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Bars turn in the wrong direction while jumping.....

Started by NorthEastMX, April 12, 2016, 07:59:27 PM

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Anyone else notice this ?  I have been logging more seat time.. and I have noticed while in flight my front wheel is turning reverse..  Its fine when the bike is on the ground..   Really a pain in the ass when trying to jump into a turn, and cheat the wheel into the right direction LOL !!


Well if you have ever jumped into a corner in real lif, you always turn the bars in the opposite direction to setup for the corner, same thing as sliding in a corner, it gets your weight setup for the corner. I've never had issues with this and prefer it as it looks much more realistic.


I have, but in slow turns its really messing me up.. lol like on maryland with little jumps before the turns.. I kinda wheelie over them, but it will jerk the front end when it drops.. Most times sending me over the bars. LOL


April 13, 2016, 12:05:46 AM #3 Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 01:30:24 AM by BadStar
I think the only time u really turn the bars in game are at very low speed, IRL you don't turn the bars after you start rolling unless your "turning around" or something. Other than that your are more or less pushing down on the the handlebar which results in what seems like turning the bars in the wrong direction. When u steer left and speed, notice how the rider animation pushes down on the bar..after u change from steer to push in your head it will all come together beautifully and u won't wreck bc of it
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What do you run your control settings at? I run my stability at 75 and my direct steering at 66, its might be your controls setup or suspension.


i run 40 stability and 100 direct lean and all moto sim games have reversed steering and makes the game more real its more about playing alot to learn how to control it
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