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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

Southwick 2016 (UPDATED 11-10-2016)

Started by Ruubs, October 10, 2016, 10:50:52 PM

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it´s not your fault, the camera just follows the terrain and this track is bumpy, hence the camera is bumpy.

love the track and it´s quite cool to find lines and rail berms, thanks sand!  ;D


This track is great! there are tons of line options nearly everywhere. A+
Quote from: Asdrael on October 12, 2016, 10:53:21 PM
The only issue I have is just related to the game, I still think the soil feels to "hard" even when using "sand" material. I should be more... fluffly.
I totally agree. Almost makes me wonder how a normal track would feel like with this kind of traction etc.


Thanks everyone! It really means a lot reading all these positive comments! Motivates me to make more.

Quote from: Midbeck on October 13, 2016, 02:24:40 PM
Quote from: Asdrael on October 12, 2016, 10:53:21 PM
The only issue I have is just related to the game, I still think the soil feels to "hard" even when using "sand" material. I should be more... fluffly.
I totally agree. Almost makes me wonder how a normal track would feel like with this kind of traction etc.
I have to agree as well. But I also like this for some sand tracks. We need this as a light sand traction and another heavy sand traction one.


Now that Beta 5 is out.. I will be downloading this later tonight.  I have raced this track in real life..   I would be nice to see the original layout done Pre 2004...   That was when it was in its PRIME !!


Im having a real tough time finding a setup for this track and the geotires mod to work. Everything i try results in a wheelspin on the rear out of corner and washout on the front end.

Hard to tell if the front end washout is still the result of the bug in the game or its tire/suspension related. Im leaning toward suspension as every compound i have tried so far doesnt seem to fix the issue.

Anyone having similar issues or is my setup just complete dogcrap? :D

<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Not just you mate, I ran some laps last night with geos tyres and only got one clean lap out of 5!

Mid soft worked the best for me, stock suspension so far. I think it's going to be one of those rounds where people fall a lot. I'm going for the slower but steady approach.

It could also be the track, it's damn bumpy, and sometimes hard to remember where all the lines are.


Quote from: TFC on January 17, 2017, 12:01:55 PM
clean lap out of 5!
Not enough. you can't do shit in 5 laps.
Quote from: TFC on January 17, 2017, 12:01:55 PM
It could also be the track, it's damn bumpy, and sometimes hard to remember where all the lines are.

Gdub your setup is to soft. did you check the sag ? and in the sand, it's good to have a stiffer fork than the shock. Looks at herlings bike in the sand? it's a chopper


It was really meant as '1 in 5 is clean'.. Or 20% ;D


Quote from: StoneRider on January 17, 2017, 01:43:10 PM
Quote from: TFC on January 17, 2017, 12:01:55 PM
clean lap out of 5!
Not enough. you can't do shit in 5 laps.
Quote from: TFC on January 17, 2017, 12:01:55 PM
It could also be the track, it's damn bumpy, and sometimes hard to remember where all the lines are.

Gdub your setup is to soft. did you check the sag ? and in the sand, it's good to have a stiffer fork than the shock. Looks at herlings bike in the sand? it's a chopper
what should the sag be in sand? 60mmf 110mmr?
i have an alright setting now but its still softer, can you post up a baseline setup that we could play with mate? :D
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


honestly... i'm bad in sand ^^ and i struggle to find a nice setup for rmz too. But i'll try to find something ridable for yzf i'll post it here. and for the sag, it's 70 front and 100 rear no matter the soil. You just want the front sag at 60 for supercross but for motocross it's always 70/100.
try this --> front bump 12 rebound 10   110 oil level
                  rear bump 10 rebound 8

Let me make some testing and i'll let you know

PS: in the sand, you have to change your all riding style. Stay up as soon as you can, lean back, use your riders movements (soo important) and try too always keep some gaz. It's when you cut the throttle that your front end slide away. throttle control and rider leaning are the keys IMO. And again... training, training, training, testing, training...


January 17, 2017, 02:15:41 PM #25 Last Edit: January 17, 2017, 02:24:36 PM by StoneRider
sorry for double post... what are you riding Gdub ?? YZF or RMZ ?

my setup so far for the rmz:

at the moment i'm trying to speed up both fork and shock with the rebound setting, and i'm not sure about the gearing. But i think i'm good for the rest. Bump, oil level, sag...
On the rmz, the Rear is too high so it's hard to set the right sag... but that's the best i've found so far.

good luck guys


Nice one stoney :)  rmz for the series mate.  Cheers dude,  the techniques you describe I learned the hard way hahaha I noticed you have to roll the throttle to stay upright
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Yeah I gotta agree Geo,  I run full soft with 10.2 (whatever lowest)  psi.  And yeah it's super deep lierop 08 style sand Haha  love it!  Gotta give it up to Piboso for the beta 5 work though,  I'm absolutely loving it.  Have not stopped playing since it dropped,  it baffles why some people are still saying it's like streetbike handling?  I just don't get that anymore
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


here is the best i got so far. You want your suspensions to be soft but fast to get traction but still follow the bumps well.

PS: if you don't ride a rmz250 just forget it.


XD Geo that punchline ! yeah i have to try wet sand !