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September 15, 2024, 05:02:17 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Track terrain not loading

Started by A17Zazueta, December 09, 2021, 03:54:18 AM

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I've been having an issue with MX bikes that has been getting worse recently. When riding my game will only load the track up to like 5 to 10 ft in front of me. Everything further than that will be extremely low res textures and unclear.
At first it was extremely annoying but now I can't see any pre-built ruts on the track or any ruts built by players riding, which has made the game almost unplayable on most tracks.
Does anyone have any solutions to this?

Here are my graphics settings.
Resolution. 1280x720
Bits. 32 .
Refresh rate. Default .
The sync. Yes .
Anti-Aliasing. Off .
Screen ratio. Resolution .

size. medium.
Filtering. Try linear .
And isotropic. 2x .

Lighting .
Dynamic shadows. No .
Reflections. No .
Shaders. No .

Detail level.
Draw distance. Medium .
Model detail. low.
3D grass. No .


Change model detail to high and increase anisotropic filtering