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June 04, 2024, 10:38:55 PM


MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

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Topics - Nicky838

Suggestions and wishlist / ideas
September 20, 2022, 04:20:50 AM
Me and a few friends came up with an idea that we think would be very useable and liked by the community. When we join an online server each rider has a "trailer" where we have the ability to change a different brand bike or 2 bikes, a couple sets of gear, ect. We came up with this because of the amount of time we waste having to leave a server, change something, then to go back in the server but then we have a different number, and thats only if our games dont crash as we are trying to rejoin. Please consider this, as a lot of us think it would be a very very valuable/helpful addition.

Thank you
Bug Reports / crashing
September 20, 2022, 04:16:20 AM
When beta 17 dropped I noticed that when you go from one server to another, the game crashes 80-90% of the time, or if you go from single play to race and join a server the game crashes instantly. Please fix soon
Setups / Recommendations
August 14, 2022, 05:38:35 AM
I used to play MXB a lot and at one point in time I was a faster rider, sadly I walked away at beta 15 and am just now coming back. Since I've been back I have noticed 2 things that I cant figure out how to correct no matter what I try, so I decided to reach out to the community in hopes that you guys can maybe help me figure them out. First is cornering, no matter what I do or change I cant stay in a rut and if I do stick in the rut I go down, and when I pop out of the rut I go down, any suggestions there? Second, I am consistently looping out, it doesnt matter if Im on a straight away leaning forward, coming out of a corner, or even going up the face of a jump. Does anyone have any thoughts that may help there. Thanks for your time in advance, I really do appreciate any and all help.
Support / Crashing
July 29, 2022, 09:12:51 PM
Not sure if this is common or has already been addressed but when I leave a server and enter a different one my game crashes everytime. Does anyone have any ideas on why this is happening?
Support / Bike Mismatch/ Internal error 1
July 28, 2022, 06:33:25 AM
Ive never had issues joining servers until tonight, every server I try to join I either get a bike mismatch or internal error 1. All of my mods are current, I deleted everything then reinstalled it, tried to uninstall and then install the game and its still doing it. Does anyone have any ideas on what I maybe need to do? Thank you in advance