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February 18, 2025, 11:53:41 PM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - IShotTupac269

I've made tga files and put them in the objects folder but it just copies the png files over when I use fbx2edf. If I try to use tga as the textures in blender they won't show to select for some reason?.

I'm not sure if this is a blender problem as I am a total noob at this all, or whether it is some kinf of format or location problem as fbx2edf seems to not like importing certain models with textures.

I have imported others and they show in game no problems, however I have exported the models with textures as fbx files and reimported them into blender and they show textures, I then export as fbx, path mode set as copy, select embed textures but when I convert I get png invalid or non existent when using fbx2edf?.

It's probably me being silly but I have exported and reimported more times than I can count right now and I am completely lost right now and just want to be able to progress with this track.

Any help would be greatly appreciate,

Track Editing / Re: FBX doesnt convert to EDF
June 05, 2022, 10:34:00 PM
I'm still really new to this track making stuff but I know you have to check the recalculate box on the fbx2ef program.
Tracks / Re: Heightmap data not showing in game
May 01, 2022, 01:31:22 PM
Dude you're such a legend and I am a leg-end, I swear you save my ass in regards to this game so many times!!!!!
Thank you man! Now I just have to align the map properly as my ass has got it out of line a tad!
Tracks / Heightmap data not showing in game
April 30, 2022, 12:28:32 PM

I'm having trouble with the the heightmap of a track I'm working on, it doesn't seem to want to show in game using Resolute's track builder after I compile all files. The Google earth image is showing and scaling is fine, I used L3DT to edit the heightmap and track and to export the heightmap.raw.

I am lost as I have followed both the TFC's method and Resolute's method, Resolute's method and track builder gets the map and scaling in game but the heightmap is not working, TFC's method does not even launch, I believe it may be to do with centrelines etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


P.S, I am a total noob at track building but I think I have it mostly correct.
General Discussion / CRF Front Disc Guard
February 26, 2022, 10:15:50 PM

Does anyone know how to get rid of the front disc guard on the crf's?. I've deleted the norm, shadows and reflection and imported them but all I get is a black blank disc guard and it doesn't disappear!?.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Yes, I have read them several times and that was how I got it working in previous versions. Now it doesn't even seem to recognise anything, pics below.
Seems I cannot find my tracks, all mods and install locations are pointing in the correct place and my IP doesn't show since installing the new version.
Support / Re: CRF 250 Rear Suspension Not Showing In Game
February 16, 2022, 06:32:48 PM
Quote from: iNsane on February 16, 2022, 05:09:04 PM


Dude lmfao thank you! I knew I was being an idiot! Big luv bro!
Support / CRF 250 Rear Suspension Not Showing In Game
February 16, 2022, 04:52:36 PM

I've recently been making another skin and testing it out in game, the 450 skin works flawless but when I import the tga's into game for the 250 the rear suspension doesn't shoe and the linkage is odd. The PSD is fine as it's the same as I'm using for the 450, it's the stock PSD (pics below).

Any help would be appreciated, probs just me being a donut but I can't see engine swaps or part swaps from the crf450 to the crf250, assuming there is any and this may be why? If so I can't find a 250 PSD.

General Discussion / Re: MX Bikes beta17d
February 15, 2022, 03:06:03 AM
still terrible at loading in ruts unless you are 5 foot in front of them! go work man! wicked game! back of jersey flickers and parts of tracks too!
Documentation / Re: Dedicated server
February 11, 2022, 01:45:50 AM
Sorted it now, I didn't have the beta 17c downloaded only 16 standalone
Documentation / Re: Dedicated server
February 10, 2022, 11:02:30 PM
No, I'm running the steam version but I know you have to use the standalone mxb with the resolute mxb server manager and to edit the mxbikes.exe but I am unsure how  lol! I'm pretty savvy with computers and shizz but this is double dutch to me and I cant seem to find a straight forward explanation or tut on how to do this. Does this mean I have to buy the game twice to run a server as I bought it on steam?
Documentation / Re: Dedicated server
February 10, 2022, 10:19:29 PM
Hi Peeps,

Please for the love of god someone explain this to me. I have read through a bit and am unsure how to do this lol.

I have created a server config file and placed it into my demo of mxb i downloaded and then how exactly am I changing the mxbikes.exe parameters and am I putting mxbikes.exe -dedicated 54210 -set params dedicated.ini or am I supposed to use mxbikes.exe -dedicated 54211-set params server.ini as I am running the game from from the same pc as the dedi server?

Also I have never forwarded ports so I am unsure if this is correct? I have no Idea what the source destination IP is nor the destination?.
