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February 11, 2025, 03:45:54 AM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Shift Assault Gear By GDUBMX

Started by GDUBMX, October 01, 2014, 11:01:09 AM

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October 01, 2014, 11:01:09 AM Last Edit: October 03, 2014, 10:23:21 AM by gdubmx
Here is my gear skin for MX Bikes. Shift Assault . Extract the file into your paints folder inside your rider folder. if you dont have a paints folder then create one inside of your RIDER folder lol if you dont have a rider folder then create one, then create a folder called paints inside. Or alternatively  inside your MX Bikes directory will be some PKZ file, right click rider.pkz go to properties, rename the .pkz for .rar or .zip then click ok. now the file should have changed to a zip or rar file. now extract the folder inside called RIDER to your mx bikes directory then open the RIDER folder and create paints.
This is nothing fancy its just something to spice it up a bit.

DOWNLOAD LINK >>>>>> https://www.mediafire.com/?r3dq9c63x78jjbi
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />
