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September 15, 2024, 05:05:05 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - TheFluffyGecko

Set fbx2edf to mesh. The edf file should be in the same folder as your .hmf and .tht files. You also have to open up the hmf and tht files and add your object to the list. This is what I do for any object with collision.

But something changed in an update and the ramps don't work as intended. Here is a link to a post I made about it.
Track Editing / Ramp Collision
January 31, 2023, 09:23:14 PM
I have noticed that some ramps don't work anymore. Before beta 18 everything worked fine but now my ramps are unusable. I have noticed that some maps still have working ramps but most them that I have tried are broken.

I have tried editing my ramps but nothing I try fixes the problem.

Does anyone know why this is happening or have a solution?

FMX TEST TRACK - Track with broken ramps
MOLIE FMX TRACK - Track with working ramps
Bug Reports / Ramp physics are broken
January 14, 2023, 07:20:26 PM
Some ramps don't perform like they used to.

As you can see from the gif above, the bike goes through the ramp. I have only experience this in MXB Beta 18. I can confirm this happens with default bikes and the modded bikes. This happens almost every time on the super kicker and most of the time on the standard ramp. If you push forward when you launch off the ramp then you are more likely to have this effect happened. In some instances pulling back can make the back tire go through the ramps.

I have tested all material layers and it happens with all of them. It seams like making the ramp grass or sand type made this happened less but it still doesn't work properly.

Is there something I am missing or is this a bug?
Track Editing / Madrid X Fighters - Testing Needed
October 01, 2022, 10:36:21 PM
Hello. I made the track Red Bull X-Fighters and it works but not for every one. I'm not sure what is making the map crash and it's hard for me to diagnose it because the map won't crash on my pc.

I need testers to check my map for crashes. There are two folders in the link. HQ is the control folder which has the full bullring and crashes for some. LQ is missing the crowd and has various changes in the files.

Please comment below if you test the files.
Thank you

Awesome, thanks.
Track Editing / How do I make a custom track have echo?
September 27, 2022, 07:56:44 PM
I noticed there is an echo on a few tracks and I wanted to add it to mine. Glacial Gear Arenacross has an echo for example. I can't find documentation on this. Does anyone know how to add echo to tracks?
Support / Can't post on MXB Mods
September 22, 2022, 05:18:21 PM
When I try to make a new post on mxb mods it brings me to a page that says post deleted. I can edit my previous posts but I cant create a new one. Can anyone help me solve this?

Nevermind I solved It
Thank you. That will work.
I'm building a brick wall and I want to tile the texture. Setting repetitions in my shd file only tiles the normal map. Is there a way to tile the base map?
map = brickNormal.tga
repetitions = 4
shininess = 6
Track Editing / Moving Crowd Asset
June 22, 2022, 08:30:43 PM
Hello everyone. This is a crowd asset that has movement. It contains 6 moving people and 6 stationary people. There are two versions of the crowd. One with seats and one with invisible seats, just in case you want to place them on traditional grandstands. There are two blender files. One with just the crowd, and one with geometry nodes with the crowd. There are three geometry node groups to use; two square groups and one circular group. If you use geometry nodes to place the crowd then you must make instance real. To do this you must select your crowd go to Object>Apply>Make Instances Real. I've also included a very simple example track with the crowd in action.

gif moves faster than in game.

Link for crowd


Link for example track

When making you own track you must paste the code below into your .scr file in order for the crowd to animate.

name = CK_frame1
loop_time = 600
name = CK_frame2
loop_time = 1000
name = CK_frame3
loop_time = 1000
name = CK_frame4
loop_time = 1000
name = CK_frame5
loop_time = 600
name = CK_frame6
loop_time = 1000

All characters were originally made by me in Make Human.
Track Editing / Re: FMX ramps with test track
August 13, 2021, 07:23:46 AM
Quote from: dylan44frisch on August 12, 2021, 08:35:04 PMHey man I'm interested in making my own fmx compound. I'm aware of the TFC track tutorial with l3dt and google earth and stuff. But how would I go about starting out with just a flat square lot like this? Thanks in advance!
I edited the heightmap from the official example track in photoshop to make this. I duplicated some berms and landings then turned off all the layers. After that it is as simple as stretching and shrinking the images. Not all my dirt jumps are made this way but it is a fast and easy way to get them done. I also changed the scale of the heightmap in the tht and hmf file. If you got more questions you can send me a message.
Track Editing / Re: The Assets Thread
July 30, 2021, 09:43:34 PM
Here is a link to some ramps I have been making. Included is a standard comp ramp, a super kicker, a long jump, and a quarter pipe.
Track Editing / FMX ramps with test track
May 03, 2021, 04:41:03 AM
Hello everyone. These are some fmx ramps and a test track that I have been working on. Currently there are two ramps; a super kicker and a standard competition ramp. There is also something to put in front of the ramps to keep the ground from deforming(I call it a runner). I did some research and made them very close to scale. They are not designed to be hit at full speed.

The runner is 6m long so it should be easy to place in a line. The standard competition ramp hits good when the gap is about 80ft. The Super kicker hits good at about 50ft. They could be pushed closer or farther away by about 10ft and still hit good.

In the future I will be updating the textures, making more ramps, and making any other needed adjustments.

Here is an image of the test track.

You can download the ramps here. Included is a blender file, a fbx file, textures, and shd for textures. If you use the ramps in a track then please credit me TheFluffyGecko.

Note on ramp name in fbx and blender file: To get collision and shadows in game they must be named a certain way. The walls of the ramps and the surface of the ramps are split into separate objects. This is because the surface name must start with "TRKCONC_" while the name for the walls of the ramp must start with "WLLCONC_". When the object starts with "WLLCONC_" it gets a shadow and collision but when your wheels are on a "WLL" surface the game's physics wont let you turn the bike. "TRKCONC_" Gives collision and still allows you to turn but doesn't cast shadows. Thus the ramp is split to give both. I recommend parenting meshes together so that they can be moved as one but can still be named separately. If there is another naming convention that I don't know about then please tell me.

Short version: The ramps are split to give shadows and proper collision.

You can download the test track here.

Track model credits:
ramps: TheFuffyGecko
Water Truck: tfc
foliage and all other models: giopanda

7/18/21 Update 1: New Textures


I have updated the textures on the ramps. They now have expanded sheet metal on top. I changed how I make the sides so they should look different too. Lastly the back corner of the ramps is exposed to show a little metal under the fabric sides. The runner uses the same textures as before. In the future I plan on making a version of the ramp that shows the exposed frame.

Here are the new(U1) ramps.

Here is the new test track. You will need to replace the old test track in your mods folder.

7/30/21 Update 2: New Ramps

I have added two new ramps to the pack. A 120ft long jump and a quarter pipe. The long jump ramp was based off a 120ft ramp but it can be pushed to make a bigger gap. The quarter pipe is about 15 feet high with a 75 degree take off. I couldn't make the quarter pipe any steeper without weird things happening on takeoff. The surface of the quarter pipe is considered sand because all other materials felt slippery when approaching vert. An example of the ramps are below along with links to the ramps and the new test track.

Here is the new ramp file with all ramps.

Here is the new test track using all ramps.

Other / Goggle Visor translucency?
April 10, 2021, 08:25:41 PM
Hi, I have been making a helmet and I can't figure out how to make the goggles clear. I'm not sure how the texture should be set up for translucency.

How do you set up your textures to make goggle lens clear?