I'm not sure if this is a blender problem as I am a total noob at this all, or whether it is some kinf of format or location problem as fbx2edf seems to not like importing certain models with textures.
I have imported others and they show in game no problems, however I have exported the models with textures as fbx files and reimported them into blender and they show textures, I then export as fbx, path mode set as copy, select embed textures but when I convert I get png invalid or non existent when using fbx2edf?.
It's probably me being silly but I have exported and reimported more times than I can count right now and I am completely lost right now and just want to be able to progress with this track.
Any help would be greatly appreciate,
I'm not sure if this is a blender problem as I am a total noob at this all, or whether it is some kinf of format or location problem as fbx2edf seems to not like importing certain models with textures.
I have imported others and they show in game no problems, however I have exported the models with textures as fbx files and reimported them into blender and they show textures, I then export as fbx, path mode set as copy, select embed textures but when I convert I get png invalid or non existent when using fbx2edf?.
It's probably me being silly but I have exported and reimported more times than I can count right now and I am completely lost right now and just want to be able to progress with this track.
Any help would be greatly appreciate,