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February 10, 2025, 11:04:05 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Setups / 3rd Person Cam Tuning!
April 05, 2022, 08:25:34 PM
Tune your 3rd person cam to make it feel more fluid.

Tracks / Ride The Trackmap! A MotoX Collective Series
January 09, 2022, 06:10:23 PM
Just for fun. Racable and registered track available to download from the video description. Enjoy!

Round 1 Anaheim 1

Round 2 Oakland

Round 3 San Diego

Round 4 Anaheim 2

Round 5 Glendale

Round 6 Anaheim 3

Round 7 Minneapolis

Round 8 Arlington

Round 9 Daytona

Round 10 Detroit

Round 11 Indianapolis

Round 12 Seattle

Round 13 St Louis

Round 14 Atlanta

Round 15 Foxborough

Round 16 Denver

Round 17 Salt Lake City

Suggestions and wishlist / Alphabetical Orders
December 23, 2021, 01:21:04 PM
Hi guys,

Would it be possible to change the sort function of the track list so 10 and above comes where it should?

Right now in my list I have:

R3 etc..

Where 10 should come after 9.

Thanks  ;D
Media / MotoX Collective - Rewarding Creators
December 01, 2021, 10:59:33 PM
Welcome to the MotoX Collectve. The original and only channel that rewards the creators of downloadable content directly for their hard work.

Want to know more? Please watch:

Tracks / Old track MXMC for FF
February 05, 2021, 09:44:39 PM
Oldie for you all, MXMC.

Not a fan of this, it's MXBC Compound but in reverse. I made it ages ago and it feels huge and arcadey. Still, some of you might find it fun.

got a little way though the objects back in 2018 and haven't touched it since, so don't compare to my current work. This is a one off revival requested by GDUB  8)

Uploading for Fast Fridays for tonight.


General Discussion / TFCMods.com
November 07, 2020, 02:23:27 PM
Hi all,

Head over to www.tfcmods.com for all the information on my upcoming 2020 AMA DLC.

You can also check out the Progress Tracker for more spcific info on how far along tracks are. I will attempt to break this down at some point into what is complete and what needs doing.

Please share the site, sub to my YouTube & Sub to the site for news if you want to keep up with the latest.

Hi PiBoSo

I would like to request a couple of things for track making that I think could be quite useful.. So these are purely my current wish list and in NO WAY would I like this to get in the way of multiplayer and netcode updates. So in no order I would love to see:

1. A prefix that excludes an object from draw distance. Sometimes you want things to be 'in the world' rather than 'in the background' that are affected by draw distance.

2. A small bit of movement through the 'background' model. Maybe something like 10% of the on track movement, so for every 100 metres you move in the world (on track), you could move 10 metres through the background world. This would give people the chance to really use the background model for large scenes which wouldn't feel like wallpapers. Ratio might need experimenting with.

3. The ability to add rotating objects to the background model. I'm not sure if this would need to be included in FBX2EDF when compiling your background model, or if it could just be a variable in the SCR that a rotating object is part of the background rather than the track itself. This would allow for some really cool background scenes.

4. The ability to add or remove weather conditions. It would be great to 1) be able to add custom conditions with new sun positions like 'morning' or 'dusk' or 'night' and name these for in game use. At the same time it would be awesome to be able to restrict these conditions like removing 'rainy' if you just don't want to include a wet version.

5. Some semi solid surface, something that you can get caught in but be able to ride through without crashing. This could have multiple uses, like Tuff Blocks (Bales) that don't act like they're made of concrete, plastic fences, the same material could even be used for water and other enduro obstacles.

6. The ability to be able to use different scenes and SCR's with different conditions.

Thanks :)
Bug Reports / B14 Deformation Issue
April 29, 2020, 11:38:46 PM

So a bunch of us have noticed there seems to be a new deformation issue. Instead of the smooth deep ruts we're all used to, we now seem to have choppy vibrating ruts. This is probably where all this 'headshake' people talk about is coming from.

It's almost as if the resolution of deformation is lowered, where the track itself is fine, when you dig through it seems as though there are less tri's to make up the deformation than there were in the last beta.

The following images are taken of a track I'm currently working on:

This image was taken from B13

This image was taken from B14

The following show what I see, and feel when I ride both:

Bug Reports / Collision crash
April 26, 2020, 10:14:28 AM
Not sure if this is something you're aware of, but I've had instant crash to desktop if someone hits me too hard.

I was on a custom track server, I crashed and reset. I noticed someone coming towards me so I didn't move, thinking they would avoid me which they didn't.

Must have hit me at about 30mph at least, and instant crash for at least me.
Track Editing / Light Direction
December 27, 2019, 04:30:39 PM
Hope this helps people figure out how to set their lighting!

Paints / 2020 Fasthouse Collection
December 11, 2019, 01:56:58 PM
Hi all.

First of all, sorry for the amount of paints. I wanted to give each pant colour a choice of tops but it got out of hand. I even didn't bother making what I'd consider the less popular pant colours.

This kit features:

Grindhouse Pants in a few popular colours, all jerseys available at the time of me looking on the UK and US Fasthouse website, 4 different types of gloves, Bell moto 9 Fasthouse helmets (for Bell Moto 9 Seven helmet, also included just in case) in 4 styles, and some 2020 EKS Brand Goggles also featured on the Fasthouse websites.

This was a lot of work but I'm currently off work sick and needed something to do while I can't talk too well to continue on with track tutorials.

Also included is a PSD. Please feel free to use this file to make your own versions but please don't upload tons of variants, claim it as your own work or whatever. I'm including it because several people have asked for the ability to customise for teams etc.. I don't think this is the best way to do custom names and numbers but it's there for people who do. Please give credit if you want to release anything using this PSD.

Thanks all, enjoy!

2020 Fasthouse Collection by TFC
2020 Fasthouse Collection PSD by TFC

Other / TFC's Matrix M64 Stand Pack
November 23, 2019, 11:47:23 AM
Hey guys

I finally got this working in game and made a few colourways. Please see the README.TXT in the ZIP with install instructions.

As always, 100% made by me.

Hope you guys enjoy!

In order to use the template, please use the BLACK stand. Save your custom stand paint as MatrixM64_Black.tga in your bike paint to overwrite the stand paint.

Hi all,

Here you will find my track creation tutorial series. This tutorial is based around making a replica track and for that we will be making Maggiora MXGP 2015ish. I will be showing you everything you need to know to make a replica or your own fantasy track using L3DT, GIMP, Blender and the MXB Track Tools.

The aim is to release at least 1 video per week and 2 if I can manage, but please give me some time - I do this stuff for free and have a full time job and a family.

If you like these tutorials and want to keep up to date please subscribe to my YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TFCFactoryTracks. Please also be sure to like the videos if you find them useful and if you want you can buy me a beer.

Part 1
Introduction to track creation and getting the example track into game with a customised name. Nice and easy but kind of an essential step.

Part 2
How to get real world height data using Tangram Heightmapper & Google Earth. How to import and export with L3DT & testing in game.

Part 3
Sculpting the heightmap - Finding heights for each section of track and getting a good base to start working on details from, testing in game.

Part 4
Mapping Image For Masks & Testing - Creating a new image to work from and create masks from.

Part 5
How texture masks, texture tiles, SHD files & normal maps work. Also building our own HMF and THT with our own texture tiles and masks.

Part 6
Essential L3DT techniques such as how to do track widths, straights, hills, edges of track, berms, ground work and jumps.

Part 7
On track details like braking bumps, acceleration bumps and general roughness.

Part 8
Advanced texturing using the L3DT 3d texture brush, mask & heightmap adjustment to sync & tile adjustment. Sorry it's a long one.. ;D

Try Current Build Here: DOWNLOAD - Please leave feedback on YouTube.

Hi all,

Here you will find links for my tracks under the production name of TFC Factory Tracks. I will have a few series - AMA Replica Series, MXGP Replica Series, Local tracks and Fantasy tracks. I'm only going to add links here for tracks under the name TFC Factory Tracks as this will eventually include remakes of my old replicas.

Please note that I don't do this for money, but I do sink hours into these tracks for you, the community. If anyone wants to Buy Me a Beer to say thank you I would definitely appreciate it!

High Point 2019
High Point MX 2019! The brief story behind this one is that GDUBMX sent me a version made by a few people back in the day to see if I could clean it up. I noticed the scale was slightly out so double checked it but didn't realise just quite how far from 1:1 it was. I couldn't fix, so I decided to make it from scratch. The layout is 2019 as it's the latest I had to work from real footage.

This track features custom one off skydomes, specially made objects and for the first time a real location background (so the trees and hills you see around the map are from the real location).

Feedback welcome! The rollers can be singled, doubled, and there is even a triple in there somewhere. I've tried to be a bit more liberal with the checkpoints so it's not the end of the world if you go out a corner but you have to hit jump lines and rough sections for your lap to remain in tact. Thanks to GDUB for the initial reason I got to do this track (it's one I wanted to do originally anyway but didn't as one already existed), thanks to BEYER, Teeds and Ruben for testing. Enjoy!

Locked PKZ - Put PKZ directly in track folder!

TFC Factory Tracks High Point 2019 DOWNLOAD

Ironman 2018
I started this layout before the 2019 race but to be honest I much prefer this layout. Theme is race week, not race day (it's easier on graphics processing).
This is my first track with 3d trees and 3d dirt. The dirt can be disabled by turning off 3d grass if it's too much for online but the track should still look good.

This is also my first track with custom pit locations. Each pit has been painfully tested to ensure it works. Hopefully this gets easier to achieve when new track tools are released.

Massive thanks to GDUBMX for doing the cams for this track and providing feedback!

This might be a graphically demanding track but if I'm not pushing the envelope of quality then what's the point right? Hope you all enjoy!

TFC Factory Tracks Ironman 2018 DOWNLOAD

Mildenhall MX 2020
This track is pretty special to me as it's a track I've ridden in real life. I've only been there once, and I'm a really bad novice rider ;D but I can say for sure that since I've ridden there this is the closest replica I've ever made.

I rode Mildenhall at the end of last summer on my RMZ250, the same one as was used in one of the older OEM packs which I hung on to for obvious reasons and if I hit sections of this track in the same gears I did in real life, it's scary how accurate MX Bikes is with it.

Mildenhall is an awesome practice facility, rated one of the best tracks in the UK. It's mostly a sandy soil mix with some very soft deep sand spots - not easy to replicate in game but I've done my best.

I've chosen to go for an 8k normal map this time instead of the 3d soil. I think it looks more realistic being a sand track and not turned soil. I've also chosen to go for 2d trees - I love the 3d trees on Ironman but I also love performance! Still I think this track looks pretty good as is and doesn't really need to look visually any better.

Mildenhall is a couple of kilometres down the road from a busy RAF base, so keep an eye out for the aircraft!

Big thanks to Ruben for sorting me out an 8k aerial drone scan texture of WW ranch which I picked apart and used to make the normal map here. Think it was originally released by Hunter Root over on the MXS forum so big thanks to Hunter!

TFC Factory Tracks Mildenhall MX 2020 DOWNLOAD

Paleta Raceway 2020
Can't believe how long it's been since the original Paleta Raceway! Most of you will be familiar with V2, but V1 was one of my very first proper track releases. I remember playing it online with some long timers was amazing. So This version is more of a homage to the original.

I needed something to make to learn Blender 2.8 for use in my tutorial series so this seemed like a good idea. No pressure on a fantasy track. The layout is slightly more realistic than my last 2 versions, the jumps have options and aren't all huge booters but at the same time I still wanted it to be a fun track.

Bit of background. I love Pala but when I made V1 the thought of doing a replica was scary. I decided to do my own little version of Pala and since Pala means Shovel, I chose Paleta which means Trowel, or to me - tiny shovel. It has some similar features to Pala and the same kind of look, except I went for pure desert environment instead of the greener surroundings of Pala. Maybe one day Pala.

Thanks to GDUBMX for the cams, a job I nearly always overlook. Thanks to those of you who tested and provided some solid feedback, you know who you are, always appreciated. Enjoy!

Locked PKZ - Put PKZ directly in track folder!

TFC Factory Tracks Paleta Raceway 2020 DOWNLOAD

Hi all,

With the recent influx of players due to the Steam release I've been getting asked for help by quite a few people. This is great! MXB needs more content..

MXB Forum or Discord is the best place for this and it's best to ask questions in the 'Mod Track' channel not private message at first - This way, others also have the opportunity to read your question, read our (or other peoples) answer and learn too.

That being said, I don't think anyone has the time or will to write down the entire process in one go. 80% of questions I get are something along the lines of 'Please can you explain how to make a track for MXB from start to finish'. This is difficult for many reasons, two main ones being:

1. just how many steps and processes are involved in making tracks for MXB

2. how each step to make a track isn't just a simple 'do this do that', and a step like 'make a heightmap' or 'do your textures' or 'create objects' are actually long involved processes that require proper learning and different software to achieve

Individual processes, would be useful to be competent at:

-Using MXB apps (TrackEd, FBX2EDF etc..)
-Using a paint program (heightmap, texture and texture mask creation)
-Using a heightmap specific program (L3DT, EarthSculptor etc..)
-Using a 3d modelling program (Blender, Maya, 3DSMax, SketchUp etc..)

Understanding / Abilities that will make the process a whole lot easier from the start:

-Using and editing basic config files (NotePad ++ and editing values, following language rules and proofing for errors, anyone with HTML and CSS experience should find this easy)
-File and folder structure competency, copying files, moving files, creating new files, making sure folders include the right files etc..
-The ability to read - You must be able to do your own research, learn on your own and follow instructions
-Understanding of file formats. Formats in MXB are quite specific from heightmap to texture format, bit depth, heightmap and texture map size, objects etc..
-Understanding image editing. Knowledge of alpha, alpha masks, normal maps, spec maps and layers is important

All of this can be learned easily! Google! look for answers, watch videos on L3DT, Photoshop, Gimp, Blender, 3DSMax - but maybe you're starting to get an idea of why we can't just quickly explain the process in 10 minutes on Discord!

Making tracks for MXB is easy if you know how, and easy to pick up if you are competent at learning new software/processes. If not, it might take a while, but anyone who helps is going to want to see some effort put in first and questions about a specific part of making tracks are encouraged over generalised questions that are very difficult to answer.

So, please, ask as many questions as you like. But neither myself, Ruben or probably anyone else will have the time, ability or willing to write down the entire process start to finish upon request with all steps explained in enough detail for a complete novice to be able to take and make a track from scratch.

Some useful info:


This is basically the only document you need to read in order to make tracks. This gives you 100% of the information in an easy to read and understand way. It can be a bit confusing or daunting as tying up all the information to the process takes some getting used to, but when you know how, it will 100% make sense. Best place to start and bookmark it for later reference.


Not everything here applies to MXB, but it's definitely a useful document to bookmark for reference. It contains some very useful information about how to name objects in Blender such as how to create walls, track surface and more from objects. There is also some very useful information regarding animated textures, reflection maps and more. Fundamentals.


Track Tools and example track files. Everything you need to get started. Track tools should be kept updated so make sure you grab new ones when they are, and the example track is probably the most important reference you can get.

Extract the example track to your HD and you have a perfect example of how your track folder should look if you're making your own. Take a look at a track folder in your Mods or MX Bikes > Tracks folder for an example of how it needs to look when it's in game.


Rubens Photoshop tutorial, if you're new to it or want some insight into making tracks with it this is a great place to start


Some of my tutorials. These are a bit random and quite specific to different steps but useful none the less.


My YouTube. There are some videos of me using L3DT on there from streams. Might be useful if people want to know my workflow when making the heightmap.

If anyone has a tutorial to share I'd appreciate the URL, I will add it to this list. Thanks!

Good luck, ask questions, make awesome content!

Suggestions and wishlist / Automatic bump generation
August 11, 2019, 12:47:40 PM
Hi there,

PiBoSo would you ever consider trying to add automatic braking and acceleration bump generation?

This could work differently to deformation as you wouldn't need to change the texture map at all, just add very slight whoop type bumps on extreme braking and acceleration sections. It could work somewhat like:

It wouldn't need to be extreme as lots of people would be braking and accelerating in the same spots, but if 10 people could add a bunch of fairly heavy bumps over the space of 20 laps that would be amazing I think.

Thanks  8)
Media / Ernée WIP - Chest cam
December 30, 2018, 01:06:33 AM
Track Editing / Ernée
December 18, 2018, 08:42:59 PM
Hi all,

I have a request. Can anyone supply photos or videos of Ernée's buildings? Specifically the buildings to the left of the finish line, or to the right of the start straight. The big multi storey building..

I can't find much online and it's a pretty specific and weirdly shaped building lol.

Thanks in advance  8)
Track Editing / Streaming L3DT While Working
December 16, 2018, 06:25:04 PM
Just thought some of you might like to know that I'm starting to stream while I build Ernée.

I'm in the real early stages of heightmap and textures right now, so although I've missed some of the important stuff off the front there's still plenty to see especially for anyone interested in seeing just how I use L3DT.

As requested I will be looking into putting together a tutorial on how to make a track the L3DT way, as Geo and Sandbiter have other methods covered. This is something which will hopefully be half video and the rest streams.

Keep an eye on my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrhoHnxKZCHSj43jRoK8rxA? and I will also post in the 'Streaming' room on Discord whenever I'm on.

Big thanks to gdub. Without him my stream wouldn't be possible and my PC would still be crawling slow  ;D
Tracks / Hawkstone Park V1
November 25, 2018, 10:36:36 PM
Hi All,

Had this one in the works for a while. I really didn't like how sand felt in B9, and now it's slightly better I decided to finish it off to a point I was happy to release.

Hawkstone Park is a classic British GP track dating back to the 1950's (although the hill was first used in 1938 for a hill climb event!). It still hosts the Hawkstone International once a year which brings out top European riders to compete.

As one of the most iconic tracks in the UK I had to make it. I'm really happy with how it rides and how good a replica it is although the environment could do with a bit of work, it's good enough for a first release. I've gone for a groomed track look as I love the way MXB looks when ruts start to form, no exception here, it looks a bit plain at first but once you're a few laps in, or online with a bunch of people, it ruts up quickly and both looks and rides great.

It's deep loamy sand, so it's 100% sand here. It's tough and demanding, and smaller bikes are going to have a hard time when the ruts start to build up.

One other thing. In light of people having trouble with collisions especially fences, I've decided to make nothing collideable. The other reason is that there are a lot of wooden fences here and the chance of flying over one is fairly high. I want people to have fun here not get pissed off that they're constantly having to reset on the centerline.

Hope you all enjoy!