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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

OEM pack - Master Thread - MegaBraap! (v0.15.1)

Started by Asdrael, November 05, 2017, 09:16:34 PM

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Bj Slice

I hate drop box. google drive is better in terms of free to use file size.
"Practice not until you get it right. But practice until you can never get it wrong, and make it a routine"


downloaded the bikes (and tyres) after a fashion....tried the 125 and 250 suzuki smokers and had a ball...top job Asdrael.... thank you


Thank you for doing this Asdrael, the game feels so much better with these bikes.  ;D
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Holy smokes ! just got done with some testing! you are the man Asdrael just made the game playable again, and why bash on the MX52's ? they are working like a charm !

If you aint mixing Gas you aint hauling Ass ;)


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So the Mega.nz links works better?

And as to the servers, no idea, I'm not hosting anything.

(Feel free to try and leave feedback, good or bad, on different tracks, surfaces, conditions, tyres, bikes etc. Obviously didn't try everything with everything, so some stuff might be wierd and I didn't notice).
Donate to me -> feed my coffee addiction -> get more mods!
OEM bikes pack
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November 06, 2017, 10:36:20 AM #22 Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 12:44:11 PM by Heathen
Tried it out real quick on "thursday night motocross" last night. it got real late so put in a few laps, real happy with how it feels.

If you aint mixing Gas you aint hauling Ass ;)

Bj Slice

November 06, 2017, 05:20:28 PM #23 Last Edit: November 06, 2017, 09:16:55 PM by Bj Slice
"Practice not until you get it right. But practice until you can never get it wrong, and make it a routine"


i dont know if i downloaded something wrong but i have an issue, tested the crf 450 and i could go and rev on 3rd gear and the wheel spins a lot, then got traction and fucking flew!
lateral traction feels weirs aswell, i´m not sure if it´s suppossed to be like that


Quote from: Mace-x on November 06, 2017, 07:44:01 PM
i dont know if i downloaded something wrong but i have an issue, tested the crf 450 and i could go and rev on 3rd gear and the wheel spins a lot, then got traction and fucking flew!
lateral traction feels weirs aswell, i´m not sure if it´s suppossed to be like that
Well, that doesn't sound normal, wether it's Stock tyres or the MX52. Did you DL through Google or Mega? (the Google was corrupted for a few people sadly :/ )

Quote from: Bj Slice on November 06, 2017, 05:20:28 PM
Tested 5 Mx Tracks today. Glenn Helen, JS Compound National loop, mantua, Winchester MXoN and basinMX.

I rode at basin mx on a rainy weather and man it’s slippery. Steering lock occurs more often. Tested the rest of the tracks in clear weather the bike physics (maybe not) doesn’t want too much lean angle, it always locks the  steering. It easily does it when looses traction. I can’t do fast cornering in Glen Helen now unlike in previous beta, I can adjust the weight to be more on the front. Now, no matter how offset it is to the front, I am still getting steering lock (washout front end). I’m not sure if there’s something you can do about it but fast corner speed is difficult. In sx, i think you won’t be having steer lock  too often since cornering isn’t that fast (nevada, anaheim 1 & 2 and sx rd2). Maybe more grip on the front for sx with these tyres?
Thanks for the extensive testing. Do you mean it as a general remark for OEM, for all tyres or only for stock or MX52? If the MX52 and stock front should roughly provide the same grip, but the MX52 should slide more progressively...
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Downloaded thru google, will try the mega link then, thanks mate!

Bj Slice

Quote from: Asdrael on November 06, 2017, 08:18:52 PM

Thanks for the extensive testing. Do you mean it as a general remark for OEM, for all tyres or only for stock or MX52? If the MX52 and stock front should roughly provide the same grip, but the MX52 should slide more progressively...

I would like to make a correction for my remarks for the front end washout (steering lock). I can confirm that with the correct fork offset, you can achieve a good traction. So for the current values you have Asd, I think it's good. I shall say it is the steering bug that I am experiencing not the mx52 tyres. Anyway, will still continue to test the bikes
"Practice not until you get it right. But practice until you can never get it wrong, and make it a routine"


downloaded and put in bike folder with other bike models but everytime i choose mx2oem or mx1 oem my game has the error code coming up like bj slice posted. how can i fix this? -drake


Fuuuck, cant download from mega, tells me im over the download quota, created an account, same shit  :'(