted to only select the actual pixels in that layer

9. Switch over to the "channels" tab again, make the alpha channel visible only and click on it to edit the layer
10. Right click in your current selection and select "Fill"

11. In the color options select "White"

12. It should look like this now

13. Save it as 32 Bit .TGA image in the desired bike folder and name it "logo.tga"

14. If it's a bike without a logo, open up the .INI file of it and add the line "logo=logo.tga" below "garage_pic="

15. Done

for the game and implementing my suggestion, thanks!
@StoneRider for the MSM logo!

General Discussion / MX Bikes beta14 - Phyiscs Poll
April 06, 2020, 02:50:18 PM
Hello everyone,
as the Discord is getting flooded with a lot spamming between actual feedbacks, we thought about doing a poll about how you all like or dislike the new changes for both bike behaviour and physics in general.

If you voted for something, please mention what your option was and write a little explanation what you think feels different.

Please note that you should ONLY give feedback considering the use of the STOCK MSM bikes. Current OEM bikes are rideable, but they are not updated to the new changes of the game engine, so please keep that in mind.