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MX Bikes beta18j available! :)

Wish List for MX Bikes

Started by Motoboss, February 06, 2014, 05:06:45 PM

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Quote from: moto28 on March 06, 2014, 09:36:38 PM
Yes i understand. But its almost of a unfair advantage that you guys have with being able to see so far beside you and such thats its really a unfair advantage for not being realistic.

Its kindof cheating in a way if you ask me BUT im not saying you guys cant its just also that with the advantage you guys already have i dont see a need to look back if you can see beside you.

Sorry if i offended anyone. just the way i see it :P
How the heck is it cheating ..1st person would have more of advantage because you can see what is coming up faster ...Thats just ridiculous..
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I agree with moto28, you 3rd person users can ALREADY see everything, even in 1st person having a look back feature will still be at disadvantage. 3rd person users are seeing what is behind them 24/7 already! I think by having a game with 3rd person and 1st person is already unfair to the people who want realism at the most possible, by using 1st person.

And how the hell is tear off's going to work with 3rd person? probably not going to be added to 3rd person. Is this another advantage?!?! I think so!! Of course this is on top of being able to see everyone and everything.
But i say screw it, If a simulator is going to have 3rd person, might as well add tear offs to the 3rd person view too, and make it muddy just like 1st person.

Having a 3rd person view is already so illogical to begin with. I understand that 3rd person is a must because of how many supporters will use it, but I dont think that the 3rd person users should get any more advantages on top of being able to see everything, this means that dem 3rd person users have to get screen fulls of roost too.

If anybody on here goes on about how its not realistic to have dirt flying on a 3rd person cam, think about this:
How logical is it to have a gopro mounted from your back fender on a 20 foot pole out the back of the bike with a screen infront of your god damn face with live footage of the gopro, so you can see ALLLL thats behind you.
Doesnt sound logical to me, how many people have you seen do this before? (ill actually give $100 paypal to the person that finds this, hold my word to it)

So MotoBoss, before you say how people in 3rd person will be "penelized" if you dont get a frikin lookback feature, take some time and think about what I said.



March 06, 2014, 10:26:03 PM #92 Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 10:28:05 PM by DD
First of all, none of us know what first and third person will be like in MXB. With that said, I'm assuming you guys are talking about MXS, again...

In MXS, 3rd and 1st person have both advantages and disadvantages to each other. Is that not obvious? If one of them was better, then everybody would use that view. But this is not the case. Many people play in first, and many play in third. Fast people and slow people.

However, that is MXS. No need for walls of text explaining your opinions when you don't have anything to base your opinion off of. And even if you were going to base it off of MXS, read what I said above.

Edit: As for the "look back" feature. Why in the hell would anybody not named Mike Alessi want that?


Tear offs in 3rd person work well in PiBoSos other games if you took the time to try them ... As far as taking the time to to think about anything you say ..I dont ...I dont find your posts credible as others do due to the fact of all the post horring you guys do ...If you think riding in third person is cheating then ride in third person and get used to it ..Simple as that ..
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Well basing evidence from GP bikes, it's not much different from MXS. Only difference I can see is the extra 1st person cam that mimics a person's eyes looking at apexes of corners. That will probably be in MXbikes as well.

Either way, it's useful to talk about another game's problems so this game can be sure to improve on anything that didn't work well.


March 06, 2014, 10:52:28 PM #95 Last Edit: March 07, 2014, 06:28:39 PM by MotoRogers499
Quote from: Motoboss on March 06, 2014, 10:32:04 PM
Tear offs in 3rd person work well in PiBoSos other games if you took the time to try them ... As far as taking the time to to think about anything you say ..I dont ...I dont find your posts credible as others do due to the fact of all the post horring you guys do ...If you think riding in third person is cheating then ride in third person and get used to it ..Simple as that ..

I have GP bikes, and I play it quite often. Do not assume, Motoboss, it just makes you look like an ass.
Also, my "post **whoring" is just me very excited about the game. I want to talk about the game, and express my likes/dislikes/interests. If this bothers you, then
Quote from: Motobossget used to it ..Simple as that ..
And judging my posts and brushing them off because of it is kinda douchey.

I never said that using 3rd person is cheating, so im guessing you are refering to someone else. I was expressing how 3rd person already has many many advantages over 3rd person, so saying its unfair that 1st person gets lookback and 3rd person doesnt is very brave.

And DD:
Quote from: DD
As for the "look back" feature. Why in the hell would anybody not named Mike Alessi want that?

Stop this! I can't quote everything you say in my sig!


Man i wish i was a moderator ...I'm the douche? I think many people here would agree you have it backwards .. i think it was said earlier please go outside and play instead of cluttering up this forum with useless crap ..So people can get some informed input about the game...PLEASE
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Quote from: Motoboss on March 06, 2014, 10:56:38 PM
Man i wish i was a moderator ...I'm the douche? I think many people here would agree you have it backwards .. i think it was said earlier please go outside and play instead of cluttering up this forum with useless crap ..So people can get some informed input about the game...PLEASE

Do you even READ my posts? Or do you just pick out what you don't like and judge me for it?


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no offence tanner (motorogers) but a motoboss has kinda nailed it,a good amount of your posts and a couple of other guys have seriously drowned these threads of late with mindless crap IMO. does anyone really give 2 shits about advantages and disadvantages about the view/lookback system?? 1st or 3rd should have the same options of lookback. after all is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to ride 1st and if 3rd is so much more of an advantage then use it.
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Thanks gdub...Thats all I was really getting at...
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March 06, 2014, 11:20:19 PM #101 Last Edit: March 06, 2014, 11:25:38 PM by MotoRogers499
Quote from: gdubmx on March 06, 2014, 11:02:47 PM
no offence tanner (motorogers) but a motoboss has kinda nailed it,a good amount of your posts and a couple of other guys have seriously drowned these threads of late with mindless crap IMO. does anyone really give 2 shits about advantages and disadvantages about the view/lookback system?? 1st or 3rd should have the same options of lookback. after all is someone holding a gun to your head forcing you to ride 1st and if 3rd is so much more of an advantage then use it.

I apologize for spamming the forums, I just need some talk about MXB to get my fill while i wait for the release. However, I stand by my opinions.

Also, I find it funny that you cleaned up and deleted some of your posts around the same time you posted this xD
(you are back to 99 posts, Jr. Member :P)
you had something like 104-107 posts correct?

Quote from: Motoboss on March 06, 2014, 10:59:07 PM
No and yes...

We are gunna 50/50 that and say maybe. This means that "maybe" you are mean for dismissing my posts

**Trying to stay on topic**:
Something this game should have is a seperate spectating lobby on a server, so big races (in the far future) could be watched without 500+ people on the server spectating or a live stream. Just a whole seperate lobby where you dont have the bike, cant race in ghost mode or anything. Just watch (and talk?) This way you could have less people to lag the server. Im just guessing that a server with 50 players, 14 of them racing and 36 of them spectating would have more lag then a seperate lobby on the server that 14 people are racing and nobody else is there with them, but instead in a lobby only enabling you to WATCH. nothing more. The server wont have to deal with so many people gooning around in a ghost mode.
This is just a thought, by no means am i supporting it. Im not good on server-know-how so idk if it would even make a difference if this was done. All I know is that in MXS people have to lock the race server so no unnecessary people get on to cause lag, im guessing its because of lag.

EDIT: Your down to 95 posts gdub! You've proved your point, dont need to clean all your off topic posts to make your meaning more clear lol


yeh your 100% right mate, reason i deleted some was most of those messages were irrelevant to the topics, they were mainly telling people to post in the right place or to stay on topic. just doing my bit for the forum rather than cramming spam down people throats. see the point i want to make is, id be following a topic in which some interesting debate is taking place, i often check back later on to find the page has skipped forward a page or 2 due to irrelevant mindless comments.. i needn't bring an example up just take a look back thru earlier pages of some of these newer threads.
<br />GDUBMX YouTube<br />


Were sorry we didn't know this was your fist time on the internet... ;) To explain this is called being a noob ...
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Quote from: Motoboss on March 07, 2014, 12:10:48 AM
Were sorry we didn't know this was your fist time on the internet... ;) To explain this is called being a noob ...

Once again, clearly you dont like me or my posts, so why reply to them. Stop posting smart ass remarks and be nice. This community is already getting judgmental and rude.