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MX Bikes beta19 available! :)

[Alpha] MXB-Mods.com

Started by iNsane, November 25, 2018, 11:35:31 PM

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November 25, 2018, 11:35:31 PM Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:57:10 PM by iNsane | WeekendWarriors


Hello community!
Today I want to present to you a new website I've just finished that much that I can say we're good to go for a first test.
I missed MXBC so much that I was forced by myself to start a new project.

MXB-Mods.com aims at being the new home for all of our user created content. Tracks, Bikes, Paints, everything at one place.
Have the best overview about new and old mods, without digging through years of pages on our forum.

(don't get me wrong, I love using the forum and discuss here! But finding (old) mods is a mess. Yes, Syncback is an option, but having the opportunity to find mods easy and fast is an important thing imo)

Register your account, and submit your stuff! The page moderation will take a look at your upload and as soon as it's checked, you will see it there!

Becoming a member of MXB-Mods.com is easy, just follow these steps:

1. Visit MXB-Mods.com

2. Create your account

3. Activate your account

4. Submit your mod

5. Wait for the confirmation


As of it's currently a very early alpha run, there are still couple bugs and limitations. I'm digging as much as I can to squish those bugs out and make the page perfect in every form.

Current known bugs/limitations:

Bug: After activating the registration, you're redirected to a weird page which is not available in any form through the frontend
Bug: Sometimes if someone has submitted a new mod and it got activated by the staff, there's the possibility that the new post ist visible under the "news" tab. It's just a matter of time because it has to be unticked then
Limitation: Sometimes the upload may fail or you're left with a blank page or a weird HTTP Error. Try uploading again or if that's still not working, tick the "The mod is bigger than 50mb or the upload won't work." box and you're able to enter a link to download the file from an external site.

That's all for now.
I hope you like the project and want to be a part of the (possibly) new home for our content.

If you have any questions, suggestions, bug reports or anything, contact me here on the forum or on discord! I'd like to listen to you :)

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


It's a great idea!
I hope that the community will be active on your site so we can have a good overview of all creations available through your site.
It will be easier than having to search the hundreds of pages of the forum!  ;D


Hey man, I wish you the best of luck with this!

I would probably recommend turning on SSL so people feel more comfortable about signing up ;)


Quote from: тғc on November 26, 2018, 08:59:14 PM
Hey man, I wish you the best of luck with this!

I would probably recommend turning on SSL so people feel more comfortable about signing up ;)


SSL is on it's way, haven't had the time right now to enable it tho, should be before tomorrow 😅
(but hey, the Forum isn't SSL'd either :D)

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


Looks neat, thanks for doing it. I don't know how it is, but a few suggestions:
- subscribe to mods so you get an email when they are updated
-  the donate links to your private paypal with your name
- you should add a permanent discord invite link
Donate to me -> feed my coffee addiction -> get more mods!
OEM bikes pack
MXBikes Discord


Quote from: Asdrael on November 26, 2018, 09:54:37 PM
Looks neat, thanks for doing it. I don't know how it is, but a few suggestions:
- subscribe to mods so you get an email when they are updated
-  the donate links to your private paypal with your name
- you should add a permanent discord invite link

Thanks for your suggestions! Appreciate it and noted them :)

And I took the donate button out for now, had it available for Logged In users only and I thought I could do a quick namechange today but paypal seems to be very slow in those cases.

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


November 28, 2018, 09:24:14 AM #6 Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:52:30 PM by iNsane | WeekendWarriors

- Changed the dates of News and Mods
-- Mods have an "Updated: *date of last change/update*"
--- While submitting Mods you're able to enter the original author if the mod is not made by yourself
-- News have the date it actually got posted

- SSL certificated (https:// is now set as default)

- Minor stuff

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


December 04, 2018, 12:22:57 PM #7 Last Edit: December 19, 2018, 01:52:41 PM by iNsane | WeekendWarriors

- Permanent Discord link under the "Links" tab (thanks As :p)

- New published mods and news will be automatically posted into the MXB Discord #mods_announcements Channel

- Added Verified User Group
-- able to submit without verification

- Profiles are now editable

- Minor stuff

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


The forum and your site could be complementary, so we post mods on both sites but mods are easier to find on your site. GVreat idea anyway  ;)



Can't we pin this thread up ? So everyone could see it


- More work on the user role "Verified"
-- Users who are known and posting good stuff will get verified by the moderation team.
-- Verified users can submit posts directly without the need to get manually published by the moderation team. We trust in you!

- Minor work on the user role "Member"

- Added the categories "Tutorials, Menu Backgrounds, Tools, Plugins" under the "OTHER" tab.

- Took more care of post editing
-- Authors can now edit their posts how it should be.
-- The featured image (thumbnail) can now be set
--- To prevent griefing, authors can only see their own uploaded images/files for further usage.

- Updated Discord posts, yaay!
-- If someone edits the own post, and published it afterwards, there will be pushed a different message to the Discord's #mod_announcement channel regarding to the updated post. This will keep things nice and actual and everyone will get informed on first hand if there's something new.
-- Only important updates, like bikes and tracks, will have an @everyone mention included, so there's a channel-wide notification for every user, also to be informed asap.

- Implemented like function
-- Motivate our authors and modders to continue working on stuff, this may help!
-- Comments can also be liked

- Minor stuff as always

   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate


so i'm not sure if i should post this here but anyway my mxb-mods is acting kinda strange since last update i would like to know if it's just me or it is a temporary problem affecting the site, sorry for my english i'm italian...


   🌐 MX Bikes Mods

   🌐 GP Bikes Mods

   💸 Feel free to donate