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February 18, 2025, 11:23:05 PM


MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Some suggestions for Steam and beyond..

Started by GDUBMX, November 24, 2018, 11:07:10 PM

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November 24, 2018, 11:07:10 PM Last Edit: December 02, 2018, 09:55:16 AM by GDUBMX
I know we have covered this ground before but here goes...

Edit: 02/12/18

1. Steam Workshop intergration (Not absolutely deal breaking, but very very helpful to the less informed player)
2. An official Piboso/Snappe made MSM SX150 2 stroke. I think this we be bloody brilliant!
3. Full controller support. FULL support, all menues, every button, all proper UI Icons. XBOX 360,One, PS3,4 and whatever else.
4. Bulldoze deformation
5. Ironman National  8)
6. A loading animation when loading track (instead of Syncing, can we have some kind of progression bar?)
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Also to add... I'm sure this has come up before but for there to be AI's in the game. This would be totally cool! :o


Id like to add a couple of suggestions..

#1 The gearbox - I like the thought process on making shifting under load harder but this is a problem right now in the game. Sometimes pulling the clutch to shift still doesn't allow you to catch the next gear. This creates a bike limitation instead of creating a skill gap. I doubt I'm the only one that wants this to be scrapped. The old shifting was good the way it was.

#2 Tire Grip - Side to side tire grip is very unrealistically slippery. When driving in a straight line the grip is the best it has ever been in this game. But when turning and accelerating the rear end wants to do a complete 180 and I feel the way that it happens is greatly exaggerated. This is worse at lower speeds. Anyone else try to take off after a crash and ends up spinning around?