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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

More Realistic Rider Movements

Started by MotoRogers499, November 10, 2014, 06:23:37 PM

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November 10, 2014, 06:23:37 PM Last Edit: December 04, 2014, 05:30:32 PM by MotoRogers499
Im sure this will be improved in the future, and there is no rush, but right now the rider lean doesnt feels right. I feel like the wrong things are happening when I lean forward/backward/sideways. Also, the rider feels connected to the bike, and the movements are super sketch. It would be extremely difficult to simulate, but something like this would be a dream come true:
(ignore the tutorial part, first video i found)


As you can see, the body and bike moves seperately, on its own. The rider doesnt get bucked with the bike. In sections like these, I want to make sure im able to dip my back tire and improved rider movements can help. I feel like if I come across a section like this in the current build, the rider will just stay with the bike and get bucked around as you bounce off the tops. In no way am I demanding this, just a suggestion for the future. :D


I have some issues trying to get past any sections like this when riding. Like you say I just get bucked off :)


December 04, 2014, 05:26:16 PM #2 Last Edit: July 09, 2015, 07:04:45 PM by MotoRogers499
I want to add on to this to make it a little more easy to understand.
You see, in real life your body moves around on the bike, naturally. If you just loosen up your body, your bike will move underneath you.

The way it is in the game now, you control your rider movements. I agree that of course you should be able to control your own body movements, but the rider should be able to move freely on its own. Im not talking about Auto Lean here...

In real life, you arent physically using muscle to let the bike move underneath you. Any muscle used is primarily used to keep your balance and hold on to the bike. In the game, however, you 100% fully control the rider movement. In real life, this would be absolute hell. In fact, it would take much more muscle to try and not move on the bike at all, while the bike is being bucked around. You would be bucked with the bike! Next time anyone goes riding, try and tense up your arms and torso and dont move at all. You literally are not able to do this. I highly doubt anyone has the muscle to be able to do this. Even if you think you arent moving, you are.

For the MXS players: If you go into your suspension setup in MXS and lower your rider forward spring damping to around 10, and have your spring at maybe 50, you will see what im talking about. MXS came close, but not quite there. I think its because there is no L/R Rider lean in MXS, but you will get the basic idea. The rider will move more freely on the bike and is affected by terrain, rather than just having the bike affected by terrain as the rider stays rigid with the bike. The settings I listed are an exaggeration, just to show you what I mean. In MXS, the rider moves freely on the bike always, but you can change the settings as to how freely.

In MXB, the rider doesnt move at all no matter how bumpy the terrain is, the only movement is the movement controlled by your joystick (or whatever you use for rider movement). I tried to explain as best I could. Im hoping the rider is less rigid for future releases. Bike and rider move SEPARATE. Rider doesnt follow bike. If anyone has trouble understanding, please tell me where you are confused and I will explain as best as I can.

Thanks for reading!


"Damn dirt bikers!" - Bubba



i think that was pretty wel l put :)

I feel the same way. But im sure itll improve lots over the next year