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February 16, 2025, 03:42:56 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - Scrallex

Bikes / AJN's A-Kit Bikes
May 09, 2024, 10:55:02 PM


Here's a bike pack I've been working on since December 15th. I'm very proud of them. The idea came as I started to see factory lobbies die off during the previous OEM beta as I was not a fan of the ground physics of those bikes. I hopped into some public servers on the Piboso bike and was surprised at how well the bike handled and seemed to be lacking only power aspects to be competitive against the other bikes at the time. I posted my first test bike Dec 18th (?), three bikes (250, 350, 450) on Jan 15th, and was working on a competitive way to vary the bikes for a full pack in late January.

These bikes are 100% my own. I scrutinized every value in these files before determining that they are what I wanted them to be. They are based on the stock Piboso bike that is offered in the base game as a template to build from. I used only information that is obtainable in the community to steer development of these and stand comfortably on the fact that there is no other pack of bikes published that are both varied in feel from brand to brand but also competitive in performance aspects.

The pkz files are unlocked and can be opened with winrar. The model files can be pulled from each bike and placed inside the folder of another bike to convert into any other within the pack. Each bike has a unique feel achieved through varying the balance - it is very likely you will find one or two bikes as most favorable and not as likely for the rest of your riding group to share the same preferences.

Models are all imports from the best model makers from MX Sim.
Contact them through discord to obtain the PSD's to each for custom kits.
Julien (Julien113): Kawasaki (KX), Yamaha (YZ), Fantic (XXF), Stark (Varg)
Isaiah (eyezaya): Honda (CRF), Husky (FC), Triumph (TF), KTM (KTM), Suzuki (RMZ)
Caden (cadens): GasGas (GG)
TMFR: (TM) https://www.tmfactory-racing.com/

Player Version (Google Drive)

Player Version (Mediafire)

Server Version

General Discussion / Re: Want to help with Netcode
April 28, 2024, 11:11:42 PM

I have a background to help and would love to as well

Tracks / Re: Ducky MX Track Release
November 27, 2023, 06:14:44 AM
Quote from: Flare on November 26, 2023, 05:20:02 AMbuddy, could you please release the track. I have a good computer and would like to run some laps on this track

ttv scralllex. Drop in and say what's up and ask about it and you'll get a link to that and all my other tracks. I appreciate it, dude <3
Tracks / Re: Ducky MX Track Release
October 22, 2023, 04:48:28 PM
Quote from: marcusthompsonn on October 17, 2023, 07:04:18 AMknow i understand how you made "so much money in real life" Your lack of dedication is crazy.

If only I had the capability to dedicate to something :(

It's simply a dream of mine to create something completely on my own

Maybe one day I'll grow up and dedicate myself to an esteemed degree and do things that actually benefit humanity, like pursue STEM or something.

But the one thing I know I'll never be capable of is creating tracks as nice as yours. Just look at that water!!!
Is this a real life photo?? I cant tell!!!!! Look at that skiddy!!!
Obv miles ahead of anything I've made 

Is there a long wait for an autograph..?
My server manager isn't working at all. No connection to anything. I have the pro license. In fact, I have two, since I purchased one for a different PC that took a dookie when my track builder gave me issues and needed to buy another PC.

Can't message in discord group bc it wont let me join for some reason. Just want to get this working since I paid money for the full version.
Tracks / Re: Ducky MX Track Release
September 21, 2023, 08:52:46 PM
Quote from: Rossybrah on September 16, 2023, 09:03:38 AM.... I apologize for any horrible grammar, this was way longer than I intended it to be and I am tired and just want to go spin some laps on the Goat Farm, so epic it is, if I make it as I am so beat from work.  So lease accept my most sincere apologies for my horrific grammar. Cheers!....

  When a kook tries to come into a communities forum and discredit one of the biggest and most contributing creators to the MX Bikes scene and is a big part of why this community has not died off yet.  I was rubbing my eyes and doing a double take to make sure my eyes were not lying to me because I am getting old and my eyes have failed me before, but empathy for this  God and how foolish he made himself look gave me that feeling I hate, its that cringe feeling.  I just wish everyone would think things through and research someone before they start cutting them down.  I think its awesome that he believes in his track creating skills but I pray he learns to humble himself because you can always get better but when you think you are the greatest, its almost impossible to get any better or raise the bar, because that is what  people like Niko Mouk, TFC, JV (who is an elite when it comes to track quality) and he is the most humble and modest creator, I bet JV is his harshest critic which allows him to experiment and find better tricks and ways of creating the the tracks of only the upmost quality. 

Scrallex.... I really hope you learn a valuable lesson as failure and let down is how the greats became so great.  You are better than me at creating tracks but I am going to really try and create something one day JV will be proud of and you as well.  If you like this game and community, my advice and opinion is that you get rid of the toxic behavior of putting others down, that is how you make enemies not friends and these guys you want on your side. I hope you continue to make tracks and you have that fire and drive to be a to creator like some of these guys, you will notice they don't think they are the MX Game Gods chosen one, not even close, nobody wants to be around people like that.  Make friends and give them constructive criticism but also be able to receive it as well.  There is a healthy way to have this discussion or debate if you so choose. There aren't many that can create ridable tracks, so I commend you for that, but there is a much more positive and constructive wy you could have handled it and also be your own harshest critic, you will see that people will be much more open to you if you do so.

Decided to actually finish it. No I won't be posting it publicly  :)

PS. You all know nothing about this situation, nor do I really care to inform you all bc mouk is perfectly fine with the wrong understanding being the main known one as it makes him look better. I have better things going on in my life to be concerned with this tiny little game <3
Other / Re: [RELEASE] iNsane's PiBoSo Lock Tool
July 25, 2023, 05:21:42 AM
Quote from: iNsane on September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PMPlease do not exploit the service, there's one feature missing which will never be included for public use as it could split the modding community (also another reason) and make "paid mods"a thing: the GUID Lock.

This is why I will always respect you. I love a man of his word