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Ruben's track bundler

Started by Ruubs, July 28, 2019, 11:06:31 AM

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Ruben's track bundler

Getting your track in game has never been easier. Ruben's track bundler creates a batch file (bundleMe.bat) based on your input. A click on the batch file will create your track's .map, .trh with centerlines and copies your working folder to a location specified by you.

This is NOT a track editor. It does save you a lot of time bundling your track though.

Make sure:
You're not using any spaces in any of your file / folder names. I haven't made a proper check on it yet, but I doubt it works in MXB anyway.

How to use:
Extract RubensTrackBundler.exe in your track folder. Double click it and follow the steps. Once done a batch file called bundleMe.bat is created in the same folder as where you placed RubensTrackBundler.exe. Double click bundleMe.bat and wait until it is done (You might require to open it as admin by right clicking and choosing run as administrator). The time required to bundle the track will vary. On a track with a lot of objects and high quality textures it'll take longer than on a track without. The batch file will close automatically once it's done.


Thanks buddy. I'm so used to doing it the old way but I'm sure this is better. Will give it a whirl 8)

Niko Mouk

Owner of MyMXB and MXBikes-Shop


Can this post be stickied? I know nobody really replied, but it's a damn useful tool and any of you who make tracks the manual way will be 10 times faster using this.