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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

[UI MOD, b14, default UI] Simple Background Booth with UI Mod

Started by iNsane, April 27, 2020, 05:46:10 PM

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Hi everyone.
I needed a background and a modified UI for some pictures, so I quickly made this easy booth for you all.

The hrsshots option disables all UI elements in the screenshot, but it doesn't show ReShade effects. So this is a little workaround.

It comes in two color variations, dark gray and white.

In the above pictures I'm in the freeroam mode in the "Bike", "Bike Info" menu to make the logo and author visible.
Both screenshots are taken with ReShade.

!! This version is only compatible with the default UI.

The zip contains 6 folders and has those options:

("Clean Viewer" is the little square in the main menu. This mod disables all UI elements from both, the Viewer and the Bike Info screen. To leave, press ESC.)

How to install:
choose one of the variations
move the content ("misc", "ui" folders) into your MX Bikes installation directory.
(e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes\)

How to uninstall:
remove the "misc" and "ui" folders from your installation directory.1

How to remove the rider:
Copy the folder "rider" from "Remove Rider from Menu" into your MX Bikes installation directory.
(e.g. C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\MX Bikes\)

How to uninstall:
remove the folder again.


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Quote from: iNsane on April 27, 2020, 05:46:10 PMDownload:

Hi iNsane, thanks for sharing your work!

Unfortunately your download URL no longer works, would you mind providing a updated link?
