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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Mods install

Started by wanderleis, January 26, 2018, 06:34:25 PM

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Hi guys,

Where can i download the mods made by the community ? The Syncback profiles have been removed , So where new riders can get the diferents mods?



<br />Donations are greatly appreciated http://paypal.me/TWITCH135


Thanks Twitch135,
Your link is a first big step for me as i have nothing for the moment.
I wish download all the mods with a tool as the syncback or a megaupload to be up to date and join online server whitout mismatch.
it could be nice.


Quote from: teeds on November 07, 2017, 09:48:52 AM
Now uploading a single file for all bikes.

It's also possible to get to those files via normal FTP clients, same login but use this address - ftp://sealey.ftp1.iweb-ftp.co.uk/

I tried this so i wiil see if i get them all


Quote from: wanderleis on January 26, 2018, 09:04:10 PM
Thanks Twitch135,
Your link is a first big step for me as i have nothing for the moment.
I wish download all the mods with a tool as the syncback or a megaupload to be up to date and join online server whitout mismatch.
it could be nice.

You're welcome! Also you may not have the latest OEM bike update and tyres that might be another reason for your mismatch issue. Here is the link to the thread http://forum.mx-bikes.com/index.php?topic=1979.0
<br />Donations are greatly appreciated http://paypal.me/TWITCH135


Yes exactly i read that. With the ftp i download the oem mod 0.7.3


Ok cool just making sure  ;) Bj said once work lets up he will put the ftp server back up for syncshop.
<br />Donations are greatly appreciated http://paypal.me/TWITCH135
