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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

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Messages - Yashi

Bikes / [HELP] Model swaps
January 01, 2023, 01:25:50 PM
Hello everyone! And happy new year! :D
I seen a "model swap" section on the website, is this a thing now?
If i would like to convert my CR 2004 pack as model swaps for OEM bikes it is something possible?
Bikes / Re: any older 4 strokes?
December 03, 2020, 04:42:26 PM
Pay2021s bikes are prohibited here...
I can try to convert my CR250 03-06 to CRF 04-08, i have to make a new engine for it or find a free model btw.
Technically the bikes should have the engine.scl and sfx.cfg in the folder, if not i will fix in next update, meanwhile you can fix it yourself: into the Beyer's mod, take the engine.scl and sfx.cfg from a 125 2s for the 125cr, and a 250 2s files for the 250 (500 has embeded sound technically)
Paints / Re: Is there handguards for the new Honda??
November 22, 2020, 02:18:22 PM
what hondas? OEM ones? i think supermoto version has some
Bikes / Re: Twinwall Bars
November 20, 2020, 03:52:57 AM
there are some in my CR pack ^^
Thanks all!
Quote from: EdoKtm21 on November 18, 2020, 02:02:32 PMThank you, how should i rename the template to make it work?
and also, sound doesn't work

I will fix it in first post thanks, it has to be renamed Honda-cr250.tga and Honda-cr250_n.tga if normals are needed (same name for all bikes)

Quote from: 74med on November 18, 2020, 02:30:16 PMHello buddy thank you for your amazing work :)

I have no sound on your bikes :(

Someone have same problem here ?

yes the BEYER's sound pack is required for it to work! i noticed it on the mod page, but not here sorry!
Bikes / [RELEASE] 2003-2006 Honda CR fleet [OEM treated]
November 18, 2020, 12:51:33 PM
Hello everybody!
Finally here is it! The base model is the Th3 ProphetMan's 450CRF that i had in my hard disc drive from maybe 10 years  ;D

I modified this model to make a CR250 2003 and never finished the job from now on.
I also used the CR250 from PixelMonkey 3. mostly as a reference since i never success a correct export, always broken vertices...
I finally get back my hands on it and finished the model, make some variations, and convert it to MXBikes.

What's inside: Honda CR 125 MX2 and SM2, CR 250 MX1 and SM1, CR 500 AF MX3 and SM3, and two weird little things i let you discover ingame!

All bikes received the OEM treatment, so should have a clean and competitive physic, and each bike has its own physic and visual specificities! Thanks to Asdrael for his nice and helpful tutorial!
It's not 100% finished, for example about brakes and will be updated in the future. Don't hesitate to give feedbacks and your settings if you get a good braking feeling, or if you have accurate specs of the breaking systems on this bike (like pistons diameters for example).

BEYER's sound pack is required!

I hope you all will enjoy and like it!

Link: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AmFynRoK33UNhNsS8cRa9OXnBPyWvA?e=YdjYDZ
Template: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xcosjwl4sdr89na/Honda-cr250_template.rar/file
The texture should be renamed Honda-cr250.tga in order to work. (normal map name is Honda-cr250_n.tga), same name for all bikes.
The template is really bad quality, almost no wireframes... i hope you will be able to use it anyway!

-model: base by Th3 ProphetMan
-other model from PixelMonkey 3. used mainly as reference.
-500cr sound by BEYER, thanks you!

Thanks goes to:
-Th3 ProphetMan and PixelMonkey 3. for sharing their models!
-Insane and Asdrael for their respective tutorials to make things like that happen!
-Insane (again?!) Asdrael (wait... what?!) Mulock22, Beyer and all the others people from discord for all the help provided!
Bikes / Re: New bikes
November 09, 2020, 12:29:50 PM
Hello! Yes the 2003-2006 CR250R is work in progress :)
just tried it! It's nice to finally see a 500 two strokes! Will you convert it to supermoto? it can be interresting!
Hello OEM team! I would really love make some graphic kits for the 1997 CR250, but i can't find the templace, and the paints directory is empty, is it possible to have the base paint or the template please?
Keep up the good work!
Hello and thanks you so much for this update! I just love the new 1997 CR250! Do you planed to release it as a 125cc? and supermoto version?
By the way, i have another question: I wish to change the sound of the 1997 CR250, but the folder is empty! Is this normal? How do i do to change the sound?
€dit: it's ok i just found the new sound mods, thanks :)
i would love some real SuMo tracks with asphalt and dirt

my favourite tracks from MXS are:
Sandy Mines Supermoto
Hillside supermoto
Mora d'Ebre

its not 5 but 3, but they are really the 3 tracks i would love to see in MXB
Bikes / Re: Crf 150R
August 06, 2020, 06:16:26 PM
Quote from: DeRpYDrUmMeR on August 05, 2020, 07:15:25 PMDude release that cr 250 that bike is F**KING sick
I don't have skills to convert it to the game, Insane wanted to help me but he don't have time for it so the project is abandoned atm sadly. If a skilled guy on Bender want to convert it i can make the bump maps
Bikes / Re: Crf 150R
August 05, 2020, 01:06:10 PM
i started the work on it, but never get it finished, it's a CR250 btw, idk what this title is  ::)
if someone have skills to finish it just PM me, it need bumpmaps and game conversion.
Some textures bugs appears in Blender but not ingame.