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beta6 bug list

Started by Asdrael, March 17, 2017, 11:38:17 AM

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March 17, 2017, 11:38:17 AM Last Edit: March 24, 2017, 11:20:44 PM by Asdrael
Going to try to keep a beta6 bug list updated. Feel free to contribute, document properly if possible. That means:
- description of the bug (what it is, where / how it happens)
- how to reproduce it


Gravity not affecting other players fully
- When jumping, even is all is fine for your own bike and rider, it appears that other players are not affected by gravity fully (I'd say they have half). They jump, fly high and far but with a normal trajectory. When they land on their computer (which is, for other players, still way high almost at apex), their bike warps back to the ground.
- Seen and reproduced anytime, any ping, online with everyone. Might be linked to the distance to the other player (very close is smooth, a few meters away it starts being choppy).

Stock bike mismatch
Some people have reported that with a fresh install, trying to join a stock server (no mods running), they get "bike mismatch".
Not reproducible nor predictable (?)
Afaik, Teeds had it but retrying without changing anything let him through, Mattias has it, no idea if fixed.

Bandwidth Setting
It appears the Low setting on the bandwidth parameters provides a smoother multiplayer movement. Placebo? Tried with Philian, it felt smoother with Low rather than high.

Multiplayer loading
It feels like people logging on will cause the same "loading lag" whether they log on a server with a new bike or a bike already present and loaded on the server. Multiple loading of the same model (possibly justifies why people core like hell above a certain number of players).


Setting resets
For some people, the bike setup sometime bugs out and doesn't load, giving a value of 1 everywhere.


Landing seated bug
Remnant from beta 5. When you jump higher than a meter, if you land while sitting a tad to fully on the back, you auto dismount 90% of the time. Even when landing soft as a feather.

Seen last night in SX: way too many laps run on the same track, at one point at a heavily rutted location, a spike appeared. It is similar to what you get when you change the heightmap without resetting deformation when creating a track and trying it out in game. It looks like a fez pixels of the heightmap assign themselves the maximum height value. Never seen it playing solo.

Deformation is not continuous between 2 different materials, even if the masks used overlap with a transparency gradient. The ruts stop pretty abruptly and give a wierd kick when you ride over them. Example on FTT, transition between Soft Soil and Sand (see left side):

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Setup bug
Now this could be an issue with and old setup being loaded, I'm not sure. However, occasionally when you load into game sometimes if you just press to track and go you find that your bike settings are totally messed up, 1 bump, 1 rebound, 5 1st gears? The ratios are all the same throughout each gear as if they are all 1st gear.


Now greatly improved we still notice that during replay playback online bikes sometimes ride smooth and perfect but more often still bounce about and sink into the ground etc. I'm not sure if beta 6 was supposed to be a total netcode fix or if it was a 70% fix for now type thing, I hope the latter.
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Regarding the jumping around, I have noticed when you ride close to someone they appear much smoother, when someone is 100m from you they look like they have a ping of 500..

Could just be coincidental, but I've spotted this a few times.


Thanks, updated.

Quote from: GDUBMX on March 18, 2017, 01:37:29 PM
Setup bugNow this could be an issue with and old setup being loaded, I'm not sure. However, occasionally when you load into game sometimes if you just press to track and go you find that your bike settings are totally messed up, 1 bump, 1 rebound, 5 1st gears? The ratios are all the same throughout each gear as if they are all 1st gear.

It *might* be a corrupted setup file or bike.cfg file. It sounds similar to what happens when there is a typo in the ID name in the bike.cfg file.
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Landing seated bug
Remnant from beta 5. When you jump higher than a meter, if you land while sitting a tad to fully on the back, you auto dismount 90% of the time. Even when landing soft as a feather.

Bandwidth Setting
It appears the Low setting on the bandwidth parameters provides a smoother multiplayer movement. Placebo? Tried with Philian, it felt smoother with Low rather than high.
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Quote from: geofanatec on March 19, 2017, 11:46:46 PM
^ Should I also set the servers to "low" in options for the .ini?

Maybe could make difference as well?

We were talking about it with Phil. Maybe set one of the 2 OEM on "Low" and see? (put it in server name so we know please).
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On in 10 mins if you guys are still on, I'll set my bandwidth to 'low'.


Thanks geo - tested a bit (with Philian again). Both of us with 120 or so ping.

Our reference was Client + Server HIGH.

Client LOW server HIGH seemed already better, as it provided less "horizontal warping" (less frequent + less distance).

Client LOW server LOW appears to be even better. Horizontal warping happens a bit more often but with very limited distance. Vertical warping seemed reduced as well. Although this time it was 3 people on the server only compared to 6 earlier.

In all cases, the gravity bug was present and didn't seem to be affected.
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Not 100% sure but using "low" on server/client side may affect the max number of riders you can see on track (you only see the N closest ones, N changing depending on server/client high/med/low bandwidth).
Would be better to check with PiBoSo.


since beta 6 sometimes i have super lags while playing online. my ping goes up to the moon and i dont know why. i ve this issue only in mxb.

my ping in mxs or on ps4 battlefield 1 and other games its always good to play. but in mxb its getting so high that i cant hear the people in skype while riding any more :/

and its just sometimes. so the game runs fine and then there are 3 or 4 minutes where i cant even hear anyone and then the game runs normal again for a little while.

does someone of you know what a could try to change?!


No idea Braap, sorry. Check that your MXBikes.exe is going through your firewall ok. Although regular massive ping spikes can be linked to a Trojan, so make sure your firewall, antivirus are up to date and running.

Seen last night in SX: way too many laps run on the same track, at one point at a heavily rutted location, a spike appeared. It is similar to what you get when you change the heightmap without resetting deformation when creating a track and trying it out in game. It looks like a fez pixels of the heightmap assign themselves the maximum height value. Never seen it playing solo.
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i actually had this bug earlier in solo, it was when i crashed i sat the game down for a little and it was there when i reset back to the track

Bj Slice

This is not really a bug but I just thought of posting it. The traction of the the dirt tires seems to be far less than IRL. Seems like every track is a hard-packed track that you can't go fast in corners when you have to, not even the ruts can help out. Dirt tires don't significantly impact the grip.

I am not sure if this was mentioned in a post (pretty sure it was, I just can't back-read everything) but I hope it gets better so in game, you're gonna see a smooth cornering just like IRL. In the game, when approaching a corner, you have to come to almost stop so as not lose traction and slide out your rear tire. It would probably be nice if there is a little fight for traction that your bike slides a bit but you can still ease off the throttle and regain traction like how it should be. Feels like bike sliding and upright are only separated by a very fine line.

(I apologize if this is in the wrong thread)

"Practice not until you get it right. But practice until you can never get it wrong, and make it a routine"


Luckily this is a known problem!
Piboso is still working on improving the dirt simulation.


Yeah for the tyres it's mostly at very low speed, but tbh, I don't think it's that bad anymore after getting used to it. It depends a LOT on the bike geometry, setup, your position and your smoothness on the controls but I find myself sliding way less those days. Maybe I'm slow tho :p
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