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What is the best way to overcome drowsiness while driving?

Started by darcymiller, April 02, 2024, 08:01:07 AM

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The greatest strategy to overcome driving drowsiness is to emphasize safety and act quickly to counteract fatigue. Stop and snooze in a safe place. Even a 20-minute snooze boosts alertness. Drinking water or coffee or tea might boost alertness. To avoid dehydration and jitteriness, limit coffee intake. Let fresh air into the car by opening windows or activating the air conditioning. Upbeat music or podcasts can help you focus. Talk to your passenger to be alert and focused on driving. Large meals can cause sleepiness, so avoid eating heavy or oily foods before driving. Take Modalert 200 If allowed by a doctor, it can help you stay awake on long rides. Remember to use medication properly and follow dosage recommendations.