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February 16, 2025, 03:12:14 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Topics - Yashi

Bikes / [HELP] Model swaps
January 01, 2023, 01:25:50 PM
Hello everyone! And happy new year! :D
I seen a "model swap" section on the website, is this a thing now?
If i would like to convert my CR 2004 pack as model swaps for OEM bikes it is something possible?
Bikes / [RELEASE] 2003-2006 Honda CR fleet [OEM treated]
November 18, 2020, 12:51:33 PM
Hello everybody!
Finally here is it! The base model is the Th3 ProphetMan's 450CRF that i had in my hard disc drive from maybe 10 years  ;D

I modified this model to make a CR250 2003 and never finished the job from now on.
I also used the CR250 from PixelMonkey 3. mostly as a reference since i never success a correct export, always broken vertices...
I finally get back my hands on it and finished the model, make some variations, and convert it to MXBikes.

What's inside: Honda CR 125 MX2 and SM2, CR 250 MX1 and SM1, CR 500 AF MX3 and SM3, and two weird little things i let you discover ingame!

All bikes received the OEM treatment, so should have a clean and competitive physic, and each bike has its own physic and visual specificities! Thanks to Asdrael for his nice and helpful tutorial!
It's not 100% finished, for example about brakes and will be updated in the future. Don't hesitate to give feedbacks and your settings if you get a good braking feeling, or if you have accurate specs of the breaking systems on this bike (like pistons diameters for example).

BEYER's sound pack is required!

I hope you all will enjoy and like it!

Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmFynRoK33UNhNsS8cRa9OXnBPyWvA?e=YdjYDZ
Template: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xcosjwl4sdr89na/Honda-cr250_template.rar/file
The texture should be renamed Honda-cr250.tga in order to work. (normal map name is Honda-cr250_n.tga), same name for all bikes.
The template is really bad quality, almost no wireframes... i hope you will be able to use it anyway!

-model: base by Th3 ProphetMan
-other model from PixelMonkey 3. used mainly as reference.
-500cr sound by BEYER, thanks you!

Thanks goes to:
-Th3 ProphetMan and PixelMonkey 3. for sharing their models!
-Insane and Asdrael for their respective tutorials to make things like that happen!
-Insane (again?!) Asdrael (wait... what?!) Mulock22, Beyer and all the others people from discord for all the help provided!
Hello everybody!
I started this project a while ago, but i am still not able to finish the conversion of the bike.
I never used Blender, so even with Insane's tutorials, im still unable to correctly convert this bike. That's why i search for someone to collaborate with the Blender to MXB conversion if possible.
I did the 125 and 250 cylinder and exhaust, and also started the work on the 500 CR AF exhaust and bigger cylinder few times ago.
I also planned to make a training/destroyed version with cracked or missing fairings.
Not sure my textures mappings are correct for the game, but if not i can maybe modify that.
I would really like to have this bike ingame to have more 2 strokes bikes!
If someone is able to help me with this release, please let me know here or with PM! Thanks you!

Support / Change PiBoSo mods folder path
January 04, 2020, 07:24:59 PM
Hello all!

I am a bit confused with the mods folder, it start to be heavy, and my system disc is only a SSD 250Go, it start to take a bit too much space on my system disc, and i am wondering if there is a way to move this folder on another disc?

Thanks  ;D
Other / custom brake discs, sprocket and tires?
December 23, 2019, 06:05:58 PM
Hello everybody!

I wandering if it is possible to change the brake discs and the sprocket on the original wheels?
Are they 3D modeled or are they a texture with alpha channel? (transparency)
Also are we able to make some custom tires textures?

It would be interresting to be able to change them according to the bike!
Paints / RM 125-250 to KX 125-250
December 21, 2019, 12:06:39 PM
Hello all!
I just made these graphic kits because the 2strokes Kawasaki miss me so much!
I hope you will enjoy it!
Just extract the .pnt files in the /paint folder of the OEM RM-125, OEM RM-250 and OEM-SM RM-125
screenshot: https://ibb.co/MZSDPbg (sorry i don't get the trick to integrate the pic)
Link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/2l3ady0bcy0daab/RM125-250_to_kawasaki.rar/file
Please use credits to "Yashi" or "BaluZ" if you re-upload somewhere.