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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)


Started by PiBoSo, January 22, 2014, 11:09:28 PM

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February 06, 2014, 01:23:47 PM #165 Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 01:28:16 PM by al167
Quote from: Midbeck on February 06, 2014, 06:28:09 AM
Quote from: Acr21 on February 05, 2014, 11:44:11 PM
Quote from: Snappe on February 05, 2014, 11:28:41 PM
To clarify here's how things are separated (in brackets says what can be modded):

Helmet + Goggles (model & texture)
Rider kit (texture)
Gloves (texture)
Boots (texture)
Neck Brace + Body Armour (model & texture)
This is how I think it should be:

Helmet (model & texture)
Goggles (model & texture)
Rider Kit (texture)
Gloves (texture)
Boots (model & texture)
Neck Brace (model & texture)
Chest Protector (model & texture)

This way you would almost never see the same gear setup and it would make it really easy for modelers/skinners to release content. All they would need to do is release a single model and a few color textures for the model.

This is just my opinion on what would be best. I understand that it may not make the first version and that it may not ever be done.

I totaly agree with this, being able to model boots etc is a big deal if you ask me.

I also agree!


will there be rider numbers and name on jersey?
this is a huge issue in mxs as you need to skin them to your gear, so you need to download some ones custom texture to see there name on their jersey.

id like to see an editable name/number just like reflex with different fonts. or even better, an 256x256 alpha overlay that aligns over your jersey so that people can have custom numbers overlays that works with all the different skins. the overlay would be registered to only that users id.


Quote from: al167 on February 06, 2014, 01:38:06 PM
will there be rider numbers and name on jersey?
this is a huge issue in mxs as you need to skin them to your gear, so you need to download some ones custom texture to see there name on their jersey.

id like to see an editable name/number just like reflex with different fonts. or even better, an 256x256 alpha overlay that aligns over your jersey so that people can have custom numbers overlays that works with all the different skins. the overlay would be registered to only that users id.
this is an awesome idea, reflex was awesome for that. Great idea tho, would love to see this implemented. At least everyone would have the stock fonts so you would always see a name and number. Obviously front and side numberplates would feature the same thing.
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


I like the idea to create your own name and number font/image and works on all gear. That's a super sick idea

Live by the YOLO - UID #2


Quote from: al167 on February 06, 2014, 01:38:06 PM
will there be rider numbers and name on jersey?
this is a huge issue in mxs as you need to skin them to your gear, so you need to download some ones custom texture to see there name on their jersey.

id like to see an editable name/number just like reflex with different fonts. or even better, an 256x256 alpha overlay that aligns over your jersey so that people can have custom numbers overlays that works with all the different skins. the overlay would be registered to only that users id.

That would be pretty cool! :D I downloaded Reflex today (only €5 on steam!) just to make the wait of MX Bikes a bit shorter :P Reflex is a decent game, much better than I thought it would be! Terrain deformation, graphics, sound, jersey customization, number,... When you play reflex with onboard view without the HUD it's even cooler! :D

But guys, don't stress PiBoSo and Snappe with requests like serperate boots and all other small details... Ask this after the first alpha release and let them focus now on what's really necessary! ;) Basic bike model, basic rider and a track.


Quote from: Motoboss on February 06, 2014, 03:40:58 AM
Is there going to be realistic weather like in GP Bikes?
That has already been answered some days ago, but since there've been a lot of new posts you probably missed that one.
There will be a weather system just like in GP bikes.


Thanks, ya I guess i missed it..  This will be a next level addition to a mx game. :o. I cant wait to see this in game .. :)
Maybe this could be put in the F.A.Q. thread...
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February 06, 2014, 06:33:19 PM #172 Last Edit: February 06, 2014, 06:36:49 PM by showtimemx
Quote from: Dylan14 on February 06, 2014, 11:41:02 AM
So many people being little bitches on here already. Who cares what can and can't be modelled. Stop wasting the creators time with your stupid questions. Focus on how the game will play, instead of what model boots your rider in a video game is using.

You obviously haven't played mx sim or you would understand why the having the boots be a model is indeed very important.  as a skin creator do you want to make the exact same color gear 12 different times just because you have to make white thor gear with white boots, black boots, red boots, green boots, then add the different brands and also their associated color schemes.

this really comes down to the fact that when your in the menu selecting your gear you will instead of being able to select 2014 white thor gear, then going down one menu and selecting between 12 different boots, you will now have to go to the menu and try to find 2014 white thor gear with the boots you want, which usually means looking through hundreds of options.  Not only does this cause a problem with gear selection but it also makes for huge file sizes because instead of being able to make 2014 thor gear in 4 colors you now have to make that same gear in 4 colors, but also make each one with the different boot options so now you have made almost 20 different sets of gear.

made an example to try and help:

Ultimately the reason why having boots separate is then you have someone who is amazing at making boots make the best set for the community and then everyone else can focus on their gear and not how many combinations of red gear they need to do.  This will also make MX Bikes organization within the files and file sizes a lot better.  I want to choose from the gear I want and then select from 12 great textures of boots in game not 450 different boots on 450 different gear sets. 

Hope this helps I may or may not have just confused a lot of the little ones.

so to your stop being a bitch, the thing you don't understand if this isnt done from the start it will be harder to do later on and at that point everyone will have to redo their rider skins.  so if that means they have to spend extra time to get us that option, I can gladly wait so that we get a feature that makes it better for all in the long run.


I agree completely showtime. The example you have given is great but I believe they will allow us to change the skin of the boots separately so the boot color isn't the issue. If you replace the boot color option in your example with different models of boots like gaerne, fox, and alpinestars then it illustrates the issue we will run into with the way its set up currently. I think you helped clear it up a lot, thanks.


Is it really important to have a new boot model?
It's a fair amount of work for a modder to model, unwrap, texture, weight to the rig... To have a new boot that from replay cameras looks roughly the same shape as the old one.
Are there lots of boots modelers out there? Isn't it possible to achieve acceptable results with a new texture only?


Modelers like to model anything :)

We went from looking like this

To having this new model



Quote from: Snappe on February 06, 2014, 06:57:45 PM
Is it really important to have a new boot model?
It's a fair amount of work for a modder to model, unwrap, texture, weight to the rig... To have a new boot that from replay cameras looks roughly the same shape as the old one.
Are there lots of boots modelers out there? Isn't it possible to achieve acceptable results with a new texture only?

Just based off previous experience with motocross games such as Motocross Madness 2, MX vs ATV Unleashed, MX Simulator, etc the community really likes to mod everything and people will spend the time to model just about everything in great detail. It's obviously not the most important thing and I don't think its a make or break feature. It would just be a really great feature to have that kind of customization and I believe this would be the first MX game to get that right. Thanks.


Quote from: Snappe on February 06, 2014, 06:57:45 PM
Is it really important to have a new boot model?
It's a fair amount of work for a modder to model, unwrap, texture, weight to the rig... To have a new boot that from replay cameras looks roughly the same shape as the old one.
Are there lots of boots modelers out there? Isn't it possible to achieve acceptable results with a new texture only?

There is a good amount of modelers in the MX community.  One thing you will find is how important models and gear are to the community, we love our customizations and if we can model 8 different boots that the whole community will use, as opposed to every single gear creator having to pick multiple boots for his gear.  I think you will see how much better that option is.  Especially think of this in terms of multiplayer,  if we can download a solid set of different boots for the game created by someone talented like gio, attacker, etc.. etc.., everyone will have those boots when they race online.  If we use the other option the only way to see that persons boots is if you have that exact set of gear downloaded to your computer... this will usually cause the new forum topic why cant I see so and so gear, this usually ends up with some smart arse saying well if you would have went and downloaded the 400mb thor gear from so and so you would have it.

easiest way to fix this.
Here is a download for all the boots that everyone is using this year:
Download for boot pack includes all 2014 boots  download here

plus this will eliminate duplicates: many times because people want boot options they will make the same gear that someone else has made just cause they wanted different boots so like I said previously you end up with 10 people making 2014 thor gear just cause they wanted different boots.

easy way to fix this:
community makes a great set of 2014 thor gear and then puts up a link:
Download the 2014 thor gear pack that everyone will have for 2014 everyone has same gear, only now they can run with any of the boots they downloaded in the 2014 pack.

Problem solved

If you cant tell by now I love to simplify things, chaos causes confusion within the community, then comes the constant battling back and fourth, soon after you have nothing but a bunch of people causing constant problems.

Trust me when I say people in the mx community will put in the time to model and make incredible things, but first it has to be setup correctly and only the creators of the game can do that part, and I believe you guys are headed in the right direction.  From what I have seen you guys are communicating with the community pretty well, just don't forget that some of us were burned by another motocross game creator because he refused to listen to some of the suggestions that could have simplified his game immensely and saved himself a lot of trouble with community members and problems that now plague the game.


Wow Showtime you put up a passionate fight..I'm gonna need you for getting tracks in game when that topic comes around...lol
Great job explaining
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I'm Dylan22 on the mxs forum. I've been around for years. As far as I understand. In mx bikes you choose the boots seperately from your gear. So instead of releasing 10 different sets of the same gear just with different boots like we have to on sim. You just have one gear set and can change whatever colour you want the boots seperately in game.

I'd much rather see these creators work on making the game play well, instead of modelling stupid boots no one will really see anyway.