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[RELEASE] iNsane's PiBoSo Lock Tool

Started by iNsane, September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PM

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September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PM Last Edit: June 03, 2024, 07:06:01 PM by iNsane Reason: updated opinion regarding GUID locks
Four weeks development later and I finally can say:
Welcome to iNsane's (un)official PiBoSo Lock Tool web service! Short:

an iNsane PiBoSo service (pun)

please read
iNLock makes it possible for PiBoSo content creators to secure their mods and make them unaccessible for others.
The locked files are still usable in-game but the content can't be extracted anymore.
This is a security measure as PiBoSo's games are becoming more and more known.
Due to the easiness of accessing said content there's even more people re-using content creators' designs, data, configurations and general modifications without creditting the original authors.

We, in the MX Bikes community, lost some modders that way.
This led me to give my best to make this a thing.

I had a lot of chats with PiBoSo and tried to convince him to release the lock tool to the public, but there are also a lot reasons for him to not do, which I mostly agreed with and had full understanding.

I still wanted to do something.
And now we're here.

This project was very fun and I learned a bunch new stuff in the last weeks!

The web service makes it possible to be an easy-to-access and user friendly environment for securing your work.
The steps are easy and self-explanatory. The website offers a "?" button with a little explanation.
Nearly all PiBoSo files should be supported, but you most likely want to lock your paints (PNT) or your packed bike, track or model mod (PKZ).

!!! This is now the first "mass" test, so please bear in mind that errors and bugs may or may not happen. !!!

I hope there's people who have some use for it.
Please do not exploit the service, there's one feature missing which will never be included for public use as it could split the modding community (also another reason) and make "paid mods"a thing: the GUID Lock.
Edit 2024/06/03:
Since MXBikes-Shop.com is a thing for quite some time now, my mindset also changed partially. I still am not a fan of paid mods, but iNLock is not made to be an alternative or door opener for unregulated and wild black/grey markets. iNLock will continue to not offer GUID locking publicly due to the amount of leaked/stolen files going around where people could start selling them without being the actual owner/maker of the file/mod. I see myself being responsible for preventing exactly that.
I hope you understand.

I do all this for free and I don't want people to make money that way, this is disgusting and should never happen.
See here if you remember the time when Skyrim introduced paid mods.

Nonetheless, if you like my work and want to support me, the development and the hosting, feel free to donate via PayPal.
Every donation is greatly appreciated. ♥
If you don't want to donate and you use an adblocker, please consider deactivating it for the domain. The 1 to max. 3 ads I run on all my pages really help me.

Enough talking, start with your iNLock project here:

How To:

(no I really didn't have a better idea for the name)

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

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Update 01/10/20:
- fixed the connection timeout/error 500 when uploading big files. This should now be fixed to a more reasonable timeout setting.

Update 04/10/20:
- added a total locked files counter on the upper left, just for fun

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

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The servers' contract ran out yesterday and I have to setup a new one and migrate the tool to it.
No ETA, will try asap.


   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

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Niko Mouk

Owner of MyMXB and MXBikes-Shop

Niko Mouk

Could you please add this somewhere in the tool page so track makers can think about light versions ? https://mxb-wiki.com/server-version-of-your-track/
Owner of MyMXB and MXBikes-Shop


Link doesnt work for me, was it ever put on a new server? Sorry jw!  8)


Long time no see!
I finally managed to get iNLock SSL encrypted and I might have fixed the upload issues we had before.

You can now access the website via https://lock.mxb-mods.com

Please let me know if you still have upload issues. Since I moved I now have better administration for everything. :)

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


Quote from: iNsane on September 24, 2020, 02:49:09 PMPlease do not exploit the service, there's one feature missing which will never be included for public use as it could split the modding community (also another reason) and make "paid mods"a thing: the GUID Lock.

This is why I will always respect you. I love a man of his word


I've learned the correct international date format now, woo! (even though we all now the only right one is DD.MM.YY)
I just wanted to bump this tool/website again. Due to a security flaw on the server I was forced to take most of my stuff down that features user interaction and revise it entirely, making it more secure and efficient same time.

And today I've finally announced in my Discord that iNLock is officially back online and available to everyone again!

Click the logo above to get to the website.
If you don't know what it does, read the first post to get an overview of the whats and whys. :)


⚠️ If you find any issues or bugs while using iNLock, feel free to let me know via my Discord server. I'm barely around the forums these days.

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate