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February 11, 2025, 03:41:53 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - Ruubs

Great post and great explanatory videos.

Piboso doesn't seem to listen to me as an individual, so I hope now that more people are reporting the same issues - and provide explanatory videos - he will understand the importance of the problems and fix them.

Off course joining online servers are a pain in the ass in the game's current state as well, but even when we're finally in a server the game is barely any fun with all its random physics glitches (and once you have an idea of what causes the random physics you'll hate it even more). I join online servers consistently enough that I'd rather have physics glitches fixes. But connection issues are still huge for a big lot of the community, and that needs to be addressed as well.
Bug Reports / Re: Steering bug
January 12, 2022, 11:09:41 AM
The steering is the exact same on the ground and in air. It's not so that the steering inverts in the air all of a sudden. The exact same principles happen both on the ground and in the air. You steer right, you go left. That's how it works in real life, and in MXB.

MXB's bike control is based on the bike's lean angle rather than turning the bars. For example;
In MXB the input you give from your controller determines the lean angle of the bike. The virtual rider then turns the bars which results in the bike leaning exactly to the lean angle you've input. Most of the time the virtual rider counter-steers to lean the bike over, only at very low speeds will the rider not counter-steer.

Quote from: mikeyparrino726 on October 24, 2021, 07:25:05 PMThe one in game is so atrocious it actually hurts me to ride the bike and it is my favorite bike.
That's not very nice to say about a free mod.
General Discussion / Re: FIx my game. seriously
July 18, 2021, 10:06:01 PM
Calibrate your controls in Windows and in game.
General Discussion / Re: What bike is fastest?
July 05, 2021, 10:35:56 PM
What Ganja said is pretty much spot on.

There isn't one bike that is 'the best' or 'the fastest'. Each bike is better or worse in different situations. Some guys are better on a Suzuki than on a Honda, and vice versa. It's all about what you want out of a bike (more or less frame flex, higher or lower COM etc.) and where you get used to the most.
General Discussion / Re: I need License Key
July 01, 2021, 02:53:53 PM
Don't bother with a license key. Simply buy the game on Steam:
Support / Re: Data mismatch for stock bikes
June 26, 2021, 08:33:13 PM
Delete your bikes and rider folders in steam/steamapps/mxbikes.
Suggestions and wishlist / Re: Brake tapping
June 24, 2021, 12:35:12 PM
Hit your rear brake and lean backwards (front brake also helps a ton, but it's easier to slide your front out upon landing).

To lean your rider forwards, you have to pull the bars, thus pulling the bars up. If you lean backwards, you push the bars away from you, thus pushing the bars down.
Quote from: PizzaChet on June 04, 2021, 05:48:33 PMThere also is the age-old human ability to adapt. You adapt to school rules, traffic rules etc. Why the hell can't you sit still for 30 seconds? It's a real simple solution that has kept me from getting a DNS in the last 100 or so starts.

Multiplayer still has multiple bugs. One of them is that players occasionally get jump start DQ before even going to the gate.
Can you post a screenshot of your installation directory?

You've most likely unpacked a few .pkz files which are causing issues.
Try deleting the following folders if you have them:

You shouldn't unpack any .pkz files, or have any of the above mentioned folders in your in installation directory, unless you know what you're doing. 99% Of the mods need to be installed in your documents/piboso/mxbikes/mods folder.
Tracks / Re: 2019 MXGP of Czech Republic - Loket
April 09, 2021, 08:44:28 PM
Great track. Looks good and fun to ride! Thanks for your work :)
A lot of us agree that the quick reset needs tweaks. Resetting on the side of the track isn't a solid solution though since that's what a long reset does already (which is quite bugged at the moment).

Here's a previous topic where the quick reset problem has been discussed:
Support / Re: Inverted steering in mid air?
March 04, 2021, 02:24:38 PM
Your last reply didn't make much sense to me, but let me try to explain real life- and MXB physics a little better than I did before.

In Mx Bikes you control the lean angle of the bike. What really happens when you control the lean angle of the bike in Mx Bikes though, is that you indirectly control the virtual rider's arms. When you tell the bike to lean left the rider's left arm will push forward, which makes the handlebar steer to the right and make the bike lean over to the left. This is called counter steering and you do this in real life as well. In real life you can't lean over the bike without turning the handlebars in the opposite direction (unless you're riding slower than a bicycle, because even on a bicycle you steer right to lean left). However, you might not notice you do so (which a lot of people don't notice). When you lean your body to the right, your bike will lean to the right as well but that is because you automatically counter steer to the right due to the weight transfer. Counter steering is something we do automatically without realizing it.

This means that on the ground, the steering is flipped as well, just like it is in the air. It's just that you don't notice it on the ground because the bike still does what you expect it to do (lean over). In the air it isn't any different though. If you whip to the left, you can bring the bike back by counter steering to the left (controller the bike lean to the right).

You're saying, please correct me if I've misunderstood, that in real life you always stay perpendicular to the bike. You also say that when the bike leans left you rarely find yourself leaning right and when you do that it is not the fast/ideal line. In fact, in motocross the best technique is to lean your body the opposite way that the bike is leaning. The degree to which you lean the opposite way differs per corner/terrain though. In Mx Bikes you can actually control the rider's lean independent from the bike lean, just not his arms as that's what you use to turn the bars to lean the bike over. So if you want to stay perpendicular to the bike, you can simply choose to not lean your rider.

Support / Re: Inverted steering in mid air?
March 02, 2021, 04:09:48 PM
In MXB you control the lean angle of the bike. So when you lean your controller's stick left, the bike will lean left due to the virtual rider turning the bars right (counter steering). The same happens in the air; when you lean left with your controller's stick, the virtual rider will counter steer to the right to initiate the lean. So in theory the handlebars turn the wrong way on the ground too.
Bug Reports / Re: Online spike lag
March 02, 2021, 11:18:40 AM
Even dedicated servers have this issue.