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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

2017 Suzuki Rmz [Release]

Started by Vortex_Damien, October 10, 2016, 11:37:11 AM

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October 10, 2016, 11:37:11 AM Last Edit: October 10, 2016, 11:38:51 AM by Vortex_Damien

Well its about time i got everything pretty much figured out. i understand the model is not 100% accurate but i am fairly proud with the outcome. Inside you will find the template and in game files. as far as future updates come see the following.

You can purchase the model file to put on any extra aftermarket parts for - 75$
- Purchasing the model will give you all future part updates that i will have such as pipes,seats,after market plastics, etc...

I hope with doing the release like this will allow everyone to enjoy the bike with what is being released. and if you really want the bike to be more of your own, want the model to do with how you please. i hope everyone enjoys the model as i have put tons of hours into it, i understand the chain isnt 100% lined up and the hands could be better.

thanks to everyone who had helped me with my constant annoyance about questions and me being generally dumb.
Thank you to cocow over on the mx simulator forums for skinning the Japan Spy Bike,Stock Bikes and Jason Pama for the the RCH and Yoshimura Bike

Sorry for such a large download files contains 2 bikes, a template, and 4 skins for each bike  ;D ;D

Links :
250- https://www.mediafire.com/?e8y78k5ryb59o75
450- https://www.mediafire.com/?roccnrc57hw3bur
Template- http://www61.zippyshare.com/v/Oyp7MaWq/file.html

Donations are always appreciated :)


Awesome Damien! Great work.

Can't wait to see more of you.


great Damo. Too bad you choose to sell the model but... well, it's your decision... i hope that the bike is competitive enough to fight with the crf and the yami. I give it a try !


Good work man! Looking forward to trying this when I get home ;D

Don't see a problem with selling the obj for people who want the model, glad the bike itself is free for use in game.


Quote from: TheFatController on October 10, 2016, 11:55:07 AM
glad the bike itself is free for use in game.


After a lil test the bike is looking pretty good. Better than my export.. ^^ it's fun too ride, it whip so good and you can easily make the front end lighter without backflip anything... it can be a really good bike with some good setup i guess. Can't wait for the next one man... ;)

And thank you again, great work dude !


Sick vortex! I love your RM's... It would have been my bike of choice if I had the option before the 8th.. THX AGAIN !!
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"Damn dirt bikers!" - Bubba


Quote from: geofanatec on October 11, 2016, 05:37:24 PM
Technically registration is still open and you can just register again (I will delete old one)  ;)

Too late.. and I would be so torn between the two RM's at the moment.. (fats/VD)

I'll stick with haunting people with a DRZ..trail tech headlight sneaking up on them as they check their 6!
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My rm being a 2t is MX1. Since this is an MX2 race that decision is made for you ;)


Is there someone who can jump this whole section without problems?? cause of the lower speed of the rmz (compared to the other bikes) i really have my trouble with this section ://


i can jump it fine, stock gearing keep it in 2nd in the sand and right on the last little sand rollers shit it to 3 and pin it