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Custom Sounds?

Started by KRDJMTC, October 08, 2016, 12:43:46 AM

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I was thinking about modding MXB with sounds from MX Unleashed, ATV Offroad Fury 4, or whatever games I think would work well.  I saw that TheFatController and some others wanted to do this too...

So, how does it work?  What programs do you think I would need?




It's probably best to start by downloading MaX SCL from the PiBoSo forum plugins section. It will give you an idea of how sounds are created for this sim as it works exactly the same as GPB. Please read the documentation that MaX includes with the tool though and don't expect much help, it's a pretty unexplored area right now..


Thanks for your help.  I'll see what I can do...


Good luck mate. Let us know how you get on,  some newsounds would be awesome,  plus I always liked the unleashed sounds
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October 09, 2016, 12:30:50 AM #6 Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 12:32:44 AM by BadStar
Speaking of sounds... I have played probably every mx game on earth and never has one hit the sounds to be accurate to real bikes..

I would say the 2-strokes on MXvsATV alive/encore are pretty good.. but I cant wait for the day a real thumper sound happens also..

I will say, MXB has an awesome way of producing sound, (power curve) as with a real engine, but still.. Not sure why real thumper/dirt bike sounds mostly have never existed in games (unlike car games)
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In order for the MX Unleahed sounds to work, their pitch would have to remain constant throughout the bike's acceleration.  I've been messing with the .scl file, but it doesn't seem to change anything.  I'll keep playing with it, but in the meantime, I'll use a bike sound I got from ATV Off-road Fury 4.  These sounds seem to be built for their pitch to change with the bike, but they're not very realistic.

My main reason for looking into this was actually to import the MX vs. ATV Alive sounds into the game, because I absolutely love those sounds.  But it'll take some intense googling to figure out how to rip sounds from a PS3 disk, and I'll need to solve the MX Unleashed problem first.


I think Encore and ALive should be the same for sounds...
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Yeah, they do.  I just don't have Supercross on the PC.  If someone else could get those sounds for me that would be great, but I'm not counting on it.


Quote from: KRDJMTC on October 09, 2016, 09:33:39 PM
In order for the MX Unleahed sounds to work, their pitch would have to remain constant throughout the bike's acceleration.
But if the pitch is kept constant, how does the sound vary depending on the bike's RPM ?


Pretty sure the sounds are locked into one huge sound file,  I asked Jamie T to look for us last year and he said sounds are really tricky to extract as they are bundled into one huge track rather than separate files.  I stand corrected though as I may have  that wrong but I'm 90%sure.  Shame though,  I don't wanna bag on the 2stroke sounds but they "aren't great"..  Sorry Piboso.. 
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So sounds are just different files blending together to produce the change in RPM? Isn't it easier to have frequency modulation and pitch shifter on one single file (or 2 - 1 under load, 1 without) ?
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The pitch is modulated, but that's where it gets complicated.

Using one sound file and modulating the pitch is too much and will cause any artifacts in the sample to be exaggerated, while using two samples at different pitches and trying to match / blend them together is very difficult (a to get the right samples and b to make them play well together)..


In PiBoSo sims, for the enigne you essentially have:

  • 2 layers, one for throttle ON, one ofr throttle OFF
  • In each layer you have multiple samples (.wav). Each sample is taken at fixed RPM (and is loopable).
  • Depending on throttle position (and other parameters), the ON and the OFF layer are played together (at different volumes). As an example you could say you take a linear interpolation between throttle full ON (layer ON = volume 100%, layer OFF = volume 0%) and throttle full OFF (layer ON = volume 0%, layer OFF = volume 100%). This is what I do in MaxSCL but PiBoSo likely does something more sophisticated.
  • In each layer you play one or more samples simultaneously depending on the bike's RPM. Each sample has a volume envelope: for example, smaple1 could be 0% vooume until 5,000RPM, then linear between 0% and 100% volume between 5,000 and 6000 RPM, then flat at 100% volume between 6,000 and 8,000 RPM and finally linear between 100% and 0% volume betreen 8,000 and 9,000 RPM. Classical fade-in - flat - fade-out. Typically you have two samples overlapping in their fade-out/fade-in ranges.
  • As samples are taken at fixed RPM, the sim alters their pitch depending on the RPM.

On top of this you have some additional sounds (transmission, gearbox, wind, brakes etc).

Quote from: Asdrael on October 11, 2016, 11:21:59 AM
So sounds are just different files blending together to produce the change in RPM? Isn't it easier to have frequency modulation and pitch shifter on one single file (or 2 - 1 under load, 1 without) ?
It is easier (and absolutely possible in MXB, just have the two layers, one sample each) but this typically gives worse results.
You can even have a single layer with a single sample: even easier, but even worse :)

The general principle is: at a given RPM and throttle position you usually have 1 active sample (active = being played) for the ON layer and one active sample for the OFF layer. They are "blended" depending on throttle position (and other stuff).
As we need multiple samples in a layer, we need to transition from one to the other in a smooth way, so you have the fade-out/dafe-in zones in which 2 samples (of the same layer) are active.

After that, it's up to the creativity of the sound modded: for example, in a layer you could have a sample always active (i.e. spanning the whole RPM range), to represent a sound that is always there and is independent from the RPMs.