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February 16, 2025, 04:24:00 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Topics - teeds

General Discussion / AMD V OpenGL
December 05, 2022, 03:40:06 PM
General Discussion / Free-Roam Options
February 12, 2020, 07:22:09 PM
Piboso I found some options on the Free-Roam replay mode, pressing the num pad DEL/. key toggles between normal, TR and ML. TR is very useful but can't see any info about it anywhere, also what is the ML mode for?
Races / 2020 MXB Supercross - Round3
February 10, 2020, 03:44:02 PM

We would like to announce an MX Bikes Supercross Race at the Raymond James Stadium Tampa on Saturday the 15th February 2020

Qualifying Starts - Friday 14th January 19.00hr GMT for 24 hours (2:00pm EST)
Mains Start  - Saturday 15th February 20.30hr GMT for three 15 lap races (3:30pm EST)

Points Standings

This event is open to all and will involve a 24 hour qualifying session to find the fastest riders that will take part in up to 3 main races of 10 riders, or less depending on how many participate. All riders must set a lap time and register their interest to be included in the final entry list of 30. Entries 21-30 will race main C, entries 11-20 will race main B and entries 1-10 main A.
Anyone who replies here and sets a lap time before 19.00hr GMT the day of the race can be included. Once this time has passed, we will go through the list of lap times set by up to the fastest 30 riders. If you don't make the cut we hope to see you next time after a bit more practice.

We will be running the OEM 250cc 4 stroke mod bikes provided by Asdreal and company. Bikes can be downloaded here - http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1979.0
We will be running a new replica track made by Big_Smooth_One3, track link HERE.

The qualifying session will have collisions and deformation off but the mains will have both enabled. Each race will have a short warm-up prior to the gate drop. The password to enter the sever is - TBA

Lap Times
It is our hope that the server will run without problems for 24 hours and record all the qualifying lap times set. But to ensure your lap times count please "Export" the current lap times by pressing this button below the results page. This will place a html file in your /Piboso/MXBikes/Export/ folder that contains the current lap times. If everyone saves their lap times like this there should be no way we loose the qualifying times, fingers crossed the server is ok and we don't need them. We will provide a way to send us the results if needed.

**Important** As soon as the qualifying server is started a time will be set by one of the organisers "teeds" or "GDUBMX", one of their lap times must be included in your export for it to count. This will ensure all lap times are set on the official server. If you enter the server and find none of these times, please inform one of the organisers on this thread. The server will then be reset asap and another lap time set. 

Any lap times considered anomalous will be excluded.

Racing Rules
Keep it clean
Anyone deliberately ramming or similar will be excluded from future events
No track cutting
Do not ride the wrong way around the track
If you re-join the track don't take anyone out
When exiting pits in qualifying do not cut across the track in front of others

To Enter
Please reply below and provide your in game name, number and discord name (we need your discord name to provide race details, join here -> http://mxb-discord.com/ ) as below to register and be included in the entry list.

In Game Name -
Discord Name -
Race Number -

(Only complete entries will be taken)

We will build a list of entries in this thread, if you post to enter here, make sure your name gets put on it, if not contact teeds or GDUBMX.

Qualifying server password - r3mxbsx
Bug Reports / Dedicated Server Restart VR Bug
February 06, 2020, 10:52:48 AM
Seems to be a bug at least in VR (not heard anyone else mention it) every time a server is restarted. It sends me to the right place, but only the bike stand and ground show, no UI at all. I then have to end task on MXB to break out of it.
Races / 2020 MXB Supercross - Round2
February 03, 2020, 10:11:32 PM

We would like to announce an MX Bikes Supercross Race at PETCO Park San Diego on Saturday the 8th February 2020

Qualifying Starts - Friday 7th January 19.00hr GMT for 24 hours (2:00pm EST)
Mains Start  - Saturday 8th February 20.30hr GMT for three 15 lap races (3:30pm EST)

This event is open to all and will involve a 24 hour qualifying session to find the fastest riders that will take part in up to 3 main races of 10 riders, or less depending on how many participate. All riders must set a lap time and register their interest to be included in the final entry list of 30. Entries 21-30 will race main C, entries 11-20 will race main B and entries 1-10 main A.
Anyone who replies here and sets a lap time before 19.00hr GMT the day of the race can be included. Once this time has passed, we will go through the list of lap times set by up to the fastest 30 riders. If you don't make the cut we hope to see you next time after a bit more practice.

We will be running the OEM 250cc 4 stroke mod bikes made by Asdreal. Bikes can be downloaded here - http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1979.0
We will be running a new replica track made by Big_Smooth_One3, track link HERE.

The qualifying session will have collisions and deformation off but the mains will have both enabled. Each race will have a short warm-up prior to the gate drop. The password to enter the sever is - mxbsx2

Lap Times
It is our hope that the server will run without problems for 24 hours and record all the qualifying lap times set. But to ensure your lap times count please "Export" the current lap times by pressing this button below the results page. This will place a html file in your /Piboso/MXBikes/Export/ folder that contains the current lap times. If everyone saves their lap times like this there should be no way we loose the qualifying times, fingers crossed the server is ok and we don't need them. We will provide a way to send us the results if needed.

**Important** As soon as the qualifying server is started a time will be set by one of the organisers "teeds" or "GDUBMX", one of their lap times must be included in your export for it to count. This will ensure all lap times are set on the official server. If you enter the server and find none of these times, please inform one of the organisers on this thread. The server will then be reset asap and another lap time set. 

Any lap times considered anomalous will be excluded.

Racing Rules
Keep it clean
Anyone deliberately ramming or similar will be excluded from future events
No track cutting
Do not ride the wrong way around the track
If you re-join the track don't take anyone out
When exiting pits in qualifying do not cut across the track in front of others

To Enter
Please reply below and provide your in game name, number and discord name (we need your discord name to provide race details, join here -> http://mxb-discord.com/ ) to register and be included in the entry list.

We will build a list of entries in this thread, if you post to enter here, make sure your name gets put on it, if not contact teeds or GDUBMX.

Qualifying server password - mxbsx2
Races / 2020 MXB Supercross Series Points
January 31, 2020, 08:46:33 PM
Round 3 concludes this series, thanks to all who participated.
Races / 2020 MXB Supercross - Round1
January 28, 2020, 11:53:24 PM

We would like to announce an MX Bikes Supercross Race at Ringcentral Coliseum Oakland on Saturday the 1st February 2020

Qualifying Starts - Friday 31st January 19.00hr GMT for 24 hours (2:00pm EST (14:00 EST))
Mains Start  - Saturday 1st February 20.30hr GMT for three 15 lap races (3:30pm EST (15:30 EST))

This event is open to all and will involve a 24 hour qualifying session to find the fastest riders that will take part in up to 3 main races of 10 riders, or less depending on how many participate. All riders must set a lap time and register their interest to be included in the final entry list of 30. Entries 21-30 will race main C, entries 11-20 will race main B and entries 1-10 main A. This should get riders of similar speeds racing against each other for some good battles with collisions.
Anyone who replies here and sets a lap time before 19.00hr GMT 1st February can be included. Once this time has passed, we will go through the list of lap times set by up to the fastest 30 riders. If you don't make the cut we hope to see you next time after a bit more practice.

We will be running the OEM 250cc 4 stroke mod bikes made by Asdreal. Bikes can be downloaded here - http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1979.0
We will be running a new replica track made by Big_Smooth_One3, link here.

The qualifying session will have collisions and deformation off but the mains will have both enabled. Each race will have a short warm-up prior to the gate drop. The password to enter the sever is - mxbsxr1

Lap Times
It is our hope that the server will run without problems for 24 hours and record all the qualifying lap times set. But to ensure your lap times count please "Export" the current lap times by pressing this button below the results page. This will place a html file in your /Piboso/MXBikes/Export/ folder that contains the current lap times. If everyone saves their lap times like this there should be no way we loose the qualifying times, fingers crossed the server is ok and we don't need them. We will provide a way to send us the results if needed.

**Important** As soon as the qualifying server is started a time will be set by one of the organisers "teeds" or "GDUBMX", one of their lap times must be included in your export for it to count. This will ensure all lap times are set on the official server. If you enter the server and find none of these times, please inform one of the organisers on this thread. The server will then be reset asap and another lap time set. 

Any lap times considered anomalous will be excluded.

Racing Rules
Keep it clean
Anyone deliberately ramming or similar will be excluded from future events
No track cutting
Do not ride the wrong way around the track
If you re-join the track don't take anyone out

To Enter
Please reply below and provide your in game name to register and be included in the entry list.

We will build a list of entries in this thread, if you post to enter here, make sure your name gets put on it, if not contact teeds or GDUBMX.


General Discussion / New Forum Test
March 18, 2019, 05:21:55 PM
It looks very new and clean, but no smileys?? =)
Announcing a Fun Race at HighPoint Raceway on MX2 Bikes

!!!Now on THURSDAY!!!

Thursday 27th April 20:30 BST
All Riders Welcome

It's got to be done, this track is great but very challenging. Hats off to anyone that can clean the race.

Since 1976, High Point Raceway, nestled in the scenic mountains of southwestern Pennsylvania near Mt. Morris, has challenged the world's fastest motocross athletes. Generations have enjoyed the thrill that only pro motocross fans can lay claim to.

Its unique amphitheater setting offers premiere viewing from every aspect of the race course, making it a fan favorite among hardy moto fans and racers. High Point hosts an extensive schedule of Amateur Motocross racing from spring to fall. Join us for an exciting day of racing in the great outdoors!


Event Details

To participate you will require all MX2 bikes from Goes Sync Shop (excluding the 96CR125 and rc125)-
(FYI - If you been on any server with MODs in the last few days, you already have these)

And this track -
HighPoint by The Mod Crew - https://mega.nz/#!Ux1RgAKb!xh2F2Y_kBmLXFjb5TE2uxsYOGWjLk_qB-GFNI96xd7E

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Due to what I think are net code limitations in Beta6 I will only be running 8 people in races for now (as it stands with 8 already in a server joining seems to be a lottery). If I can figure out a way to organise larger races I will but for now this will have to suffice.

Collisions and deformation will be on.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 8 signed up racers show up there will be no room.
With the low number of possible entries please try to make sure you can and will attend the race before signing up.

                             Entry List - Max 8
1/. teeds #321
2/. Twitch #135
3/. bj #9
4/. Artur Stroher #7
5/. philian #389
6/. satanas #757
7/. Maigurs Daukste #441
Announcing a Fun Race at JS7 Compound National on all MX1 Bikes

!!!Now on THURSDAY!!!

Thursday 13th April 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

Lets fly! We'll spend about as much time in the air as on the ground on this track  ;D

Fast as track especially on the MX1 class bikes. You'll need to get some scrubbing in or you'll see some down slopes go sailing by. It's great fun blasting around here and is a good exercise in throttle control!


Event Details

To participate you will require this MX1 pack containing bikes and tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any server with MODs in the last few days, you already have these)

And this track -
JS7 Compound by TFC and Asdrael - https://mega.nz/#!IBw1XTDJ!rtKWaoxrhqBQ2ZUsN19fSarHgnI4qULxdsRbLIslqhY

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Due to what I think are net code limitations in Beta6 I will only be running 8 people in races for now (as it stands with 8 already in a server joining seems to be a lottery). If I can figure out a way to organise larger races I will but for now this will have to suffice.

Collisions and deformation will be on.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 8 signed up racers show up there will be no room.
With the low number of possible entries please make sure you can and will attend the race before signing up.

                             Entry List - Max 8
1/. teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. TFC #235
4/. philiaN #389
5/. satanas #757
6/. Chris Schmieder #5
7/. stevo #711
8/. MorganMX124 #124
Announcing a Fun Race at Matterley Basin (Winchester) on MX2 OEM Bikes

Wednesday 5th April 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

Could't run a race last week but back this week with another MX classic.

Designed in 2006, and created in only 2 weeks, the Matterley Basin Circuit is on of the most beloved tracks on the Race Calendar. In 2006, the circuit held a British Motocross Grand Prix, and a Motocross of Nations. The Motocross of Nations brought in an unimaginable crowd due to several circumstances, mostly being Stefan Everts last ever professional career race, the likes of Bubba Stewart, Ivan Tadesco and Ryan Villopoto.


Event Details

To participate you will require this MX2-OEM pack containing bikes and tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any MXB server with MODs in the last few days, you already have these)

And this track -
The track comes with the game.

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Due to what I think are net code limitations in Beta6 I will only be running 8 people in races for now (as it stands with 8 already in a server joining seems to be a lottery). If I can figure out a way to organise larger races I will but for now this will have to suffice.

Collisions and deformation will be on.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 8 signed up racers show up there will be no room.
With the low number of possible entries please make sure you can and will attend the race before signing up.

                             Entry List - Max 8
1/. teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. satanas #757
4/. philiaN #389
5/. stevo #711
6/. Yann #614
7/. Morgan #124
8/. Chris Schmieder #5
Announcing a Fun Race at 2016 Anaheim 1 on MX2 OEM Bikes

Wednesday 22nd March 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

After the wide open track last week we go to the opposite end of the scale, it's got to be done - Supercross time! Hopefully we get some entries  :) Most of it is straight forward, just need to get the rhythm sections down and it's great fun.


Event Details

To participate you will require this MX2-OEM pack containing bikes and tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any MXB server with MODs in the last few days, you already have these)

And this track -
2016 Anaheim 1 - https://docs.google.com/uc?id=0B69-MKQxCg7Ib3pCMDlmdmxCbEk&export=download

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation on.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 16 signed up racers show up there will be no room.

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. Asdrael #15
4/. gdubmx #84
5/. Chris Schmieder #5
6/. SATANAS  #757
7/. Stevo #711
8/. Damien Desmond #115
9/. Ruben Kuilder #317
10/. MorganMX124 #124
11/. FoxMX29 #29
12/. Jose reina #62
13/. philiaN #389
16 /.                   
Bug Reports / VR in Beta6
March 16, 2017, 08:15:34 PM
Pibs just tried it with the Rift, in the 2nd view i'm getting vertical view rotation when cornering and rotating my head horizontally, beta 5 did't do this.
Anyone else tried VR yet in b6?

So nice to see the menus again though  :)

Just tried the 1st view too and get the same problem.

Same in GPbikes too  :-\
Announcing a Fun Race at MXBC on MX1 OEM Bikes

Wednesday 15th March 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

MX1 time and on this track we should be doing some high speeds (at which to spectacularly crash  :D). Need to try and keep these 450 beasts under control for this, but it should mean all the jumps are easy to clear and probably over jump too!


Event Details

To participate you will require this MX1-OEM pack containing bikes and tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any MXB server with MODs in the last week, you already have these)

And this track -
MXBC v1.3 - https://mega.nz/#!V4xnDDLb!LXXlcqsc2Y5CcEqWoaQ9ookmtIS8sDGV3o1JVPfckDk

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation off.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 16 signed up racers show up there will be no room.

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. teeds #321
2/. TFC #235
3/. SATANAS #757
4/. philian #389
5/. stevo #711
6/. StoneRider #2
7/. Birgersson #194
8/. Damien Desmond #115
9/. Yann #614
10/. Jose Reina #62
11/. doc1 #4
16 /.                   
Announcing a Fun Race at The Practice Track on a 2 Stoke MX2OEM_2016_Yamaha_YZ125

Wednesday 8th March 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

Time to get that 2-stroke smell going around what is probably the first track most of us tried with MXBikes. Hopefully clean laps won't be so illusive around here these days  ;)


Event Details

To participate you will require this bike -
https://mega.nz/#!Y5pViJgb!EV6PEqsn2O591_1klvj1aXa_bB3sF-rSB-4H2GzftvU - MX2OEM_2016_Yamaha_YZ125
and also these tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any MXB server with MODs in the last week, you already have these)

Track - The Practice Track is an original track that comes with the game.

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation off.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 16 signed up racers show up there will be no room.

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. Asdrael #15
4/. satanas #757
5/. StoneRider #2
6/. philiaN #389
7/. Jose Reina #62
8/. stevo #711
9/. Damien Desmond #115
10/. Sydney #66
11/. gdubmx #84
12/. FoxMX29 #21
13/. Victor Bitner #17
16 /.                   


Race 1

1/. teeds
2/. FoxMX29
3/. Jose Reina
4/. StoneRider
5/. philiaN
6/. Gdubmx
7/. stevo
8/. satanas
9/. Yann
10/. Victor Bitner
11/. Syd
12/. Orlovsky

Race 2

1/. teeds
2/. FoxMX29
3/. StoneRider
4/. philiaN
5/. stevo
6/. satanas
7/. Syd
8/. Yann
9/. Orlovsky
10/. Jose Reina
Bug Reports / Dedi Server "X" to close
March 03, 2017, 11:31:56 AM
This has caught me out and confused me a few times but i've only just noticed the reason. If I try to shut down a dedi server with the "X" top right of the window rather than the "Quit" button it just puts an icon (as below) of the server into the notification area and it still runs. I have to then double click the icon to bring the dedi panel backup and hit quit to actually close.

Bug Reports / Sit Reversed in SM
March 03, 2017, 10:49:07 AM
Was riding SM with doc last night and we both checked this. The sit in SM seems reversed, we noticed that when you press sit in SM the rider stands up and when you release it he sits. After checking button setup (it was fine) tried it in MX and it worked as expected.

So it looks like the sit buttons function is reversed in SM and the rider sits normally, you then press sit to stand up.
Announcing a Fun Race at MXB Club on the 2 Stoke MX2OEM_2016_Yamaha_YZ125

Wednesday 1st March 20:30 UTC
All Riders Welcome

This week lets rip around the track above on the bike below. MXB Club is a small track with no big technical challenges but is tight, twisty and should lead to some close racing.


Event Details

To participate you will require this bike -
https://mega.nz/#!Y5pViJgb!EV6PEqsn2O591_1klvj1aXa_bB3sF-rSB-4H2GzftvU - MX2OEM_2016_Yamaha_YZ125
and also these tyres -
(FYI - If you been on any MXB server with MODs in the last week, you already have these)

Track - MXB Club is an original track that comes with the game.

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation off.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 16 signed up racers show there will be no room.

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. Teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. TFC #235
4/. Damien Desmond #115
5/. Neal Wells #52
6/. stevo #711
7/. satanas #757
8/. Chris Schmieder #5
16 /.                   
Announcing a Fun Race at Glen Helen on the 2 Stroke 96CR125 and RC125

Wednesday 22nd February 20:30 UTC

Glen Helen Raceway is located North of San Bernardino in the area of Devore. This area is against a great mountain side in which Glen Helen Raceway has created it raceway facility, of 256 acres. Glen Helen is on county property and shares its large area with other county facilities, Glen Helen Regional Parks, San Manuel Pavilion and the Sheriff Training Center.

Glen Helen Raceway started its fame back in 1985, it had several Sand Drag events, Off Road events and Motocross events. In 1991 Glen Helen Raceway hosted its first major event, the United States World Championship Motocross and again in 1992. With these two events added to the Glen Helen Raceway venue it was the beginning of a growing and nationally known track.

In 1995 and 1996 two more major events came to Glen Helen Raceway, the Off Road Winter Series and the AMA 125/250 MX Nationals. With these events added to Glen Helen Raceway it had made a climb to that of one of the most seen and raced on tracks in the world.

Today Glen Helen Raceway has added more race tracks and has put thousands of dollars into its facility. Glen Helen Raceway has the National MX track, Rem/Vintage track, PeeWee track and a brand new registration tower.

Glen Helen Raceway has strived to give fans and participants this awesome facility to race and practice on, or just a day to enjoy the races.


Event Details

To participate you will require these 2 bikes -
https://mega.nz/#!YlAyharZ!M20kdfMuPpSlFT2Q7YH95YE2v-booeELR9rk_GSJqwI  - (created by rc4187)
https://mega.nz/#!spJ33DAT!G8jrKYT4LexiIGzIXuJ9rq7uBk_QH2V5mnGNc2azRe0 - (created by rc4187)

And this track -
https://mega.nz/#!pwRTXB4S!KOd__ta5QQIUnR8--YY87LdFZj1j59R9NAFYeY0QsDo - (created by TFC and Vortex_Damien)

2 servers will be used for this event, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation off.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen). If racers turn up without placing their names here they can race if there are free slots, but if 16 signed up racers show there will be no room.

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. Teeds #321
2/. doc1 #4
3/. Stevo #711
4/. SATANAS #757
16 /.                   
Announcing a Fun Race at Forest Raceway on the 2 Stroke 96CR125 and RC125 (created by rc4187)

Wednesday 15th February 20:30 UTC

Forest Raceway is a fantasy track that comes with the game. It's a fairly short track that contains a tricky rhythm section as you head back toward the start area.


Event Details

To participate you will require these 2 bikes -

The track is included with the game.

2 servers will be used, 1 server will be running practice for all and when the event starts, a separate server will be used to hold the races. Those taking part will be called to join the race server and when finished will need to return to the practice server to await their next race call. The heat races will be short to keep waiting times down with the main being slightly longer.

The heats will be setup to run in different formats depending on the number of riders but should also allow for lag free racing that can be replayed to a decent standard. Heat and final races will currently contain a maximum of 8 riders, maybe lower depending on turnout. A single race might be held if numbers are too low to run heats. For initial heat selection names will be drawn at random.

Collisions will be on and deformation off.


Post Below to reserve a place including your Name and Race number (make sure not to post a number already chosen).

                             Entry List - Max 16
1/. Teeds #321
2/. TheFatController #235
3/. stevo #711
4/. Gdubmx #84
5/. Ruben Kuilder #317
6/. SATANAS  #757
7/. doc1 #4
16 /.