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BETA 4 AND 5 BUG - Replay Buffer Bug on certain tracks - PLEASE FIX!!!

Started by GDUBMX, January 02, 2017, 10:05:32 PM

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Just reporting the bug that was present from beta 4 where if you have a replay buffer set of any size and try to load a certain track the game crashes, after removing the buffer the tracks will load.

Tracks that work regardless for me with buffer
Most stock tracks
Glen Helen
Red Bud

Tracks that dont work for me with buffer:

JS7 Pound
MXBC Pound
Southwick 2016

Not sure if it has anything to do with heightmap size or what? perhaps Fats can shed some light on his tracks heightmap sizes? :D
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />



I'm curious, does Southwick also have this problem?


<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Well out of that list, the only 4k stuff is the mxbc compound. The rest is 2k.

I'd be more interested to know if it's because the stock tracks are rooted within the core files and the custom tracks are just in the tracks folder.. But I can't double check that as at work, just a thought..


<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Ok after further investigation ive come to the conclusion that perhaps this is a problem with tracks that have a certain sized .map file? perhaps anything over 150000kb will not work with the replay buffer, similar to the gear bug we had where you coudlnt have more than 100.

Piboso, please take a look into this
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />