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Looking for someone who can help put names on helmets (BELL MOTO 10)

Started by MadcapDunker, July 08, 2021, 03:29:23 AM

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Im wondering if theres someone who could help me out by putting some names on a helmet design for me? (bell moto 10)


A lot of people will ask you to pay for something that simple you should definitely learn to do it so you arent paying out of pocket for it there are tutorials online on how to do it and its very simple. Gimp 2.0 is free photoshop practically and if you look up photoshop free educational on youtube there is a link in the description for free photoshop because photoshop doesnt stop people from torrenting their service because they only make you pay for the cloud. might be a good trade to learn!


I have gimp and I otherwise make all my own stuff.... I'm just frustrated with trying to get the backs to line up is all.


its easy bro just gotta mirror it uses a uv wire