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FBX2EDF empty EDF file

Started by Puman46, April 12, 2024, 10:22:28 AM

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April 12, 2024, 10:22:28 AM Last Edit: April 12, 2024, 03:32:56 PM by Puman46

I am working on my fist track and everything has gone great. But now i have a problem that i can't figure out on my own and i have tried searching for it but can't find anything.

But to my problem, i place my objects in blender then save it as FBX click on selected objects and mesh, open up FBX2EDF and load my file pick a save location click convert and the EDF file is empty. It does the same if i try to do a new sky it just converts an empty EDF file. I have looked at tutorials and followed every step and stil not working, so is there something i'm missing or doing wrong?
I really need some help with this so i can continue my track =)