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February 16, 2025, 03:45:40 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - bassit

Documentation / Re: Dedicated server
May 19, 2024, 01:57:43 AM
Can someone please explain where i am supposed to put
-dedicated 2342 -set params dedicated.ini

I have made a shortcut to mxbikes.exe, clicked on properties and i have no idea where i am supposed to put it.
I've moved over to steam but am I still ok to edit the ini file or will this cause me trouble on steam?
The pack that is available for download here is version 15.1 and is outdated, the latest version is 17.

You can download version 17 HERE.
General Discussion / Re: Factory OEM Bikes
March 28, 2022, 07:27:48 PM
I don't know if they are faster or not but no its not just a skin, the bikes have all have different geometry and weights etc.
General Discussion / Re: AMD vs Nvidia GPUs/OpenGL/FPS
February 11, 2019, 10:34:19 AM
I have a 1060 3gb card and i have no issues running mx bikes, it also works fine with mx bikes in VR and every other game i have tried it with.

For the lesser rx 570 i'd say get the 8gb card, but i agree with gdub an nvidia card would be the smarter choice.
General Discussion / Re: I still can not join online
November 24, 2018, 04:51:27 PM
What steps have you taken to try to solve this?
General Discussion / Re: Steam version
October 03, 2018, 04:40:50 PM
I had a go of the alta for the first time the other day and immediately noticed the difference in engine braking.

As someone that is still not very good at the game i found the alta to be easy to ride and fell off much less due to the engine braking and feel it would be worth taking a look at the difference between the engine braking on the alta and the other bike models.

I think slightly more engine braking on the normal models could help with peoples initial reaction when playing for the first time and may help the steam release.

One of my gripes with the game as it is at the moment is when i fall off the bike usually ends up facing backwards (or much worse) because the rear wheel (gyro) is still spinning, this happens much less with the alta due to the near immediate engine braking that stops the rear wheel.
Bikes / Re: Alta Redshift MXR 2018
July 07, 2018, 08:09:40 PM
Thanks Guys!   :)
404 please.
General Discussion / Re: Shit is dead PiB?
December 21, 2017, 08:05:19 PM

I have to ask why the turnaround?

You have done as much for this community as anyone, supported it as much as anyone, so what has caused you to have such a reaction to beta 7?

Piboso never said that online would be fixed for beta 7, you know he has 4 games to work on, it just doesnt make any sense.

We all want online to work better but no one else is making damaging threads like this one, you are not stupid, you know what you are doing.
General Discussion / Re: MX Bikes beta7b
December 16, 2017, 01:50:02 PM
I have tried changing up a gear manually, but if you do this whilst in auto most of the time it changes the gear back down.
General Discussion / Re: MX Bikes beta7b
December 16, 2017, 03:14:09 AM
Quote from: motopsycho87 on December 15, 2017, 10:22:35 PM
Is anyone having the problem whereby you accelerate with auto shift on, and it hangs in gears for about 2/3 seconds too long?

I play on auto too and assumed that is how auto gears are for the time being.

The rev limiter seems to be more of a speed limiter, you hit the rev limiter very quickly, stay on the limiter for 2 seconds and still make the jumps, although i did struggle to make 1 of the jumps on thursday night mx that i used to make without any problems.

I assume this is to account for the apparent loosening of traction that has been mentioned elsewhere.

Ill be using Badstars fix before i play next because it pretty unbearable listening to that rev limiter sound thats nearly always on.

This must be affecting more than just 2 of us?
Bug Reports / Re: Resolution problem.
December 11, 2017, 04:40:34 PM
Cheers Piboso... :)

The issue was indeed due to windows scaling, i had to set the display to 100% within nvidia control panel and all is well again, mxbikes in 4k looks pretty good, the ruts in manuta look pretty cool.

The "borderless" window mode didnt do anything to help the issue though.
Bug Reports / Resolution problem.
November 24, 2017, 05:12:38 PM
Hey everyone.

I have a weird problem that i dont ever recall seeing mentioned before.

When i set a resolution it says that the resolution has been set and shows the correct resolution on the left, then just to the right it will also show a lower (usually half) resolution in red, it doesnt seem to make a difference if i am using hd4000, gt 650m or gtx1060.

This has been happening since beta 6, i never really played beta 6 so wasnt really bothered about it...but i would like to play beta 7.

And also...Can anyone explain where the mods are supposed to go, i have synced bikes + tyres, tracks and a couple of others i cant remember into the mods folder but nothing is showing in game.
Other / Re: Airoh Aviator & 100% Googles
January 07, 2017, 11:49:44 PM
Cheers Paco. :)