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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Project OEM: BikeEd, EngnEd and .cfg for accurate factory specs.

Started by Asdrael, February 06, 2017, 12:13:11 PM

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Awesome tutorial Asdrael  :o i'm a newbie moder but for gpbikes i've followed your tutorial and i have some issue configuring my bike.

1 - For the rear suspension curve, does the linear 4 to 2 curve still valable for a road bike (roadster) ?
2 - My brake is not working at all, i've change the diameter and then change the torque according to your formulas but when i'm in game, my brake don't work at all, or it work but cannot stop my bike. also since a roadster 400 cc bike have 2 Disc in the front how do i deal with that ?
3 - i found my primary and secondary reduction ration in decimal, how does i convert it into fraction, does normal math (decimal to fraction) formulas work ?

Again, thank you for your fantastic tutorial  :D


I have no idea how it works for roadster bikes. If it's using linkage systems, I'd say there are good chances it should be in the same ballpark. If not, maybe the rear geometry is similar to a bike made by PiBoSo and then you should try to mimick what has been done there (rule 1 of moding here: when you don't know any better, do what PiBoSo did :p ).

For the brakes, make sure there is no typo and that the brake choice numbering is correct. That might be it. For dual disks, not sure. Again, might want to look into what PiBoSo did in his released bike cfg.

For the ratio: the decimal values sometimes present on spec sheets are actually calculated from a fraction (coming from the number of teeth on the gearings). So yes, doing it the other way around works. (0.33333 = 1/3, both ways ;) )

Glad if the tutorial helped!
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Hi, Asdrael, thanx for your reply.

For the brake issue, i think i found the problem, but i don't unterstand it. into Pib's bike template, it say that the bike use a 15mm disc and i think piboso use meter in diameter so it is 0.015. Me i'm using a 296mm disc on my bike and 2 of that so to do simple, i juste change my diameter to (if i'm not to bad at math) 296 mm = 0.296 m. but if i do that my brake don't work but if instead i write 0.029 wich is mathematicaly totaly wrong lol, my brake works lol .

For the rear susp, ok i'll check what piboso does with the stock bike, thanx.


You don't need to input the diameter. It's only a name and has no incidence on the game performance:

name = Steel 270mm
Mass = 0.75
PressureToTorque = 0.162
OptTemp = 500
TempFactor = 1000
Heating = 0.001
CoolingBase = 0.5
CoolingFactor = 0.28

"name = XXX" is just going to be the display name in the garage. It's the PressureToTorque that is going to give you breaking power. That is what you calculate using your diameter: if the standard bike has a 200mm diam brake and a PressureToTorque of 0.1, but your bike has a 300mm diam brake, then your new Pressure to Torque is 300 * 0.1 / 200 = 0.15.
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Thx Asdrael,

I confonded the Master Cylinder diameter and the disk diameter (not present in the cfg file itself, and don't need to be puted in, just need to calculate the pressure to torque). So i changed the Master Cylinder diameter, that's why it doesn't work.

Now, my physics and engine is perfectely working(i can compare because i ride the real bike in real life) just the tyre need to be created (now i'm using a moto 2 tyre model).

One thing you forget to put in your tutorial is the clutch max torque, and it was causing lot of trouble with my engine but i think work great for mx bike  because the template bike is a mx bike model, i managed to solved it with the help of this page :


hope it help, and again thanx for your tutorial  :)


Hm, I did overlook that thanks a lot. From what I checked, the values I used are not too far off  (+- 10%) but I'll run some tests and see if I can see a difference. Thanks for the feedback, and good luck on the tyres ;)
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Updated for beta 8:
  • No need for special tyres nor suspensions anymore, copy paste the values from the stock bikes
  • Considerations on clutch values
  • Hints on limiter values
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Quote from: Asdrael on July 01, 2018, 02:09:53 PM
Updated for beta 8:
  • No need for special tyres nor suspensions anymore, copy paste the values from the stock bikes
  • Considerations on clutch values
  • Hints on limiter values
Thank you man.


Found some new data for the weight calculation, in particular for the height of the center of gravity. The Excel for the weight distribution has been updated accordingly. Expect a slightly higher chassis mass for 450f, giving a slightly more solid feel in game (OEM pack will be updated soon). Also a general readability and usability update.

Long story short: I estimated the center of gravity to be mid height of the bike. which was more or less correct, but according to Honda, 47% of the way up is more accurate. Changed to that, made the calculation accurate. Also, the weight bias is currently drifing more toward the rear according to manufacturers so I changed the recommended values to reflect that.

Link: https://mega.nz/#!9RhjhK5A!lMKezwxRwUoYpD9QMO6PL22V-0_neav_wfYmFbpn0Uc
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Weight distribution cheat sheet updated again - spent hours testing and trying to get data.

Long story short: modern 4 strokes dirt bikes are more of a 51.5 tot 52 % rear weight bias and 47% height weight bias. And the game handles better a 50/50 rider position (equal weighting of both wheels). For 2 strokes, it works as well, but you can put the rider more to the back if you wish.

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