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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

SX2016 Round 2: San Diego 1

Started by Asdrael, June 08, 2016, 11:46:40 PM

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June 08, 2016, 11:46:40 PM Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 11:13:41 AM by Asdrael
In the midst of a fury of MX track, here is a replica track: The second round of the Supercross 2016 season, San Diego 1!

The scaling is 1.1:1 - simple reason: it's more fun, while keeping it realistic. It is based on the actual track that was raced, not the blueprint (there were a few changes). The goal was to have a fun but difficult and challenging track - from what I heard, this much is successful.

It is made to be raceable, even with collisions on. Each lane and turn has at least 2 different and viable lines. I strongly recommend a 250F as the 450F power delivery at low speed is really tough to handle. Throttle control galore! Tip: stiffen your fork ;)

I will really welcome feedback on this as I plan on doing a few more rounds soon.

Track heightmap done on photoshop, L3DT export to Sketchup for object placement.
Everything done by me, except the 3 model of the stadium (3D warehouse, Sketchup), as well as the sky texture which comes from an old Q3 mod database. Logos were adapted and process to provide suitable textures for the newly made objects. Shoutout to geofanatec and TheFatController for their tutorials that have been a great help.


SX2016 Round 2: San Diego 1 TRACK LINK ON MEGA.

Disclaimer: No objects have collision, so you guys have an easier and less frustrating time learning SX. The "Monster Cans" have a surprise inside tho...
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another new track gifts tonight  ;D ;D
a big thank you for all this work


June 09, 2016, 12:06:53 AM #2 Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:09:40 AM by philiaN
damn, cant download it :( it was super slow and than there was a Temporary error. Can you please upload to another file sharing host?

*now it works, slow but it works (300kb/s)


June 09, 2016, 12:11:02 AM #3 Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:29:29 AM by Asdrael
Quote from: philiaN on June 09, 2016, 12:06:53 AM
damn, cant download it :( it was super slow and than there was a Temporary error. Can you please upload to another file sharing host?

*now it works, slow but it works (300kb/s)

I had made a mistake in the mega encryption setting. Should be better now - will upload on other media asap. Also submitted to MXCentral - waiting on a kind mod approval.
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I have to say, i didn't expect that it would be so good after your beta. Please make more sx tracks, so we can make a sx series. Really nice to ride!


Quote from: philiaN on June 09, 2016, 12:30:36 AM
I have to say, i didn't expect that it would be so good after your beta. Please make more sx tracks, so we can make a sx series. Really nice to ride!

Thanks a lot. This was a long learning process as I didn't even have Photoshop installed before I started. First track ever, first time in Sketchup, etc. Hopefully the next ones will be better (and faster to produce too :p). The beta was 1:1, this is 1.1:1 which does make a big difference as the jumps are smoother and there is more room for mistakes - but you need more speed. Good compromise imo.

Cookies for the first sub-1 minute laptime! Come on guys it's way doable on a 250F ;)
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Track approved on Mxbc mate,  thanks for hosting with us.
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


The track is challenging as fuck, i dont think i´ve been able to clear a full clean lap yet hahaha
Love it mate, it´s also nice to see a stadium track with a good amount of objects, would love to see some more worked textures tho, thanks a lot for the track Asdrael!  :D


I like it so much. Trying to figure out how to pass that whoops haha. Do you need help with terrain textures? They are so simple and unrealistic. The rest is very good. Congrats mate!!!


Giving you major props, also!  Very cool to see a stadium make it into the game.  This one rides so much better than the beta so you nailed it with scaling.  Those whoops are about a B**** though! lol.  Guess thats why they separate the men from the boys


for the whoops: 1st gear + lean back + full throttle  :)


Great job Asdrael, I'm in love with the whoops, they feel almost perfect!

My only criticism is the triples seem a bit small.. Maybe it's the physics or the angle of the take offs, but I find I have to work to keep the front end down and the landings feel too low.

Other than that, had a good 20 minutes last night trying to nail the rhythm section with no luck, but something to aim for! Keep it up man, great job :)


June 09, 2016, 10:37:45 AM #14 Last Edit: June 09, 2016, 12:54:55 PM by Asdrael
Thanks for the feedback :)

I can give some tips but I run mostly with the 250F, not much with the others. I was actually surprised that after tuning the obstacles shape and scale the lines emerged "by themselves" and the physics allowed for "realistic" (to an extent, I have never ridden a proper SX track) techniques to function. Once you "get it" you can run lean laps no problem. I personnaly run on a 250F under 1.05 clean no problem, I think my personnal best is right at 1:00.

3 hints today to put you on track (...haha), might give some others later on ;)
  • Throttle control your jumps: you won't jump the same height/distance if you full throttle, cut, or cut then give a slight boost on the face.
  • Don't let your wheels skip any whoops. You can go much faster than 1st gear ;)
  • You need a very very good reason not to have your bike straight when approaching obstacles.
As for the terrain texture, I just used the in-game tiles. I should definitely look into making it better - if I can't manage, I'll gladly take the help Paco. I just had so much on my plate for this first one that I took the easy route for the ground.

The triples are scaled 1.1 height and distance as well (they are 68' roughly, with 6', 4.5' and 3' - all scaled x1.1). I was surprised at how "small" they came out as well until I watched some more videos. It's damn impressive for sure IRL, but they don't fly "that" high. I tried making them bigger for the umph but then they either: compress your suspensions too much and throw you sideways -which is partially what is happening if you fly nose high all the time-, make you fly low but way too far, make you go high but you lose all the horizontal momentum before you land (small physics issue there, it seems like you lose too much speed due to pure air friction). Plus on that track, there was not much room to have bigger triple due to obstacles before. Next one though is different ;)

- Edit: point taken on the triple landing. I went with 3' as it was textbook -litterally- but from an old document. It looks like they put it at 4' now from comparing pictures. Will change this for next tracks.
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