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June 04, 2024, 08:17:29 AM


MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

rider lean?

Started by Tra712, April 07, 2016, 07:06:03 AM

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So i just bought the game a couple days ago, haven't been playing it long but i play everyday. On my setup im using a ps4 controller all of the buttons seem to work in calibration but it seems like the l/r rider lean isn't working for me (front and back work fine), i dont know how much of a noticeable difference it is but ive noticed none, not sure if i need to go out and buy an xbox controller or something like that. Also i wanted to see about brake setups, it seems like everything i try im either just completely sideways and cant save it or im just not getting the braking i need. i feel like if this has anything to do with the rider lean l/r i wouldn't have this much trouble as for putting weight on the outside peg but not sure just a few simple questions. any help with this would be greatly appriciated


I think if auto lean left and right is turned on it will not allow you to lean until you are in the air.  Turning this off will allow you to lean anytime.  Braking can be adjusted by first using the 20mm discs(this will reduce lockups), also use the smoothing settings to slow down how quickly the rider applies and lets go of the brakes when you first grab them, and gain I believe can reduce the braking input also preventing lockups.  hope this helps


Thanks fellas I'll check it out later tonight after work


Check your rider lean l/r in 3rd person to make sure you visually see your rider lean as a "test".. its also very easy to accidentally invert the controls for rider lean l/r

I think braking over all is a wip with the beta and is getting better quickly.. I recommend 100% smooth on the front brake and some on the back but the reality is, it is a finesse things.. definitely start earlier than u think u should and ease up on it a bit.. I also notice if I'm sitting in a turn I will easily slide out (so obviously it needs a little work) but If its a berm I sit.. or as soon as I start to come out of the turn I sit and brap away.. just some thoughts.
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Some good advice thanks man, the more I play the more I get it down. Working on it slowly but surely