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New 450 4-stroke sound V2.2

Started by |BEYER|, October 18, 2019, 01:29:23 PM

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October 18, 2019, 01:29:23 PM Last Edit: October 20, 2019, 01:20:56 AM by lmscl
I've made a another new 4-stroke sound for the MX1OEM 450 bikes.
The WAV files i've changed is idle, onidle, onverylow, onlow, onmidhigh and limiter. I removed the transmission sound. And changed the pitch and volume.


Updated V2.2
Turned the volume up and adjusted onmidhigh


Should probably just make 1 post that with the subject Sounds mods instead of making new posts for every sound


so, i think your 1st versoin was better.  you should slightly modify each one for each brand,check that out
listen to the hondas go past
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Modify them for each brand so they sound like different bikes? thats a good idea.
i noticed the honda's were very quiet, i can just turn the volume up in the sfx. by the way i have no experience with this, i literally started learning 2 weeks ago so will take time to get right.
thanks GDUBMX


just heard the sounds for the first time after watching gdubs video and those hondas sound great man!

Niko Mouk

Quote from: FryedroPonics on October 18, 2019, 05:34:06 PMShould probably just make 1 post that with the subject Sounds mods instead of making new posts for every sound
Owner of MyMXB and MXBikes-Shop